埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-12 22:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 `% s8 h- O, o+ }& p* A5 X6 J% D
5 U9 e1 v3 n" K- i
( s# u' E4 H( |$ p1 Z3 J7 _: J" q  U% }+ U) t% x5 P. _
4., M) {  X) G8 F" |: d, y+ r( _
A: hear about听说;接到消息8 _/ H7 t' l3 {1 \2 R# b
* I have never heard about him.
% g. D. t/ [9 u8 g' \* A(我从未听说过他。)
4 F% q0 g& f2 d% O" \  I- N* I heard about your accident.9 a# b1 ^9 q1 N3 ~% ?6 l) q
8 b4 V! b# J9 E) `% R( r* I heard about your success in the TOEFL exam.
& y6 A4 x- f3 X3 S2 c2 z3 z' S(我听说你通过了托福考试。)
' n$ ~* D$ s) P" W; {5 k7 y5 D
' z! G9 p" u5 u. g  q: n8 uB: flatter过分夸赞;奉承;阿谀# z% x; @- a! X3 e) R; g
* She only flatters you so you will help her. 3 R6 p( u& |4 u% k9 K
! l9 a6 X9 p7 r* z* I knew he was only flattering me because he wanted to borrow some money from me.7 d$ L% I( j; M1 C, T5 Y
/ R5 Y0 j: {1 r" d/ g, S7 w* ^( R+ ^$ L$ o1 }% A
5.B:wonderful奇妙的;极好的;令人惊奇的 # N* X( E; w: w2 I
* This is a wonderful place for a picnic.4 v) C/ l) @( o9 `) ]  P
(这里是野餐的好地方。)* S! J9 q2 ~1 U1 J( U6 u
* The weather has been wonderful!
4 v9 r1 T6 n) J1 [0 @" H/ {: G: r(近来天气好极了!)
, r/ s8 `2 a/ M* It's wonderful how she has helped those poor children!
6 t5 s6 ]9 f, \(她帮了那些可怜的孩子们,真是太好了!)
+ O+ f0 \+ d& T6 O; r* b6 m/ O7 [# p% [" |) Z- P4 u3 M& C. n5 `
10.A: impression印象;感想9 A) `; m4 k7 m$ b% g% _5 M
* What were your first impressions of Shanghai?
4 \: p: k( ]+ H$ u% V(你对上海的最初印象如何?)
: \* c) ^5 l1 d* What's your impression of Jim's girlfriend?% A5 U* O" x2 p: d; h5 Z
(你对吉姆女朋友的印象如何?)# `4 \7 z1 i. j& |" d9 L
* My impression was that he didn't care.! p4 @8 \# U: z7 o
+ }& f" [: I2 X" k3 _1 q0 [4 Q
! ~. m  L5 t. [. k; s  V5 S2 vB: scenery景色;风光
7 \+ a0 n- E' a: h! s) z8 I8 C  j0 I* The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful.
4 g9 f: [3 V' q$ A& P(山里的景色非常美。)* s3 _/ l$ y" \; T1 M
* Foreigners are attracted by the beautiful scenery in Guilin and Yangshuo.+ b& F/ I2 O3 m1 b
(外国游客被桂林和阳朔美丽的风景所吸引。)5 i7 Z5 `* v9 u
3 l$ C6 U9 U. ?6 [- [$ R% B. ~9 d
15.A: look up寻访;探访(某人) 2 G, l& l, X( h8 Y6 I1 @7 D
* On my way home, I looked up an old friend of mine.5 G+ g. v# N* R( }! P6 d( m% h* o
: f  F2 }) G" }: v+ e( v: {( c2 f* Look me up when you are in Guangzhou.
: ^4 O. W9 E' S3 T4 b(你到广州的时候来看一下我。)
$ @5 M$ f, z2 u& Z/ y- k) a! B! T" T0 X3 W* i
21.A: get together相聚;聚会
3 ?1 ^' e: W7 k9 x* When can we get together again? 1 Q9 X" h# A% f! V# s8 N, m
(我们什么时候能再一次聚会?) & z2 E6 q  e! F9 K! P" B: v% L' z4 {
* Do you think we can get together at Christmas?
