埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: dora


鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-30 01:32 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 老杨 于 2006-5-28 19:02 发表0 q8 H& l) @# ?8 w
0 r# s2 k4 D2 [- j( c' c$ a& Y
# D% Y2 r1 G5 W5 T

3 z, h: f5 S8 M( D: D' n办呀!
- r2 Y# L& H" }: u3 G% z2 O; j没人干我干
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2006-5-30 09:03 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 扁舟 于 2006-5-30 01:32 发表# x5 r) Z: S8 s
办呀!$ {* y2 l4 p3 N* o/ i3 [

5 p* y: l0 J+ {$ C- u* W; B' Q: T8 F! Q/ e
我赞成。5 U; c4 W. E9 e9 Q3 V: M
阿扁一元基督红卫兵   两人主持。* {. c" u0 l0 n" l- m1 c0 d" Y
" n% o6 k* c4 R  J+ x) Q
希望 阿扁善有善报,泡的美人归。哈哈。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-30 15:55 | 显示全部楼层
诗 篇 Psalms
0 o' n0 z& F- x# U
8 I& X; S5 v9 [% h) w$ [# B103:1    ( 大 卫 的 诗 。 ) 我 的 心 哪 , 你 要 称 颂 耶 和 华 。 凡 在 我 里 面 的 , 也 要 称 颂 他 的 圣 名 。  
1 w$ |/ Y6 t, s$ N5 c9 i103:2    我 的 心 哪 , 你 要 称 颂 耶 和 华 , 不 可 忘 记 他 的 一 切 恩 惠 。  
/ ?5 M9 {0 {  o103:3    他 赦 免 你 的 一 切 罪 孽 , 医 治 你 的 一 切 疾 病 。  ; E3 d1 Y& N& Q' K
103:4    他 救 赎 你 的 命 脱 离 死 亡 , 以 仁 爱 和 慈 悲 为 你 的 冠 冕 。  
7 T5 ?; Q& \* e' B& S& T103:5    他 用 美 物 , 使 你 所 愿 的 得 以 知 足 , 以 致 你 如 鹰 返 老 还 童 。  + Y+ E+ u1 [4 ^0 a( w5 @$ i% ]
103:6    耶 和 华 施 行 公 义 , 为 一 切 受 屈 的 人 伸 冤 。  3 r/ R1 Y) l; g$ U" s
103:7    他 使 摩 西 知 道 他 的 法 则 , 叫 以 色 列 人 晓 得 他 的 作 为 。  
* k! [) s: r* n7 G; Y) [103:8    耶 和 华 有 怜 悯 , 有 恩 典 , 不 轻 易 发 怒 , 且 有 丰 盛 的 慈 爱 。  2 W3 V& b! ]5 }7 ~: O2 E6 T* g
103:9    他 不 长 久 责 备 , 也 不 永 远 怀 怒 。  
- v( E/ @  S  V3 {* q6 J% V4 E103:10    他 没 有 按 我 们 的 罪 过 待 我 们 , 也 没 有 照 我 们 的 罪 孽 报 应 我 们 。  5 Q( a+ _- K( k) W: o
103:11    天 离 地 何 等 的 高 , 他 的 慈 爱 向 敬 畏 他 的 人 , 也 是 何 等 的 大 。  0 o9 w! n" O% I8 _% z  D
103:12    东 离 西 有 多 远 , 他 叫 我 们 的 过 犯 , 离 我 们 也 有 多 远 。  
- z; k% o2 U/ k( l103:13    父 亲 怎 样 怜 恤 他 的 儿 女 , 耶 和 华 也 怎 样 怜 恤 敬 畏 他 的 人 。  - B  f; z! Q  d! y! R- v2 e
103:14    因 为 他 知 道 我 们 的 本 体 , 思 念 我 们 不 过 是 尘 土 。  
" l* m/ _4 i7 i# D  P$ o103:15    至 于 世 人 , 他 的 年 日 如 草 一 样 。 他 发 旺 如 野 地 的 花 。  
1 M6 y6 [/ c) k+ l: v. l, D103:16    经 风 一 吹 , 便 归 无 有 。 他 的 原 处 , 也 不 再 认 识 他 。  " k) K7 c( Z4 ~
103:17    但 耶 和 华 的 慈 爱 , 归 于 敬 畏 他 的 人 , 从 亘 古 到 永 远 。 他 的 公 义 , 也 归 于 子 子 孙 孙 。  , ~+ Y/ `  n" c0 Y& k6 U
103:18    就 是 那 些 遵 守 他 的 约 , 记 念 他 的 训 词 而 遵 行 的 人 。  ( y+ e/ z2 C9 [4 V
103:19    耶 和 华 在 天 上 立 定 宝 座 。 他 的 权 柄 ( 原 文 作 国 ) 统 管 万 有 。  
5 o* L% S6 A5 f/ c) q103:20    听 从 他 命 令 成 全 他 旨 意 有 大 能 的 天 使 , 都 要 称 颂 耶 和 华 。  
( h* V5 Z, N- ?& u) A* A, Z7 j+ |103:21    你 们 作 他 的 诸 军 作 他 的 仆 役 行 他 所 喜 悦 的 , 都 要 称 颂 耶 和 华 。  
5 _& D; g+ w# T8 i103:22    你 们 一 切 被 他 造 的 , 在 他 所 治 理 的 各 处 , 都 要 称 颂 耶 和 华 。 我 的 心 哪 , 你 要 称 颂 耶 和 华 。
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2006-5-30 16:55 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
" b$ o* S% D) ~7 }3 f! ^  l有没有这么的琅琅上口。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-30 18:18 | 显示全部楼层
Unfortunately we are born into an era of freedom, but not of religion.0 t: F4 [9 q  {: @

