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April 18, 7:00, CBC News

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发表于 2005-4-24 23:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
April 18, CBC News 9 M" M; s/ ?# u, ^" d* i% r5 ^
Story 1:
* c+ c& w# J% }( q- LOur top story this morning—more black smoke, no decision yet on the new pop. This is the second day the cardinals have been locked up in Sistine Chapel to vote for new pop for the Rome Catholic Church. This morning they voted again and again, failed to reach decision. Early, crowds in St. Peter’s square watched the black smoke rose over the Vatican. The CBC’s Laura Lich in the square end early. I asked her how the waiting crowds reacted.
! f) Y! f) l1 h. R6 \9 x$ y7 z“Well Judy, as well as last night, there was some confusion again this morning.”$ |$ w+ ^5 M( w' r3 E6 M# M
“Here, people in the crowd suddenly thought they saw white smoke coming out that smoke stack at Sistine Chapel. They thought they had voted on the new pop after the voting this morning. But if you wait just a bit longer, , it was black smoke again and so there a little bit of confusion among the public. Perhaps among the people, who are working in the Sistine Chapel doing this for the first time after 26 years, trying to get the mix absolutely right. But what we do know now is after voting again this morning cardinals have yet come to agreement on the new pop.”
3 u# `7 g7 ^4 r7 N6 ]) k“And you said getting the mix just right it’s not just paper they are burning, they are using chemicals to turn the smoke black or white. That is… obviously is proving to be a great challenge to get that mix just right and just in time.”: i  G$ Y6 C( Q! `& f- E
“Laura, two votes and no pop yet or new pop, what happens now.”
9 T3 e: K6 c3 u( e) F) g& {, q“Well just one thing Judy, there may have two votes this morning actually, and that would make three votes all together. They cannot do up two votes before they put the ballots into the burner and create the smoke. So they may have 3 ballots so far and may not come to agreement, but now they are breaking for lunch, probably having more discussions, perhaps more time for reflection. They will gather again this afternoon vote again, perhaps one ballot, perhaps 2, and then this evening time people will gather the square look up toward that smoke stack. CBC European correspondent, Laura Lich in St. Peter’s square, Rome.
$ R2 i; I  ~+ M# X' I- }Story 2:
; d# f7 \( O! d* u% K9 d! {* YIn Ottawa, the federal government to outline a new foreign policy intends to fulfill Paul Martin’s promise to re-defined Canada’s rule in the word. The focus would be on Canada—US relations, increasing trade with emerging economic giant, such as China and India and carrying foreign aid to fewer countries. As Chris Hall report, the Prime Minister offered a preview during a question and answer section with invited foreign policy experts, diplomats and non-government aid groups.
: B0 k4 W) c! ~6 s- C) N5 TThere is no shortage of interest in Paul Martin’s plan to reshape Canada’s foreign policy. Diplomats said elbow to elbow with academic and foreign aid workers. All of them hoping the Prime Minister will drop a few hints what he will announce today.
/ c! j% `5 Q  H3 {“I really don’t want scoop what… what minister is going to be saying”, but Martin start to the broad things “First, Canada will be in a equal partner with the United States in the defending North America, but now had any .The foreign policy that I unveiled just certainly part of NATO of great western allies, but let there be no doubt we are not going to out there make any country.” Martin says Canada’s military must play a rule on in restoring, security in few states, such as Sudan and Heiti, foreign aid will be target to a few emerging democracy. A list that will be down from 155 countries to 25. “What it is—is a recognition that there are certain that have a vary stage. We can really make it difference.” $ x7 n; Z4 B% s# j) P! q! D2 s
Geribar calls that goal enormously modest. The president of Canadian Council for International Corporation wants Martin to nearly triple foreign aid spending by 2015 to 0.7% of GDP. “Where is a commitment of 0.7%, where is the notion of the new legislature free market will make it spending more accountable and more efficacious.
3 h9 A: M* G" k; Z5 W; O" f9 v4 \% [# bIn fact, much of what Martin talked about has already been discussed publicly by members of the cabinet. Today’s policy say will finally put it on paper, 7 months after it was original promised. Chris Hall CBC news, Ottawa.
5 k+ m+ Q3 l8 c# N, ZStory 3:4 ~+ H: K' L& c: u  O
        Larry Fisher’s victims are telling their stories that are inquired into the wrongful conviction of David Milgoard this week in Saskatoon. Milgoard spent 23 years in present for the 1969 murder of Gail Miller. But he was cleared when Fisher was convicted the crime in 1999. The victims testified to help the commission determine if police should have investigated Fisher in 1969 instead of Milgoard. As the Milgoard reported the victims all said they never told anything about the man who assaulted them.
1 r/ g+ `, w6 |+ O# V8 g8 j" I' t        In the month reaching up to Gail’s murder there were five sexual assaults in Saskatoon. All the crimes occurred in the same neighborhood, and all the victims assured chilling same details. They were all grabbed from behind, drugged for _____________, forced to undressed up at night and _________ point sexual assaulted. Before David Milgoard was arrested the RCMP told Saskatoon police that Gail Miller’s murder and assault were made by the same person. In 1971, Larry Fisher was convicted of the five assaults however none of victims was ever told the man attacked within the prison. One victim who can be named because of the ban of the publication said she didn’t find out until 20 years later. Then the news came from Milgoard to other choice. She told Milgoard’s lawyer that till these days she has never received apology or explanations from the police.