1 X( g5 @$ p  p(你觉得圣诞节我们能聚会吗?)9 p7 k) `+ b6 v9 M1 S9 b
* It's a long time since I got together with Stone.
0 b8 [) F, O/ Q7 u* b: U$ D7 l1 m) M(我好久没有和石头见面了。)$ H1 ^+ n3 M4 w

  g; {0 p1 ^2 V$ x26.A: colleague同事;同行;同仁
  _5 R5 M9 u0 R$ t# E% d6 {* One of my colleagues will be leaving in December.
' l% D9 u+ v4 u1 p+ ^" D2 l" m(我的一位同事将于12月离开公司。)) ]4 \& @" e6 Q8 _) P: _2 V
* Mary found it very boring entertaining her husband's colleagues night after night.) t' x( N+ i+ C! P5 K( Y# x
* @! g- T% D2 F; F! i
- W- P0 V4 X" u% A: _28.A: tourism旅游;旅游业+ h$ H0 H: w, \5 P* z) l* \( E
* Tourism is Yangshuo's main industry.
& r$ A5 N$ j( e; `3 g(旅游业是阳朔的主要产业。)
, g% n2 K7 p  i7 F& k1 x. d. {5 t* Tourism has driven up the prices around here.
* X/ ~4 K& z/ s1 j6 j(旅游业使得本地的物价上涨了。)# y2 A, t% Y' }* E

6 p* @9 N' g6 f* q33.B: challenging有挑战的,挑战性的;引起兴趣的
. ?6 \- j  j3 s* l$ r- Y) w5 [* This is a challenging job.
$ @3 i1 h6 k0 ^6 Y# o& e! A  H0 n(这是一份有挑战性的工作。)
* r3 R3 b" [* Q5 b% e6 X* She finds her new job very challenging.; K, x: d0 H3 s
6 ^4 a$ S9 Z% u/ [- h1 h) i* Public speaking can be challenging, but rewarding.$ z5 W7 U' u0 B
! g  G) X3 H4 O1 Z/ }/ c5 A/ i
0 B; [* m% L9 G) o6 m35.B: Good for you. 干得好!4 `) p% k8 F7 Y) Y0 D- u% ]
A: I am working on my Japanese and German., x- u5 ^6 I# N
(我正在学习日语和德语。)/ {# L) x! t0 ^
B: Good for you.+ K1 d& m) I+ C, i+ q; D
9 c. F: o' R3 {" r3 ?+ j8 s* E' Z; i% h; ]! u
36.A: excuse宽恕;原谅
* n  z1 u- J: p: R* Please excuse me for being late.
5 }+ A; R6 K3 [, s(对不起,我迟到了。)" \1 U3 C7 w7 G
* I hope you will excuse me if I have to leave early.; l( j8 z& K) N  I3 S3 v
(如果我必须早些离开,希望你能原谅我。)! w$ |' _2 u8 L3 @* y! u
* Excuse me, but do you mind if I shut the window?1 j6 |6 U+ _% B( T" T6 t. ^' d0 {% `
" c, t; C- m1 e3 t; `+ a1 v$ u2 Q
4 s, [2 o/ U6 H4 p) H& a$ q40.B: exactly确切地,精确地0 ]3 X) e+ ~9 S4 b# n! e
* Tell me exactly where she lives.
# B2 P# {; O& d(告诉我她的确切地址。)
0 ^6 l- O! t$ X6 E5 L: V- E( D. ~* What exactly do you mean?3 w5 Y& N' H0 Y& n1 M0 I  o
(你的意思究竟是什么?)' m& ]) R; h+ s4 D3 m
* That's exactly what I expected.
. G" E$ b. |8 j% m(那正是我所期望的。)
2 w8 v- [' j$ D
1 @2 Y' S3 W& J+ S' q% f4 g6 b+ ^47.A: develop发展;进步;生长 3 f' N! B, G; Y% u
* I'm looking for a job which will enable me to develop my talents fully.