5 [1 L1 O3 G# B' ?) m& xOnce I told a friend of mine that I was a Christian, He was so shocked at what I was saying:
; q' }0 T7 G7 y1 k" B* ]+ K4 t5 `* v: G. M8 m! A  w* U5 p
”Are you kidding???”% {! m( M( F4 d; k# s& m/ F

( {! p' Q2 W* t; l5 QI don’t blame him. Every body I know doesn’t believe I’m a Christian but yes I am. Probably I don’t act like a Christian and even not look like a Christian but who care?8 Q9 u' M3 O% X/ V3 I

" n: B7 Q8 V* j0 mI’m not pride of this fact but definitely I’m not shamed of it. Actually I never hesitate to tell that I’m a Christian.) n+ d& a3 ^4 \! E% n  M; z! j% k
; H1 |' P6 Z; t: ^
I’m a Christian, but of the kind of myself.* v5 q8 H8 ]% R5 v

4 Y/ _2 f# m9 ]I won’t persuade you come to our Church. What’s the point to ask a person to do the things he doesn’t like to??? If God pick me because he has his own reason, then God also has his own reason for not to pick you.----- We all know God is almighty, this is the basis of Christianity.9 h3 t: L- e8 S# n
5 j" \9 V. @* p1 D8 `; w" u
; h: i% o& I; K9 i5 m3 |2 a
Some people can live without God, and some people can’t live if there is no God. Some people are just in between like myself.3 Z! m) a& j, c" M1 t& b$ `

  E' b  n' g  NThose who can live without God actually do have God -- God is themselves. But it could turn out that those who can live without God become those who can’t live if there is no God.9 z& _/ G" M/ @! V4 ^2 [8 h
. _# B# V- z* n8 H: l+ [
Those who can’t live if there is no God do need God  because they themselves can’t be God of their own. In one sense they can’t be their own God because they know their weakness better than those who are God for themselves.9 M. h+ o' O5 a, F: m7 _% H
& ?: M/ D( _8 a- [& [
0 {! k9 p- u* x% ?- a2 V  R
In the perspective of Metaphysics, you are you who exist, even sometimes the existence is actually an illusion. You live as a normal you in the daytime but on the other hand you live in another form as though in a 4-dimension space just like when you are in a dream. And sometimes you just don’t know which you is more of yourself. Or in other words, you are confused with which one you should opt to be because you’re wondering which one will bring you more capabilities of free yourself completely..
2 w( j$ Y4 D' x8 c! r. m  k) |* v4 g# ]% f1 {
I believe at present the most practical and successful application of Metaphysics is the movie “The Matrix”. The real you is  such a miserable life living in such a cruel world, while your mind is living in an illusion which is so fascinating that you forget who you really are. This movie is such a good example to disclose the possibilities that our lives can exist in more than one form in the same time. It also shows you how can you be a hero in one of these existence,  as long as you can conquer your insensibility and the fear resulting from  another form of existence of more dullness and dreariness.
: `  ?+ }. d  k8 E0 s7 \0 w
* E# r  v/ _6 I  w! LI’m not a crazy fan of Metaphysics. I just borrow its concepts to articulate some intriguing part of our lives which we haven’t been familiar with.$ k5 O5 v, c9 L3 T! F

4 h4 H! c1 v! ?" c7 yOne truth is that nobody is perfect  except  God . But  everybody wants to give up anything for the ultimate perfection. This is the instinct of human nature.
' ]. N. |8 L2 V* d3 j4 S( l/ c% C1 [% a
I believe that we do have two forms of existence. One is of physical which will perish when we die,  while another is of spirituality which can elevate your soul to a point close to God where it allows you to appreciate the splendidness, although not the perfection that your life can carry out . That is the ultimate goal of each single person . Every Saint has struggled to reach this height at the price of his physical life . This struggle will be passed on from generations to generations, forever and ever. In this sense this spiritual part of your life is of eternality.
  E# _7 Q1 e0 N7 A, R: z" O# ], G5 i" H& H" f

8 B: r% b' B6 D, R& a; OChristianity is to waken this part of your life which is higher than your life you normally know about. While we can’t choose to leave behind this cruel world, Christianity can bring you the comforts which give you the reason to deal with the dullness and dreariness of your daily life.
  e9 H) e$ f, Q" o2 c# G  J" A) R! {6 B1 U, B2 E9 ^
Otherwise our intelligence and rationality will be a deception, at least to myself.. c/ A" ]( }) l# a! A% E0 U

