Grace is going to high school !!yay me!!.... anyways..在ainlay或要去的人。。。都来凑热闹吧啊啊。。。。还有还有。。要不要和偶交朋友。。。。来晚了。。。就排不到位子啦。。。快来哇!!! 还有。。。。还有什么来着???可以摆脱老马啦。。。。。兴奋ing.....还有 呀。。。。。。忘啦。。。。。。回头想起来再说。。。
明天偶就等着被老马骂吧。。I wrote about my favorite bacon cheese burger.... lol..I wrote about the mouth-watering burger has a piece of juicy patty, crunchy vegetable.... she is gonna get so mad....8*) and ice cream for desert..... bet you she is gonna say I'll fail for the PAT thingy..... can't can't wait!!!!