/ m$ B5 E5 F5 i" W0 g4 p# F3 V4 b8 x4 Z(我想找一份能充分发挥我才干的工作。)
( A! k7 C+ X) j  n) O, e, y* The company is spending a large amount of money to develop new products., |/ V) ~* {. i! M# y
(该公司投入大量资金开发新产品。)2 O9 @7 g4 ^9 h3 K
* Three-ly method can help you develop your international muscle., N# {& O# m' ?  |) A, V( a
8 W& _6 d+ W1 V# J8 T* Crazy English method can help you develop your language skills.
1 d6 ^4 [( Z4 v. S(疯狂英语方法可以帮你提高你的语言能力。)
  E5 {5 ]7 y4 N* x& x% [' }; s, ~
  s/ L" i" U8 A- m) ]53.A: competition竞争;竞赛;竞争者$ d! \) N' c+ k8 H
* There is fierce competition in the human resources markets.
# [4 ~2 V& n" `. |0 e. @( f. W(人才市场上的竞争十分激烈。)
) G; X8 s$ B$ g" E* There is a lot of competition for this job.7 K/ w, X9 ^8 V  j
(有许多人争夺这份工作。)8 U, \0 |9 x2 @' T/ B5 U! j1 n( i
* To succeed in business, one must outsmart the competition./ W8 O; l6 w3 D7 v2 {/ X- H5 {$ K$ j* y
(要想在生意中成功,你必须智胜竞争者。)6 e$ p" D+ F$ O3 I4 V
" V; q  G' A" H" [- g
58.B: suggest提议;提出;建议# \+ ?% M. L  \8 `3 R8 U0 L" `: ]+ r
* He suggests that you pay more attention to your pronunciation.$ {+ d4 ]( u" w; N
(他建议你多注意一下你的发音。)( u: ^# \6 H& b# Q6 ~  Y
* He suggested we be home as soon as possible.+ X5 S0 @; m. k% s0 M9 y
(他建议我们尽快回家。)0 B. E6 q2 ~% d- H+ Z0 ?! M2 B  r

4 T& G+ g; k' w' b, e59.A: be famous for以…著名
  {; S; s9 q( K3 u  P* France is famous for its fine food and wine.
  H/ |! R, ?1 D(法国以其佳肴和美酒著名。)0 I# F+ J2 W6 z! Z8 V6 c; d
* This town is famous for its beautiful buildings. 1 {# B  d5 P) [7 r" p, L
9 [7 I  D$ s  W) l* Our college is famous for its high educational standards.; V, T: T% b3 {7 @6 O* S7 K
(我们学院以其高教育水准而闻名。)1 b$ M2 t& m3 T/ X; V8 n

7 e+ w6 |5 ]7 }/ D, Z4 W; r68.A: surprising惊人的;令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的
' E3 t' y* }0 ]# G* It's hardly surprising you're putting on weight, considering how much you're eating.7 K3 v; _& z: H1 n$ U  N6 T
(想想你自己吃了多少东西,你增肥也就不足为奇了。)' a4 _: B4 z$ H/ B: m7 b
* It would be surprising if there were no opposition to the proposals.
* b8 s5 M7 O$ z5 O4 O. k$ F(如果没有人反对这些建议,那将是很奇怪的事。)
; {& z4 i, O7 ]2 `- v9 B2 F* It's surprising that he hasn't arrived yet.$ s/ b& U0 E- u8 n3 x
(他到现在还没来,这真奇怪。)4 I2 N% ~: h, j, c6 h
" d9 }4 j1 E/ J8 }3 G( [7 Y& j
69.A: humor幽默;诙谐;滑稽;幽默感" Z; o6 I+ ~/ }. j
* He has a wonderful sense of humor.
: B, Q. H+ S3 ?! v* q" n& A* R7 |(他这人很有幽默感。)
: a* T5 _: M, o% f4 K* Stone's speech at Jim and Cindy's wedding was full of humor.. `& B) U! U- o4 \& c  m, ]
(石头在吉姆和辛迪婚礼上的祝辞很富有幽默。)7 [2 x6 q) R7 l$ @2 r# ?. t% M
* He's a man with a good sense of humor.