& I3 i7 f' e2 e) a% u" r/ X[ 本帖最后由 hehehe 于 2006-5-30 18:23 编辑 ]
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2006-5-30 19:01 | 显示全部楼层
It is fine with me if you want to confine yourself in your little world of fantasy. It is fine too if you truely believe that you will be in your little outside world as so called heaven or hell after you pass away. Please keep this to your little commune.5 e+ j7 P* |9 Q$ U. i7 z( ~! @5 _
Do respect other normal people  please. The hell is set set up solely to scare it's follower or sheep, should I say, like YOU PEOPLE. Don't try to enclose us normal people in the same circus and tell us to go to hell.
/ ]1 v4 `3 O3 DRemember, the hell or heaven  is for you guys NOT US.
( B6 m# D' I9 Q5 k, G" QPlease preach this bull-shit of going to hell in church. If we happen to go to church, then we might just spare little time with you, but not here.9 t7 i  \6 }! i0 a0 b  p0 W
4 M5 G' z6 L+ f7 s
Saving you the  trouble of pick my brian, I do believe only BAD people go to hell  if there is a place called hell. Let's wish ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-31 10:07 | 显示全部楼层
Take this as my final advices, like it or not. Honestly, it’s such a annoying job for me to give somebody this type of basic education which anybody is supposed to learn from his mama for how to live in a modern society.
* Z/ ^% q% v4 h* }4 N% K0 ]6 ^" j; n4 r
1. I don’t know you, sir. I didn’t write for you to read. It’s fine to me if you want to argue. But you don’t have to be so rude.: S' |/ N  M) p# t; R1 @# S, {  j2 D7 S

' n6 S0 y/ d) L, {" `% p2. I could be really really bad if I elect to be rude—I have sinned all my life who cares to sin for one more time, considering that I have never been a good Christian. But still I decided not to, for the sake of proper manner. I learned this most from my education and history of human civilization, not from Bible. I’m glad people in this town have agreed that we have zero tolerance toward “hockey hooliganism”.  For the same reason people in this town will agree that we have zero tolerance toward “BBS hooliganism”.  You can grab any kid of 5-year-old in the street and he will tell you what he learned from his mama that “ if you can’t talk nicely, then don’t talk at all!!” You probably can get by acting like this when in you own house if you mama doesn’t mind it, but not here, sir.2 o! [( @9 t7 a& b" z; x/ X& P
1 e: G# X: K, n  T  v: D
From my personal experiences, rudeness shows ignorance or insanity, never reasonableness.
; f. K) A/ |/ l) @3 x
- j/ [1 T% w, q( o6 f) G  h3. We happen to be in a country where at least 70% of people believe in God. Christianity is the cornerstone of this country. It has filtrated into every aspect of life and become part of it. It’s almost impossible to understand this country if you don’t understand Christianity. People don’t talk about it only in church, people also talk about it in the occasion of constitution, legislation, police-making, law enforcement, racial discrimination, disaster relieving , or even blood donation. I don’t think it’s not appropriate talking about it here. Again, I didn’t write for you to read, sir. And you can elect not to read.
6 _0 z. S6 E  p2 k! @$ P$ ^7 `
; S! n% Y; e+ s% {4 T4 M5 ^5 G( z4. For a religion to be religion, it’s necessary for it not to be just about the Hell and the Heave, but it’s necessary for it to be about salvation—this is true to almost every religion.
3 t% P+ m! n( z) I) ?! gEverybody dies.  v7 F" `4 t9 C2 t
People die every day.- f* P& G# B  U
But people don’t always die from aging or illness. People die from murdering, killing, starving, poverty, unfairness, alcoholism, drug problem, suicide. Some people who are not as lucky as you need salvation. I don’t expect  they will  get any this salvation from you, sir. But some of them do get it from Christianity.
# X* T( j8 k  V* D* `3 G$ k5 ~5 H2 S9 j$ X3 l/ b+ O
For the sake of fairness I have to clarify one thing: it is our discipline not tell who are going to the Hell and who are going to the Heaven Only God has the right to make this judgement and people never can be  God.
- ?* C7 C' P8 T0 T4 t, k6 ~# E1 p$ r" b% k# x$ @
Maybe you have your own reason, sir. But I can guarantee that if you heard someone told you that you were going to the Hell, chances are he was a fake Christian or he wasn’t at all.
6 ?' C. D6 I* D; p+ B9 t" p# U7 h5 i! n! j6 {! ~" V+ d/ \
5.Christianity has never been of fantasy like Utopia. On the contrary, Christianity is of love, hope, solidness, action and power. It was the ultimate comforts for the people in Nazi’s death-camp to have strength to survive everyday. It was the ultimate motivation to win a war like WWII. It was also the ultimate inspiration to create the countries like Canada and the United States. Today North American is the only promising land which attract the people from other corners of world to come for a better life, sometimes even at the price of their lives. All of this originate from Christianity.
* g: Y5 ^1 X5 I
) P8 q$ R+ J6 s: }+ Q+ q3 Q6. I have never thought about that Christians are any better than or any superior to non-Christians. For the same reason don’t assume non-Christians always outsmart Christians. 3 M# f5 H' E" s% V9 A, P& L3 |
! `# j/ y7 F4 O; E! F! r
Please don’t insult our intelligence, sir.
* _) H& c! M$ l, b; W9 _  l: l" l) C
It just doesn’t make sense to me when some people say they hate Japanese but in the mean time drive a car that was made by Japan.& y  f1 d0 z! ?- f' o7 f
For the same reason  It doesn’t make sense either when some people say they hate Christian but in the mean time enjoy himself in a country that was built by Christianity.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-31 10:44 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hehehe 于 2006-5-31 10:07 发表
& {: B- a8 U6 z0 e6 H7 e: zIt doesn’t make sense either when some people say they hate Christian but in the mean time enjoy himself in a country that was built by Christianity.
9 w; D) S. U6 P
, C' }& H2 H) v, L6 o
Well we all know what that was all about, when this country was built upon Christianity, I see land stripped (or stolen to be exact?) away from the Natives, I see whole Indian tribe massacred because it was too "evil" to be converted to Christian? (or shall I say failed to convert?). : r  `# k# R2 U$ H( r$ y
# X3 i$ o0 o. L+ |
I enjoy living in Canada not because of how many churches it has but its multi-cultural society and the freedom you can breathe anywhere in the air.
% n, t' S8 d7 F5 U1 p' c$ n, V8 |; U
PS, I don't hate Christian, I do believe there is a super-power somewhere in the universe, should he be the God, or the Buddah? Maybe, or maybe both.
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-31 11:18 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-31 11:44 | 显示全部楼层
beng beng beng
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-31 11:46 | 显示全部楼层
"If you are reproached in the name of Christ , you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you."
7 J' |0 x5 `! T9 N7 b. F6 [we believe , so we speack. to be a Christian,it is our best choose in our life.
  W4 G$ ?: p, x# o" p$ cGod gives men free will to choose. ' l% ]7 q: V4 L1 l# Z: t- C9 g! }' O
say again,Lord is faithful.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-31 11:47 | 显示全部楼层
蛇王同志,, 你这么做太不对了.. 怎能够这么粗鲁地对待兄弟姐妹们呢,, 纵然他们糊里糊涂你也不可以这么做啊.. 这样吧,, 你奉献一百万加元给我,, 我免去你每周祈祷,, 也允许你继续搞对象,, 并且保证你可以选择上天堂或下地狱.. 怎么样,, 不错吧/? 你信balu教吧
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-31 13:42 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 hehehe 于 2006-5-31 10:07 发表
8 [, [! Z0 ]9 }Take this as my final advices, like it or not. Honestly, it’s such a annoying job for me to give somebody this type of basic education which anybody is supposed to learn from his mama for how to l ...

