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sixty years ago

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-4 23:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The double-blossomed peach-trees with rosy bloom were gay
% q0 p( t- M+ [8 R$ l; ~- NWhen grandpa rode beneath them upon his courting way,$ ^; x4 R: L- n* j
From the white gate to the homestead they stretched in stately row,
& m1 z7 K( v  |3 b1 b9 ]% nAnd showered his path with petals, just sixty years ago.) A) w# _# t' r! [( y: D- q0 z* }
His riding suit was spick and span, his jingling bridle rein,
! e/ `5 H) |# r" }Was polished to the limit, his top-boots shone again;+ u, ?2 x& H! g
A mass of youthful vanity, from curly head to toe,
. |% w$ x* T; G9 MWas my darling gay young grandpa – just sixty years ago.
" u5 r7 K* F7 w& @" w+ y/ K
$ b$ ]# i( k4 z# Z' |Upon the broad veranda, demure my grandma sat,8 s+ s/ `. N% l
And hid her girlish blushes beneath  her garden hat," v9 `; L1 E  [9 c* \
Her dainty flowing muslins enfolded her like snow;3 ]! C6 t5 m. E6 v* C: O
Ah! Very sweet my grandma was, just sixty years ago., ?* n5 l, T9 x2 i4 }3 N! Z$ V; a
With sweeping bow and fluttering heart he told his hopes and fears,
- m, w7 H( a4 o* E% OAnd grandma gently said him ‘Yea’, mid blushes, smiles and tears.
; W" M2 @2 ~7 x- \1 @! gWhen the double-blossomed peach-trees with fruit were bending low,8 H( t1 X( J0 z' V  Q
Good Father Flynn united them – just sixty years ago.- f4 X+ q! P6 ]/ n8 p
/ F9 _- I& r! T7 J8 Q
; q6 s- ?) d8 x: {& A, J4 z- ]) IThere’s a sound of mirthful revel in the dear old home to-night,: ?+ \2 w+ u" `4 d/ K$ m
Where the merry young folk frolic ‘neath the incandescent light,3 }* v, ]! X8 C: L4 f7 X! D
Jazzing on the broad veranda, listening to the radio,
+ G5 {. z' _) c, U4 R. [/ sKnowing wonders quite undreamt of in the days of long ago.
' i0 I' i1 s& ]7 O9 |# p6 Y5 i6 SOn the vine-enclosed veranda, sits my grandpa in his chair,* D6 g& B$ L% z* c5 e
And the flower-scented night winds stirs the white locks of his hair;
" {; W5 U5 `' Z3 G- NGrandma sits and smiles beside him, happy in the young folks glee,6 R0 T. F: X  D$ O( v' \% ^
Such a dainty dear old lady, ever young at heart is she.
3 _7 f, Z4 x) \2 E1 f4 C4 k. ~) p& x  F) c9 }$ ]$ s' k8 H9 P, L
And the harvest of their labours in the moonlight stretches wide
& e" k) G3 O  ?( lAll the land they’ve won and toiled for as they struggled side by side,' k, u7 d$ f/ a, w! c- O% V: _! H
In their brave old eyes no shadow from the griefs of gone-by years,2 ^' x- o, \+ W
For their hearts beat high within them – dauntless breed of pioneers.
2 Q/ L* [% m! C" ^( K' {Hand in hand they sit together, while the angels smile above,
7 X2 Z* p8 ]8 x9 ^8 Y* POn their long unbroken record of faith, sacrifice and love;4 e) x2 w& L; P8 e: p  ]' b6 c
From the double-blossomed peach trees come the petals falling slow,
- g, K+ [$ ^/ G1 R0 [1 ABringing sweet and fadeless memories of Sixty Years ago.
. r) q& w) d; G# L! s( y6 d' o----------Alice Guerin Crist written in 1920
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-23 01:22 | 显示全部楼层


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