! Q) ~6 }- r0 h5 G7 M6 r$ I8 Y(他是个富有幽默感的人。): o/ M/ B! r+ W- O6 ^7 ?7 k! X# f
' B- ~1 J' d0 P  E& K' g7 V& L; }
71.A: That explains it.言之有理。  M% O: \" W: B  E% @- l/ g
A: You can speak perfect English. How did you learn it?
8 f5 _8 {1 R2 C. [- ]8 _(你的英语真棒。你是怎么学的。)4 P! q& L/ w: i
B: I've lived in America for three years.
) O6 e% y+ i. H! F. q(我在美国呆了三年。)
5 C. M: |2 P0 EA: That explains it.8 Y* M+ x* V; b( {
(怪不得你英语说的那么好。)0 T  T  L  |# y( _' `! b

9 G7 b4 w8 \- N2 x; C, @! D! `81.B: recommend推荐;介绍;劝告;建议5 Z7 b$ w- m# F: v
* Can you recommend a good English book? 7 C% Q. [( R( M% [
(你能介绍一本好的英语书吗?)8 k; r+ K( t. D  K$ G
* He recommends that I take more exercise.8 w2 Z4 O1 d* w" m2 l
(他劝告我多做些运动。): j2 ~1 u! h! ^' j# C
* My old boss recommended me for a new job.
& C' ^! W  ^" ^0 Z. h! N0 {$ ~(我以前的老板给我推荐了一份新工作。)
' W8 S' P( V: K
. Z3 U4 F0 q. o: W85.A: invest投资
6 d2 x6 e' U) Q5 a* The company has invested millions of dollars in a new project.
. m; g) O; E* I; F) N. u* n(这家公司在一个新项目上投资了数百万美元。)
. ~6 v0 `- M- p5 R- `6 ?* He refuses to invest in companies without good social record.
+ p5 ~, f" T6 y9 a; n# e(他拒绝在没有良好社会声誉的公司进行投资。)
/ ?8 V+ R3 ^# I/ c* He invested his savings in stocks and bonds.
+ |" G% V4 y- U0 X/ [6 b& L, I(他用存款购买股票和公债。)
' @/ G/ l! ~! S* We must invest for the future.( e# A+ ]1 ~9 v) s+ M- |0 [. T! P
(我们必须为未来投资。)0 x- ], ^6 o& s( ?4 H9 X% l% M
; [" `! x, x- l& d- y) G4 ?
91.B: amazing令人惊异的,杰出的5 O" l- G4 O5 e7 H) S$ T
* What an amazing coincidence!
4 l9 f5 T) h; B8 p(多么令人惊讶的巧合!), _" w( [. v- Q: H# s4 @
* She is an amazing woman with a strong desire to succeed.
( m7 V% O3 p$ L7 }$ U$ N(她怀有强烈的成功欲望,是一位杰出的女性。)
1 p1 a( B5 w* A$ ^% T( i* It's amazing that you can see that far.
: X0 a4 `2 S/ R: t: ?5 `4 S(你的眼光这么长远真是了不起。)
% p/ w* b7 h; Q8 q4 C6 j
% _4 o0 J6 {  ^98.A: contract合同;契约
3 j' r! |* Q5 T8 O- l* You shouldn't enter into a contract until you have studied its provisions carefully.
# J6 B; W" Y2 a; E9 ](你应该先仔细研究合同的条款,然后再签订。)
+ T7 f: F" y+ J, n* They might try to take legal action against you if you break the contract.2 G9 g' L/ u6 O6 w) c. T. ^; k
; D/ B2 c1 p  `9 S0 q) r8 V3 ]7 Q4 }0 s; `: G
99.B: celebrate庆祝;庆贺
, n1 v/ F# B. l3 u" @: I* We celebrated the New Year with a dance party.- G' W% e5 }7 @) R( ?
(我们举行跳舞晚会庆祝新年。)/ M6 c  D. ^( g
* Let's celebrate the holiday with fireworks.
0 ^  ~: a6 p/ o+ R% }6 V(让我们放焰花庆祝节日吧。)
; ?  c. G0 S; l5 q% ^  ?