0 b0 B+ `; H- p& C4 ]; [: J
5 |% u7 ?) a+ I: l+ I8 RHi hehehe,6 ?! Z" T& l& s- }

6 Q1 S7 ^2 f" r3 a* }thank you, brother in Christ. But I think we don't have to listen and be angry on some mean talkings. We can just ignore those. God didn't tell Adam and Eve to fight or argue with the Snake, he only tells them to follow God's words. So if Eve and Adam just ignored the words from the Snake, they might not commit the sins.
1 T/ M( ^4 y4 y% x
9 A1 ?# C; e( h1 ~; bMay God bless you,
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-31 14:16 | 显示全部楼层
哈哈,, 蛇王,, 你完蛋啦,, 人家玩小蛇头,, 不理你这个大蛇头啦
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2006-5-31 17:09 | 显示全部楼层
That's okay. I would love to share the joy with them.
/ l% Y0 w) @4 S) gMy little angel called upon me this morning and whispered softely behind my ear " kk snake, be nice, don't tease Dora any more."' b+ s$ P- v) ~" S# [, d4 w7 w1 k
& _$ R  u$ V/ T
Alright, I will hold my silent after I shed you some light... Oop, be humble.
, W3 A) V& ?% D6 K! W) ZSee what I mean, Christen love to take credit for all the good things.
5 [0 u9 A: h5 o9 HDid Christen really build America? No,..after they losed their ground in middle east,then Europe. Then it is easy for them to beat up the natives and take over america. We all build the good life together, hard working Chinese, Italian, Jews.... you name it,but not christian ALONE.5 z. \7 a  l) @- [7 E' j

3 _2 ~% e; r7 \0 u$ `% PBig brother Popy Johnny Paul did not come back to tell us how the heaven looks like. Oop, he is Catholic not OUR christen. The great crusade James S. was caught screwing a hooker in his car. Oh, no the Devil made him do that. Jim Jones led his followers to kill themself, oop, he was not a true christen. And so on and on. 80% true christen?? haha.
7 d, V9 e# u. W3 b+ N* }& |* R
7 ?4 Y! o- ]4 b5 @. SOne time, I asked my friend that goes to church every sunday. "do you believe in christ?"   "Yes, I do."    A8 `  n& B, ~
"Do you believe you will not be  going to hell?"   "I hope not, that is why I believe in god, JUST IN CASE."  True enough, the fellow is scared into believing.
9 R9 r) K! e# M, e' M
: ?5 ?9 {( k3 MBrother hehe is right on the wording that the judgement day will decide who will be going to hell, but not you or me. Let's shut up and wait for that day to come.
+ f2 r6 K% P' Z! ?" U" x8 P+ I- U. X/ k3 ^) A
My co-worker told me one day " you know what?.. the ending of the bible hinds that a big monster will come from hell. It will send fire everywhere and all those non-believers will be burnt alive. Christ will be here to give the last judgement." Then he utter quietly," you know what that big monster is..........CHINA., hope Mr. Bush will destroy it."
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-31 17:35 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kingsnake 于 2006-5-31 17:09 发表  r. t5 R7 S2 K! I5 X
hat's okay. I would love to share the joy with them.8 _& @3 N: [. ~
My little angel called upon me this morning and whispered softely behind my ear " kk snake, be nice, don't tease Dora any more."& f2 s8 S# r, l7 C8 I& m2 t6 u
' C8 A0 D; T6 v) s1 R) U
Alright, I will hold my silent after I shed you some light... Oop, be humble.8 e/ t+ @) r. b3 r& B' O! g8 J6 G
See what I mean, Christen love to take credit for all the good things.
; ~8 C6 ?; o# l9 yDid Christen really build America? No,..after they losed their ground in middle east,then Europe. Then it is easy for them to beat up the natives and take over america. We all build the good life together, hard working Chinese, Italian, Jews.... you name it,but not christian ALONE.9 s; e1 V1 H: G5 c7 V: v* o

