liuyang 发表于 2014-9-26 09:14


求焊工师傅推荐个内部工作吧!本人换工作没有换好、一个月就给layoff了,在这期间我考了CWB SMAW的FCAW/ MCAW,两个证、8月初也申请了red seal 考试、但是还没有审核完、现在要找份工作、我投了好多简历、还有自己也开车出去找、可是都没有结果、现在每天上火生病都一个月了、估计在找不到工作我就要牺牲到加拿大了、现在求焊工师傅帮我推荐个内部工作、我会感激万分!有偿也可!跪谢!我的电话780965 8035

al877 发表于 2014-9-26 12:33

没有这么邪呼吧。 移民到加拿大应该有思想准备, 在生存, 找工作遇到困难时要不懈努力, 而不应该自报自弃丧失信心。每个人都会有困难时期, 不断努力一定会渡过去。

liuyang 发表于 2014-9-26 13:00

al877 发表于 2014-9-26 13:33 static/image/common/back.gif
没有这么邪呼吧。 移民到加拿大应该有思想准备, 在生存, 找工作遇到困难时要不懈努力, 而不应该自报自弃 ...


al877 发表于 2014-9-26 21:23


al877 发表于 2014-9-26 21:31

如果为了生活你也可以先找个labour工先干着,比如收银,上货等。最好是part time不至于把你自己都投进去。半工半读,或一边挣钱维持,一遍找工作。爱城这种工还是比较多的。

yueli 发表于 2014-9-29 10:08

liuyang 发表于 2014-9-26 14:00 static/image/common/back.gif


liuyang 发表于 2014-9-29 20:41

yueli 发表于 2014-9-29 11:08


al877 发表于 2014-9-30 04:48

本帖最后由 al877 于 2014-9-30 05:50 编辑

liuyang 发表于 2014-9-29 21:41

你这个人还是思維停滞在大陆世俗的劳心治人劳力者治于人那一套。现象在油田里有不少是过去的IT,工程师, 教师,。。。都是为了賺钱才该行的(老外老中都有)

裁缝Shi 发表于 2014-10-2 22:14

:zhichi:{:1_158:}{:1_158:}{:1_160:}   努力向前!
我所知道的: 她虚心好学。

裁缝Shi 发表于 2014-10-2 22:19

在生存, 找工作遇到困难时要不懈努力, 而不应该自报自弃丧失信心。每个人都会有困难时期, 不断努力一定会渡过去。

Edmontonian18 发表于 2014-12-21 02:28

Anyone who knows internal opportunity, forward to her, or post it. This changes a person's and family's life. In the past 14 years, I can't remember how many jobs that I helped with newcomers found...

I know some people hesitate... Pleasehelp out...

Edmontonian18 发表于 2015-1-11 04:02

Have you found one already? No matter what happened, you should be feeling good and proud about yourself. Smile,notShanghuo......   If you shanghuo, who dare to hire you?   I am going to let a welder know that you are looking for something.   

In choosing this profession, don't judge yourself as a female, then you demand less on the job. Employers hire you, and pay you the same as other male welders, that means you have to Manping(Xi's words) to do a good job as any male welders.

Best wishes!

jzjzjzjwh 发表于 2015-5-26 23:51

你好!刚刚看到你的帖子,我也想考cwb焊工证,但苦恼不知道去哪里考,怎样考,恳请你详细的说明可以吗?另外CWB SMAW的FCAW/ MCAW这是什么证书?

爱城一粒沙子 发表于 2015-6-6 19:50

Welder by Hand

Location:        Fort McMurray
Job Code:        2002
Available:        5

Company Profile:

DCM Inc. is a construction management company managing the execution of a conglomerate of affiliated construction contractors.We are currently executing several major projects, and are continuing to expand our presence throughout Canada.

We are looking for skilled and dynamic employees to help us build a variety of competencies.

Functions and duties:

Read and interpret blueprints or welding process specifications

Operate manual or semi-automatic welding equipment to fuse metal segments using processes such as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW),shielded metal arc welding (SMAW).

Operate manual or semi-automatic flame-cutting equipment.

Operate brazing and soldering equipment.

Operate metal shaping machines such as brakes, shears and other metal straightening and bending machines.

Repair worn parts of metal products by welding on extra layers.

Skills and Particularities:

Journeyman welder or Red Seal Ticket.

CWB Certified.

B-Pressure Ticket.

Certified to weld on Carbon Steel (F3-F4), Stainless Steel (F6-F5), Chrome (Allow Steel) (F6-F4).

Able to perform Mechanized-Orbital TIG weldings.

High degree of attention required to prevent injury to self and others.

Perform heavy maintenance work involving climbing, rigging, and exposure to high pressure hydraulic and pneumatic systems in      accordance with all company safety procedures.

Ability to read and interpret documents such as safety rules, operating and maintenance instructions, and procedure manuals.   

Ability to write routine reports and correspondence.

Demonstrate practical problem solving ability. Interpret a variety of instructions furnished in written, oral, diagram, or schedule form.

Working Conditions:

Full time, day

Camp Job, Fort McMurray, AB

45.85$ straight time hourly rate

14 days on/ 7 days off, 10 hours per day

页: [1]
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