6 a  L7 z5 x" Y& k2 {5 g! ~' i“Police said not all prosecuted are able to provide you over the explanation.” “No.” “Did you ask them?” “Yes, I did.” “And they gave you the same answer, they don’t know why.” “Over and over again the same answer, we don’t know. Now, I like to know who does know.” “No Milgoard who has supporters who always believed that authority concealed Fisher’s conviction. So there was no such/much pressure to reopen the Milgoad’s case. Milgoad’s conviction was overturned in 1993 when the Supreme Court of Canada ordered the new trail Larry Fisher was eventually convicted Miller’s murder based on DNA evidence. (name) CBC News, Saskatoon.
8 H: J& J" e7 Y7 a. S: iStory 4:! [6 C6 z! V) A5 Q
        Potential immigrants to Canada are welcoming the changes of country’s immigration system. Yesterday, Ottawa announced steps to help reunite families and to allow foreign students in Canada during their living. The number of residency visas for immigrants’ parents or grandparents will be tripled. And application for citizenship will be processed more quickly. (name) reports from Sri Lanka that the changes are good news for visa applicants in Canada’s High Commission in Colombo.& X9 o, v2 Y: z8 J5 Y4 g. Y
        A study strained motivized_ concern them to delivery visa applicants to the Canadians High Commission in Colombo. Scores of people hard working under _______ warning seeking refugee from Middleson (name)  by wait to large visa form will be interview by immigration officials.
" ~) C! _2 x& \9 ~31 years old __________ (name) was granted permanent residency in Canada three years ago after fleeing Sri Lanka’s long running and bloody civil war. He now is in Montreal and works two jobs to help support his families back here. He says he is relieved of government’s tripling the number of residency visas for parents and grandparents to 18,000 annually.
5 p" `# v$ F; T2 |“I want to apply for my parent’s residency visa. So, I think it’s a very good policy for Sri Lankans.” $ H; B# R6 F" U3 u
        45 years old, _______(name) is a permanent resident of Canada living in Toronto. He has returned to Sri Lanka to hope help his older sister to apply a resident visa after her home was destroyed in December tsunami. (name) says he hopes the family visa program would be expanded even further.
1 J. ?" z/ F" O“They have to think about the other relatives influenced in the war. later closer to …They should not stop at parents, grandparents and children, at least brothers and/or sisters.”  __________ (name) says he’ll soon be applying for Canadian citizenship. He is pleased that Ottawa will spend 69 million dollars over the next two years for speed out the citizenship process. The CBC News, This is (name) in (city name)
8 q) k( o- [; i( `& I4 m4 [, bStory 5:
  v# c6 C5 u5 i/ X8 C1 g# oA Russian court has begun a preliminary hearing for the only surviving suspects to the hostage taken in Beslam last September. More than 1,000 children, parents and teachers were held the hostage for three days. 330 people died during the raid on the school.
9 U9 }- \  F2 KStory 6:" V; y9 |/ [. }& u
The CBC news investigation review the Vlasak said the key player anti seal hunt movement, Jerry Vlasak was a senior member of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, but he also advocates assassination and it links to organization consider to be a terrors strength by the FBI. (name) reports. 7 u4 x5 \# d* w6 T$ u' k
In early April Dr Jerry Vlasak along time board member of the Sea Shepherd conservation society was on the (name) protesting animal seal hunt. With (name) knows Vlasak claim he was __________:”I was a ____________ by a sealer with bare knuckles._________ Conversation. Yet it was Vlasak who was charged with interfering with the seal hunt, and the hunt is not his only cause. The California doctor is renounce than animal rights circles.
! p4 a, J( z) b# ~8 ]8 N1 uVlasak advocates killing what he called vivisectors, researchers who use animals. He did it at this conference in the United States. Animal “I don’t think you’d have to kill assassinate, too many vivisection before you would see a marked decrease in the amount of vivisection going on.” In the interview with CBC, Vlasak doesn’t back done, and he says seal hunters are in the same _________ as those researchers, and ________ stop because I can understand compaction then the threat of violence would be another way to stop them and would be_________ violence. Vlasak  promotion of murder was not to get in ban from entering Britain last year. Canadian society know nothing about him all the violence he promos. Vlasak will be back in Canada to fight the charges _________ other seal hunt in the coming month. Peter (name) CBC news. 7 K% e% C# W) e& e+ k! M& a8 A
Story 7:, P- t6 v; `, N
The premier of British Columbia will make official today what people know for years. People in BC will hear to the Polls at May 17. When Gordom Campell Liberal will reelected they _______________ to be the first ministration in Canada to create the fix to election day. (name) says the fixed day should reduce cynicism voters. But _____________ report the ________ that may hinder the vary thing is supposed to improve.___________________ for the liberals. To be earnest TVS for the NDP ________________ everything is ________ ready to go for the moment the radio’s drug later today. For the last four years everyone has known an election day is May 17, 2005. The idea behind the fix day is to make politic more transparent. The government can’t say _________ good, let’s go to the Polls because we’ll get back in. the hope the public will regain __________ system and participate more in the vote. Political scientist (name) says there is _______________ a chance ___________ opposite has happened.” people perhaps being less engage I know in that. What we don’t to worry about that to make the same thing for ______________ have to do but she procrastinate. There is also a sense of never ending build up the extra call. In the last month, the liberal have announced hundred million of dollars in funding. from school improvement to call _____________ development, and (name) says _____________ could call the election fatigue even before the camping officially. ________ (name) CBC news, Vancouver.
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