% b: X6 B/ F6 ^  ]7 N, l. |8 h% q2 RBig brother Popy Johnny Paul did not come back to tell us how the heaven looks like. Oop, he is Catholic not OUR christen. The great crusade James S. was caught screwing a hooker in his car. Oh, no the Devil made him do that. Jim Jones led his followers to kill themself, oop, he was not a true christen. And so on and on. 80% true christen?? haha.
- g! O6 ]+ G4 s9 x$ q
- e! o7 u% C1 ~/ g, J+ ~+ {One time, I asked my friend that goes to church every sunday. "do you believe in christ?"   "Yes, I do."  
0 x. B" E5 m; d/ ^"Do you believe you will not be  going to hell?"   "I hope not, that is why I believe in god, JUST IN CASE."  True enough, the fellow is scared into believing.6 R/ ^" a# Q9 }8 f! M$ C

8 e3 [, a+ W' E, |  XBrother hehe is right on the wording that the judgement day will decide who will be going to hell, but not you or me. Let's shut up and wait for that day to come.
- A  D# H9 `$ s6 Z/ M" Y

0 L0 G3 j5 J. S( O1 WVery well said!
8 ?$ W" _/ F) w( Q; s; m, W, y/ s0 S
the ending of the bible hinds that a big monster will come from hell. It will send fire everywhere and all those non-believers will be burnt alive.
- I' D3 L  e5 t0 o- z. Z

6 _- l, B( Z7 o: }; ?$ QAs a non-Christ-believer, I am not scared of judgement day. I just don't care about it completely, if I had time worrying about judgement day all day, I'd rather set up my BBQ sit in the shade and drink cold beer in my backyard.
  i! W. q4 d  r0 ~  V0 a5 t4 O7 C8 G0 R8 B$ c' m" Q
We will be burnt alive?
: b. q) n. ^/ @# g6 j5 A3 {: g& a3 J) t0 M8 ^* j" ?% t
I am fire proof!
/ w, m) |' e- S5 ]) v8 p. d                          --- quote from Hellboy
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-31 19:25 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
& A2 h0 o" w' a3 j
/ J) _0 e2 I3 p8 y+ w如果说心里犯罪也一样是犯罪,那么一念天堂一念地狱也是说得通的啰。现在既然已经有人在地狱中,这个话题就先结束吧。可恨的是这个大长虫倒好像突然间进了天堂。! J2 u  B* x2 J* m
  \  S8 v5 v4 s; Y% A$ G! n
  p# w4 g" ^+ {& @) a. d) \9 E3 j0 v3 X' [0 L/ h
”今天多谢指教。我又对世界有了新的认识。我提到的犹太教RABBI和哲学家是Abraham Joshua Heschel,中文译为赫舍尔,他说过:“一旦自负之心被打消,一旦一切争论趋于平静,世界就要开口说话。”而释迦牟尼在《华严经》中说:“一切众生,皆具如来智慧德相;但因妄想执着, 不能证得。”何其相似乃尔!由今天同你谈的,联想到其他宗教想必也有类似说法吧。可见万法归一,世界大同并非不可实现,信矣。“* k. s4 K& T6 A

/ a7 v6 |7 Q, U8 K4 u: v- k4 a/ o我在DOWNTOWN的图书馆里已经找到了这本书,当然只能是英文版的,我会好好读懂的,以后有机会,再向各位指教,多谢。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-31 20:16 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 见贤思齐 于 2006-5-31 19:25 发表
! Z8 o" O. n7 x- L2 N, g- s我开始佩服这个大长虫了。; u/ C0 v/ A# R$ C. x4 m- T  T

+ T. v" F7 W( J. u) r: p  K  Z: W如果说心里犯罪也一样是犯罪,那么一念天堂一念地狱也是说得通的啰。现在既然已经有人在地狱中,这个话题就先结束吧。可恨的是这个大长虫倒好像突然间进了天堂。
& R/ J' E0 \) c( g6 b7 P8 R3 o3 W- M$ N3 a( \6 M- e
我曾在回复我在前 ...
' |% }) G! W  J

& e4 J% B1 [5 B: `为什么不读读圣经呢? "知己知彼, 百战不殆"
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2006-5-31 20:35 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 dora 于 2006-5-31 20:16 发表5 h  F0 o1 o) x; n5 y# G
为什么不读读圣经呢? "知己知彼, 百战不殆"
( t! h, @9 L. Z6 R7 q9 y