( C5 A/ ^8 d) e2 w5 J. g104.policy政策;方针;原则
1 W! k" ~$ m" M* o* It is my policy to pay all my bills without delay." z/ [' ?& {* `& Q2 K
4 W  X; B/ C3 H! c- d; n* What's your company's policy regarding discrimination?
5 a$ q; j& n% \0 t3 @- w(你们公司对歧视的政策是怎么样的?)& V' b9 r8 G2 t$ G' z8 o
* The White House said that there would be no change in policy toward China.
2 l3 c; _1 x* Z& k, r7 @* D7 I(白宫声称美国的对华政策将不会改变。)2 e7 }$ z& N" i7 p  Z* L
% X2 B3 Z6 C! `  Z
111.afar 在远处;由远方;远远地
* a  D. \  `% }% P" l! Y8 ^$ N9 Y* I've never actually spoken to him - I've just admired him from afar.
  W" i! f# ^& `8 Y! H5 p2 `1 p6 F(实际上我没有跟他说过一句话,我只是远远地仰慕他。)
4 I2 l5 J! Y0 m, T* Confucius says,"Isn't it a delight after all to have friends come from afar?"
8 b; _( W3 x1 v' J(孔夫子说:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”)) S1 Y0 G* v  u  ~( d
- M# a: ~. T  @

# f: c- D& _2 O[学习当中你将接触到的词汇]
. c1 _/ E/ z& v4 b+ f4.
: P  S, f- Z2 y3 t. BA: hear about听说;接到消息9 I4 t1 b2 o# M# Z5 {
B: flatter过分夸赞;奉承;阿谀
# g; z, D- ^. Z; h5.B:wonderful奇妙的;极好的;令人惊奇的
# x+ f4 e. }2 Y0 s10.
/ {" g5 f( _8 |0 M4 ]A: impression印象;感想" D+ @) |! y3 A# ?* t8 r
B: scenery景色;风光
1 J6 ~/ a; I: Z* i15.A: look up寻访;探访(某人)
0 I/ }  j* [" Z$ E" h- ~3 j21.A: get together相聚;聚会
1 K6 \4 Y' _$ W/ i1 m. I( v1 \7 L26.A: colleague同事;同行;同仁
. p: |/ V0 x( }8 C% M8 T28.A: tourism旅游;旅游业
6 w+ y3 ^! \" V9 C' @/ R/ g  `4 R33.B: challenging有挑战的,挑战性的;引起兴趣的
4 Q$ z5 Q% l$ [: W5 K9 q! w2 c35.B: Good for you.干得好。
7 m, v9 H& u" Y9 V2 B/ k2 v36.A: excuse宽恕;原谅# f$ x* o4 d) b& @# ~3 h4 D7 j
40.B: exactly确切地,精确地5 t/ w& D! T" ]
47.A: develop发展;进步;生长, [: q; U$ S7 b8 i
53.A: competition竞争,竞赛
7 J2 L" q- ^; b( |/ @58.B: suggest提议;提出;建议
$ ?% @2 ^. P/ i59.A: be famous for以…著名3 f$ S5 H7 x2 X. M- I! Y
68.A: surprising惊人的;令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的
1 e4 w" U% g) E% K- t3 w' `& ~! B/ q69.A: humor幽默;诙谐;滑稽;幽默感1 c8 f! v8 d2 y2 d+ V: M& R) F
71.A: That explain it.言之有理。
7 |' R# C; p: q+ S) Z% b81.B: recommend推荐;介绍;劝告;建议
! S5 |, u1 a- W9 Z85.A: invest投资
& D: E; O% t* t91.B: amazing令人惊异的,杰出的- s# ^1 R/ B5 ]5 ~
98.A: contract合同;契约
0 ]9 j; J6 p- E7 `. `. }99.B: celebrate庆祝;庆贺 - b; D: d- T4 A& G4 R% q' ~
104.policy政策;方针;原则6 ?% I4 [2 ]' O; J: K/ Y- X0 \/ i
111.afar 在远处;由远方;远远地
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-14 06:59 | 显示全部楼层

8 x5 N8 D0 u2 f& Jthanks
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-15 20:48 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-16 10:12 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
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发表于 2004-12-17 07:41 | 显示全部楼层
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