DEALER以卖车为生,人家要赚钱。! p- q' |- C. g! B
/ M/ k, z/ t) f1 z; n. [
旧车本身不确定性大,在谁处里买都差不多(除了坑人的骗子)。即使是DEALER,他能保你多少?再者有经验的人骗人你更难识别。8 c6 `! L! }- O3 d+ W
3 c! U0 u* F. z
要是长呆就买个有足够质保的新车,多点钱但放心些。9 f j2 s _0 L* v; o
I am going to sell my 2002 corolla, original owner, full service history, 116 K kilomemeters, dark blue ext, with 4 winter tire. Last week, replaced brake, oil changed. If interested, send me a message or call 780-988-1866 during night. + V# M. _) }; E 6 [0 r" u7 a: P- m8 m3 }Thanks,