" X9 Q' A3 L# V9 `& ?0 Z; x為什麽不做做愛呢?“知外知内,百戰不累“2 w! D) O. K, e5 n
" a% o& u( e7 F3 B$ t% g  j
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2006-5-31 20:43 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kingsnake 于 2006-5-31 20:35 发表1 S4 Y! z- j  h( h. a: a
& Q$ i2 S: d9 t. {: q/ I是我教阿蕩阿猾做的。然后做了小小人。
' e2 l, M5 t# |3 S, i6 x, i
- Z" n; x+ T  y: d' e+ [! X' \4 _
慘。明天一定又要給我的小天使罵我了。4 r+ K! x. D8 ~1 S& K! X7 k
不過我愛聼她的聲音。   哈哈。
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-6-1 00:07 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 dora 于 2006-5-31 20:16 发表
; s7 d1 M: _: N- K; K% m+ y
  f! J. Q+ }( K+ U( U+ ]. a0 z3 P+ l; U1 g; w+ |: @
为什么不读读圣经呢? "知己知彼, 百战不殆"

# f0 z6 r3 _( F8 x* b8 m1 @
2 \5 a; C1 R& [3 g1 O" v这两句您可都错了。! n  C5 {# P* W
7 q' `0 s: a1 F5 l8 }' s
; `- x6 e# v9 {. V$ [第二,说起“殆”字,我想到的不是“百战不殆",而是”学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”   n# Z: q  }- {# X' r- u
* w# v/ @4 @5 n8 |4 f
我想人的精神和肉体一样是吃五谷杂粮长大的,也难免吃到假冒伪劣而生病,小病休息几天就可以好了,而大病就需要苦口的良药甚至于血腥的手术了。也正像人的肉体一样,不会有很多人可以忍受关羽刮骨疗毒那样的痛苦的,使用麻醉剂当然是必要的而且也绝对是一项善举。以我有限的知识看来,似乎每一种宗教都或多或少有一定的麻醉作用,然而,真正治病的不是麻醉剂啊。而麻醉剂用的时间太长或过量副作用就表现出来了,记忆力下降或丧失,甚至产生对于麻醉剂的依赖。在哲学史上,对“异化”的定义很多,其中就有宗教对于人类自由精神的束缚从而导致“人将不人”的一种说法。" Z1 W' U+ j1 J# y) U
& ~: Z6 g# e( i5 Q$ J
我对世界上任何宗教都没有敌对情绪,您从我以前的帖子中也看得出来。可能是我在读圣经前对其他书籍已经有一定的阅读量,我确实只是觉得圣经有的只是不同的词汇而并没有什么新的概念。我参加讨论也是希望了解的更多。我承认我是比从前还要失望的。同时我也发现,宗教的传播是需要有丰富的知识,清晰的思路而且怕是也需要有点人格魅力的,否则反倒让人们对宗教丧失信心,这岂非罪过。; \' v- F: m0 x/ g) q

" c6 s. Z2 J6 b6 \3 P不过这场讨论中我也从脑力激荡中获得了乐趣,做为感谢我把自己的失望之处告诉您,也许以后您们在传播福音的时候用得着。" b) N& V4 e( K

& y2 l! s8 R2 h. \+ r7 R: H1 I2 e第一,该出手时不出手。脏话甚至在表面上都不是有利于贵教的,此时却无一人出来护教;% w6 F; p* H" T8 K

- s& J3 c; w& `* i" y$ p第二,信口开河,会让人认为贵教依靠谎言说服别人,这句“对圣经的相信不在于读的是非现代汉语的版本. 孔子在世的时候就已经很有影响.” 实在是太严重的错误,还“已经很有影响”?;" J6 p" _0 o3 i5 Y4 A/ H( l7 \1 K

% F- ]- ?& c4 j, b% d0 x2 K第三,思路不清,逻辑有点乱,对网友问题置之不理,光顾自说自话,这怎么能传教给人呢。举几个例子:
9 M; K3 ?/ V# O6 M% J) U1。 2搂说“父母的真爱,和。。有关系吗?”,没人回答,光顾引用陈述句的圣经圣歌,论点不清,论据更无;
, z/ h9 A# }8 R- [- O2。 17搂说基督教和轮子没有区别,没人回答到底有无区别而区别何在;. {1 B! d# s; G' g; g' Z, `$ l0 N
3. 26楼说:“有很多不被常人理解的宣教士是单独依靠神的. 他们中的很多也因此献出了自己的宝贵的生命. ”26楼原意大概是赞美宣教士的,可用这样的因果关系?因为只依靠神所以才献出了生命?
0 T. ^  Z7 P- j6 o9 G5 [4。 26楼说:”但是蜘蛛侠又怎样呢? 他能随时随地都同时安慰帮助很多人吗? “ 那超人可以让时光倒流哇,那牙齿仙女照顾了每个小朋友的牙齿哇,那太阳公公能普照大地呀;”古代的项羽是大英雄, 但是他自己最后却要自刎, 他能救虞姬吗? 假设虞姬没有死,, 谁又能保护她呢? 谁又能安慰她的心呢?“ 胜败乃兵家常事,要说刘邦保护了吕稚安慰了吕稚也没什么意思;4 {- e  D6 _; O7 p- W1 d+ U
5. 27楼又有问题”如果说人类无法解释宇宙的来源,寄托于上帝创造,那么欧很好奇上帝是哪里来的,上帝是上帝的父亲养的吗,那上帝的父亲是哪里来的。。。?那么上帝居住的地方是谁造的?“ 结果同样是没有回答,33楼则又开始引用了;9 Q; r% M. `& F' b& ]$ {' K
6.37楼说:”We happen to be in a country where at least 70% of people believe in God. “这句话跟这个话题没什么关系。不光我们是碰巧,另外,正像克里在竞选中所说的”I will be a president who happens to be a catholic, not a catholic president.",加拿大是一个刚巧基督徒占70%人口的国家而不是一个基督徒国家。我这么说是有根据的,91年的人口调查显示83.3%的人口是基督徒,01年是77.1%,基督徒人口比例是一直在下降的。再者,“People don’t talk about it only in church, people also talk about it in the occasion of constitution, legislation, police-making, law enforcement, racial discrimination, disaster relieving , or even blood donation. ” 并非如此。本来不想说的,为了让大家真的对这个国家有个认识,我来说一说我的一点事实,只提跟基督徒有关的组织。我给救世军捐过3次款,给BEAUTIFUL GATE捐过2次款,每2个月献一次血,有一个通过WORLD VISION救助的孩子按月从信用卡拨钱,从来没有听到任何人借此谈论上帝。我的老板是天主教徒,我的另一个天主教同事曾经从我们单位辞职去非洲呆了半年帮助艾滋病孩子,但他们从来没有跟我们谈过上帝。宗教歧视和种族歧视,年龄歧视一样可鄙,这就不用说了吧;
3 {1 x' i, U! m9 v  X: ^* }2 z! I) X7 T4 t/ \
第四,假设别人有敌意,对别人的优点视而不见。53楼SNAKE写了那么多,只有最后一句有过分,但似乎只有最后这一句被看见了;, P# @6 ~; i- m! r& k, e- @: x- O

