I am planning on getting a remote starter for my car for winter. I heard Certified Radio is pretty good, but the price may be high. How much does a decent remote starter cost on average? Any recommendations? This is my first car so I am kinda clueless. :-) Thanks!
Certified Radio is the best place to get Remote starter installed, but you gotta pay more, they charge over $400 just for installation, on top of that, plus whatever starter you like. They quoted me a 2-way starter for $879. ' S' D- g7 X5 g9 n) |1 v 9 Z( I' y, N! EFuture shop has a promo now,$149 installed, plus some wiring fee
Thanks for your info!! So would this Futureshop promo be good enough? $849 is kinda crazy. I thought $500 would get me a pretty decent one. A friend of mine got his last year for about that much, maybe I should ask him. I honestly don't know what the difference is in choosing a starter.
Basically, one way remote (no responding commnication between car and your control device) or two way remote (car and your control device can talk to each other also may displayed on LCDs), plus other functions such as door, window, trunk controls, and alarms, etc.. Certified Radio price is really high and average professional installation with starter should be $150-$300 (one way) or $350-$600 (two ways). you do not have to go to Certified Radio to get the best remote starter.
:-) I meant I would check out Futureshop and shop around other places as well.: m' n* [ H# ~! W+ p
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So I went to Futuresho and I think my total would come at $600-ish including 380 for starter(a good one), 160 for installation, and there is something I forgot. But basically since my car is a manual, there are two extra fees(adds to up about 100 extra). I have a Mazda RX-8 2005 and my bf says he is not sure if we should trust Futureshop to do this since it is not their forte. I don't know...
$620 at Garage Works in the westend. 8 M; @9 c% L& f- H: m: m
Some friend says they do all the installation for Parks Mazda.# h. q3 ^3 l _
So you can check that out.