鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2008-2-23 23:48
在311的主要责任(MAIN DUTIES)里
3 N% X7 R6 O- Z ~( p% o# B/ m( A
Specialists in clinical medicine perform some or all of the following duties:/ b" ?" m: }( O/ ~9 K* ]) M8 m
# F) ]$ S& \" h3 ^4 zDiagnose and treat diseases and physiological or psychiatric disorders(诊断治疗疾病)
5 ^' b: i' O4 g8 Z" DOrder laboratory tests, X-rays and other diagnostic procedures(实验室检查,X光师及其它诊断步骤)4 J4 L, ^0 M. k
Prescribe medication and treatment and refer patients for surgery(开处方,指导患者)0 ]2 W% ]! e1 {: G. \; ~
Act as consultants to other physicians(向医师提供咨询)
I1 ?9 a+ J: l, r& l# p3 YMay conduct medical research.(医学研究)
3 d+ ~6 V5 l/ h. Y* O- T- E看来我跟临床这块离得太远了点吧+ M* ~7 g4 D4 d5 y9 S
( o; E* E7 c( [5 a D2 {
Specialists in laboratory medicine perform some or all of the following duties:
1 R1 F# d3 E, n(实验室人员)
+ e- B6 U2 H0 l& K: T8 S7 k5 [. GStudy the nature, cause and development of diseases in humans and the structural and functional changes caused by diseases(研究疾病的原因,发展;疾病造成结构及功能上的改变)
* y6 w# k1 h: AConduct microscopic and chemical analyses of laboratory samples and specimens(对样品进行化学及显微分析)
( S+ {' c* I- H- [& \7 O2 A( M1 b- W, DSupervise laboratory activities(管理实验室)4 r- b q: h( K2 \# Z
Act as consultants to other physicians.(为其它医师提供咨询)6 l8 T) |/ e9 }
俺的专业也不是实验室的啊+ e4 T* q3 x, s9 G/ |
$ v ` z3 w" s7 GSpecialists in surgery perform some or all of the following duties:
& m0 X g# z# y9 X( p" H( ^" U(外科专家)$ U# B! s y( a, H
Assess patients' diseases or disorders to determine appropriate surgical procedures(评估病人的疾病,并决定适当的手术策略)
; f9 k! W* l7 w1 G7 O$ p/ u" sPerform and supervise surgical procedures to correct physical abnormalities and deficiencies and repair injuries(监管手术过程,纠正错误及缺陷)
4 s) k) ?3 h" o( \. kAct as consultants to other physicians.(咨询)
/ }2 I# L+ ]' b1 W6 J, B( X: p5 H
0 W; b2 T4 r) S0 Y0 M/ n) e4 H! G& q1 W
- i2 U! K, T n7 C) K: t/ u发现得出的结果居然是 3114 Veterinarians兽医... |