: E( Q2 [4 r/ Z* y0 S第五,无根据的假设别人都不快乐,莫名其妙。
" D  u2 ?4 A# d/ P/ ]- u" F
" P7 L/ d# W1 S先说到这里,我想闭关读书一段时间,有机会再向您请教吧。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-1 12:05 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 见贤思齐 于 2006-6-1 00:07 发表0 h: Z1 ~0 L4 i, J+ w: C
- D2 R/ Q% z' W7 [, A0 ]
4 L0 I  ~" ?( g9 A+ \
) p* c5 ~% k/ @% V( U4 v6 Y
0 z: e$ _' z5 Y% q第一,我已读过圣经;: N: I8 T9 O6 A. n  G
第二,说起“殆”字,我想到的不是“百战不殆",而是”学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。” + |$ `) {- h$ n$ b: p
1 a* F8 K4 H4 y0 u* V1 F
我想人的精神和肉体一样是吃五谷杂粮长大的,也难免吃到假冒伪 ...
! i+ b; r$ q) [& O5 x; |
! W: D1 V/ @! J4 i+ F( p/ H

; K+ G! n/ r1 X1 ]9 {对不起, 我不知你已仔细读过圣经. 也许每个人的感受是不同的. 我最初读圣经的时候, 就被他的话所震惊. 象歌 林 多 前 书/ m( G" m: e% p8 W7 P. f$ @+ N
; e; t, m6 K+ D$ j# O' D
13:4    爱 是 恒 久 忍 耐 , 又 有 恩 慈 。 爱 是 不 嫉 妒 。 爱 是 不 自 夸 。 不 张 狂 。  , @' C7 R- U; w) E: S
13:5    不 作 害 羞 的 事 。 不 求 自 己 的 益 处 。 不 轻 易 发 怒 。 不 计 算 人 的 恶 。  " x- ?! b2 @3 M- T
13:6    不 喜 欢 不 义 。 只 喜 欢 真 理 。  # n- j7 M0 y1 A" I
13:7    凡 事 包 容 。 凡 事 相 信 。 凡 事 盼 望 。 凡 事 忍 耐 。  
$ [* |' Q# T% _- T% W# U13:8    爱 是 永 不 止 息 。& ?( m- Y+ H7 j; N* v- q; o, w

+ v+ l4 ~  d4 G- _1 b我在这论坛发帖是因为我想告诉人我为什么信主, 以及我对圣经的理解. 我愿意与人讨论, 但是不想争论. 善意的讨论我欢迎, 但是如果有人讲不干净的话, 我不会去看, 更不会去仔细分辨哪句是好话, 哪句是坏话. 我并不指望有人看了这论坛的帖就信了主. 只是希望有人以后在需要的时候会想起有这样一位真神他(她)可以去求助的. % r/ o$ K; r) I% h" d

