体检过了半年多还没有拿到通知,最近发email去询问移民进程,得到答复是:7 T: U% E* p! S; H7 |" S; j# b$ e
Medical result for your child is still outstanding. We have already sent a follow-up to Health Services in Ottawa and we are just waiting for their reply/response. Once we hear from them, you will be informed in writing.2 c! H: c- V/ }
) m2 S6 s9 D- ^5 T8 f6 T! S
可是我到体检中心找到我们的体检结果存根,我儿子和我们全家的体检结果多很正常,并且我把我儿子的体检结果复印下来通过email发给了移民官。但是她还坚持要ottawa health centre的response。我这个case很显然是ottawa health centre弄错了我儿子的体检报告,我担心万一这帮家伙坚持那个有问题的体检报告就是我儿子的怎么办?我已经要求panel doctor给ottawa health centre的人打电话了,可是每次多说没有answer telephone,真是着急死了。
原帖由 merryfish 于 2009-2-3 15:57 发表 ' P/ [* V5 y5 |1 Y; j
体检过了半年多还没有拿到通知,最近发email去询问移民进程,得到答复是:& V2 o5 u, _" r+ T+ A/ a- P8 N
Medical result for your child is still outstanding. We have already sent a follow-up to Health Services in Ottawa and we are just ...
! u8 V9 k z# |8 }/ \: F# F体检结果的复印件?如果是移民体检,那这结果你是拿不到的,因为医生被要求不能向申请人提供结果。 $ O3 {. L' ?4 q" j% v8 P另外immi那边的人只会看ottawa给的报告,因为移民体检医生只负责检查不负责决定结果,给他看体检结果没有帮助的。; M6 V6 p2 l Y4 a1 O4 Y" a; x" I