He helped me write the research paper. ( C8 c% w# W& J5 A( N9 z$ Y" c* u 1 s) g3 i$ v9 y AHe helped me to write the research paper. ) ~* x4 G1 N4 f, X: @$ h! e& J+ A3 A3 d, E' a$ ^ i( Z+ X
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081115005632AAdRrWA2 Y4 \ M2 T; n7 ~ J- w
"There is no difference in meaning but "help sb to do" is more British usage and "help sb do" is more American. % ^! u& h9 E6 n; I% h8 mSource(s):% A2 S. f# d3 |. Q- Z
I'm an ESL teacher and have lived both in the US a number of years and also in Scotland."