7 R$ u# S- S3 f  p人们对我讲不好听的话, 我可以忽略. 但是如果说对神不敬的话, 我已经在另一论坛告诫过他们, 而且神说: "伸冤在我, 我必报应."
' ?/ a' J9 }# `% r6 D) r/ }
" S7 x/ w2 N$ Y2 O我选择回应, 也是因为我自己也是才信主几年的, 对圣经的理解是很有限的, 但这不妨碍我信靠主. 相反, 经历的越多, 读经读的越多, 越觉得神的伟大. 因为神说, 只要我们认罪悔过, 相信主, 我们就成了一个新的人, 他还会让圣灵来住在我们的心里, 帮助我们. 神也反对我们拜偶像. 歌 林 多 前 书 " 13:8 先 知 讲 道 之 能 , 终 必 归 于 无 有 。 说 方 言 之 能 , 终 必 停 止 , 知 识 也 终 必 归 于 无 有 。  
- Y0 X, x7 B4 z9 Y! f13:9    我 们 现 在 所 知 道 的 有 限 , 先 知 所 讲 的 也 有 限 。  , q0 K* l6 P% {4 H7 w% W; Y) h
13:10    等 那 完 全 的 来 到 , 这 有 限 的 必 归 于 无 有 了 。  
1 Z( r& B! h# m7 h- u3 O+ \- E13:11    我 作 孩 子 的 时 候 , 话 语 像 孩 子 , 心 思 像 孩 子 , 意 念 像 孩 子 。 既 成 了 人 , 就 把 孩 子 的 事 丢 弃 了 。  
  m* w/ J8 c& X; C: s( c4 Y13:12    我 们 如 今 仿 佛 对 着 镜 子 观 看 , 模 糊 不 清 ( 模 糊 不 清 原 文 作 如 同 猜 谜 ) 。 到 那 时 , 就 要 面 对 面 了 。 我 如 今 所 知 道 的 有 限 。 到 那 时 就 全 知 道 , 如 同 主 知 道 我 一 样 。  ; U0 s9 K* S( O6 A
13:13    如 今 常 存 的 有 信 , 有 望 , 有 爱 , 这 三 样 , 其 中 最 大 的 是 爱 。 "' C$ C! p: G5 G" ^+ @9 n4 q
6 g) m6 c8 A. @8 C+ b" @  f# I! @0 ?
[ 本帖最后由 dora 于 2006-6-1 12:30 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-6-1 12:58 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
这更证明了小心眼.. 客观上说,,没有实施的行为不算犯罪,, 这里就连说都看作罪,, 还要受报应呢../ o5 C; n/ E/ l' Z( w& V

6 A( _# B* Y! d而且除了会抄作业,, 没什么把式了
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-6-1 13:31 | 显示全部楼层
没想到争论得这么热烈, 以为宗教是纯粹个人化的感受和需求, 哪能有对错好坏之分. 我这儿正是夜半时分, 只能简单掺和几句.& {  C+ q/ J1 E5 M
7 e. H6 c0 I; w% L$ Q
首先, 我对宗教知之甚浅, 没有什么发言权. 而且也无足够耐心和时间细读每一回帖和观点. 甚至从未有耐心打开圣经细读, 虽然家里的书柜有一本传教士朋友所赠. 充其量也就读过少年版的圣经故事. 因为在我心目中是将之归为故事的, 一种美好的善良的天籁般的故事. 故原本不想参与讨论.$ q; A4 v$ l: P! I

/ v- _% n4 d$ Y# w6 P1 Y9 s' v其次, 我个人不信上帝的存在, 但我尊敬基督徒的个人感受和善意付出, 也便先入为主地对基督徒怀有好感和善念.   对于宗教, 我是从来没有膜拜唯有敬畏. 无论是基督教, 佛教抑或道教. 也想当然地以为, 如果宗教的作用, 能集中一个人或社会涣散的人生目标, 能缓解和调整来自现实生活和社会的种种心理压力, 能约束个体的某些行为, 便足够了.
1 t5 o. {/ a" }' m! V2 ~# O/ I  p) X0 F* t8 ^& Z7 b# ?  ?
因而,  以为实在没必要如此认真去统一思想评判他人. 保留看法, 各自去选择去体验好了. 人是思维如此复杂多样的生物, 也许保持多样性才更有生存力.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-1 13:59 | 显示全部楼层
"我选择回应" 是说我有选择的回帖,
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2006-6-1 17:00 | 显示全部楼层
/ D* ~& a, z  F: l7 r- `2 s我一向相信美好人生。善恶分明,有奖有罚的游戏。
6 s# H3 i6 S, k1 M1 P
0 U- G6 S& I( s5 P4 P- Z  W& q初出生小婴孩就像一本洁白的书,涂鸦,绘画 或写作 才是书的内容。你不能硬说人家是烂纸,要加上耶记的封面,没有耶字牌的封面就是劣书,要烧毁。好书看内容,什麽封面是次要,好人也一样。
  W$ P5 Q: q# `' E3 j0 D  @5 T# i) y ! q# G: f3 N2 o2 L. m/ m( z. T
: E6 R# Y! x, N5 l. c: h念念有词的语录,不代表你是高僧。像苍蝇。。像只大苍蝇。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-2 07:28 | 显示全部楼层
我引用经文是因为我认为神的话才是真理. 你不喜欢看可以不看, 那是你的自由.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-6-2 09:38 | 显示全部楼层
好啦 好啦,, 到此为止了吧.. 老蛇,,你就放过多多吧.. stop teasing her. 多多你把你的东西拿回该放的地方,,你的所谓真理只有在你的教堂才被认可,, 少贴大字报了.. 大家退一步吧..
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-6-2 10:04 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-6-2 10:12 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wind2000 于 2006-6-2 10:04 发表
  s8 z) U' U: w% U3 ?* L建议版主把这个帖子撤精,实在看不出哪里算得上精华。
( J/ q0 B& A5 ~! f1 O
" ]( V- y2 M8 h; I
我还没听过受了精还可以撤的..  如果可以,, 那些药厂就要倒闭了
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