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流行美语 Lesson 1:bummed; chilled out

鲜花(77) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-30 13:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
今天我们开始播送[流行美语]。在这个节目里,我们要请大家听Michael 和李华的对话,他们俩都是纽约大学的学生。 Michael 是美国人,但是他听得懂中文。他和李华在这个新学期 里不约而同地都选了摄影课。现在是清早7:50,俩人在课堂门口碰到了。请注意他们讲话中用的两个常用语:bummed 和 chill。 ) o' p/ b1 L: N7 p& s  l
5 O# ?) v5 n; ~, U0 u+ p
M: Hey, Li Hua, what are you doing here? You taking this class too?
% @5 d( @/ |/ Y5 D$ j3 y
) l, J7 J3 n& Q# |" Y7 @- s; d2 TL: 对,我选了摄影课。可是这节课那么早,我最讨厌起大早。
- v- i, R* u( r% t
$ W6 [$ L) h0 R/ V" QM: Yeah, I’m really bummed that I have to get up so early! I’m also bummed out that Dr. Johnson is teaching this class. I’ve heard she’s really tough.
; r9 T! Q. ^# Y5 z0 Y9 J# F$ h" F4 Y+ w) [
L: 嗨,Michael, 什么是 bummed? 我记得Bum 不是指无家可归的人吗?. O& z/ y# _0 d8 O$ k6 w

6 L7 A& u6 ^: BM: Yeah, that is true. But here I used bummed and bummed out. They both mean to be unhappy or upset.
( C1 s- z: q/ k/ X$ }0 {! D! e. m# n4 l* y) [2 A
L: 噢,你看,就这一个字就把我弄糊涂了。原来是 bummed, 或者是 bummed out, 意思是不高兴,感到烦恼。嗨,Michael, 你刚才说什么来着?
0 b' o8 \5 _4 R' C# V1 i0 {7 V: A  d9 Y5 S
M: I’m really bummed that I have to get up so early! I’m also bummed out that Professor Johnson is teaching this class.
: H8 W5 c' W% Q$ T* z  v* P7 _( Q4 Q1 ~8 N7 {6 \: }- X& C$ H; j" H  M
L: 现在我清楚了,你是说要那么早起床实在叫你不高兴, Johnson博士教这门课也让你不高兴,因为她很严格。 嗨,要是女同学拒绝你的邀请,那你就会更难受, 对不对?/ a' x  @8 g) i' j

1 A2 J1 q- y% ^; {M: Ha ha. Very funny. But you are right, if I got turned down for a date I’d be bummed. I’m also bummed that summer vacation is over.
) y5 k; v. L3 j: j+ [. u; E2 @' k- h- w! R
L: 嘿,我可了解你,要是遭到女同学的拒绝,你肯定会垂头丧气的。 你连暑假结束也会感到烦恼。不过,这个单词很有用。我希望学期结束时,我不会因为分数不好而感到 bummed out。
% p0 `2 X5 L1 S/ K% t, Y
6 N- h, y/ a  ^1 Y. ~# ^M: Me too. Hey, I got an idea. Let’s go to the student center and relax after class.# L9 x2 z$ |6 ^; M2 e$ {

$ K1 u' r7 _3 G# WL: 我当然知道 Johnson 博士有多严格。好吧,下了课我们去学生中心休息一下。
# a+ n/ k2 t2 o6 F2 Q4 \& c. `) z. L6 j
M: Glad class is over! I’m ready to chill for the rest of the morning. I haven’t had a chance to chill out these last few days, getting ready for school and all.4 [5 K" B9 o9 k( k4 j, S; L

$ F8 G# p6 q5 S, jL: 什么? 你说上完课很高兴,但是为什么一上午你会发冷呢?9 k" n8 J. K) Q5 ^
' F1 G& o& f$ {" v) e
M: Oh, no! Chill or chill out here means to relax. Chill, 4 G" t* Z7 `3 _3 p  [* l5 G
( q; L! p6 q' t
L: 噢,chill 或者chill out 在这里是指休息。刚才你还说开学前没有机会 chill out, 到底是什么意思?
' s4 [  g2 a6 c/ u6 j6 w; ?$ h! v( ~2 t4 j7 j7 f3 m8 ^% t4 i* I, s
M: I said: "I haven’t had a chance to chill out these last few days getting ready for school."
0 B. {: ]$ A8 g1 V. i! p  s% {- j  v7 G& g+ |4 B
L: 原来你是说:过去几天为了准备开学而没有机会休息。
" Y$ F& X; u$ z% A( o  x) z; }1 S  i$ c6 U
" {9 v, g" P+ g+ ?$ T
+ e/ |5 [, [- e1 @8 mM: You normally go someplace calm and peaceful where you can relax. I like to chill out at the cafe with a book sometimes. And I know that you like to chill at the museum.! t# P0 Q" j/ k$ v1 l, \

- ^% l0 R1 D; }: P0 s/ \L: 打棒球不能说是 chill out。不错,要到比较安静的地方才能休息。 每个人还不一样,你喜欢坐在咖啡馆里看书,你知道我喜欢到博物馆去。能不能说到酒吧间去 chill out?
% ?0 k2 w3 d) \5 Q( V0 g2 {: K* v* E: R* a, x6 A. q
M: Sure, but we usually only say that if the bar is quiet and not too crowded.
! r5 X: `  ]  s5 Q/ H2 e5 I$ f# O# Z
L: 对,要是酒吧间人不多,也不闹,那就能这样说。这个单词太好了。谢谢你教我。我想今晚我到我的朋友家去 chill out。
0 P5 c$ H/ ^) I8 ]7 A% l% l% p
( d; C4 s; l6 w. F* e% }M: Sounds great! Ah, look at the time. I need to go meet my friend at the bookstore. Sorry that I have to go, I’m really bummed to have to leave you!: z! T6 m( u% H4 ~$ C1 L

* l4 V- y: E& T" T0 H# k/ @  Z2 TL: 得了,你要去书店跟朋友一起买书,你就走吧,别说什么跟我分手很难受这种话。走吧,下回我们到别的地方去玩。
* z; d& l3 v& R9 a, z
$ I( l9 X" f2 E: ^4 jM: Cool. Have fun chilling tonight at your friends’. See you later!
  m6 V# P" N! }+ T8 N/ J
8 p* k, c# A- t- D2 qL: 我今晚在朋友家肯定会玩得很高兴, Bye!% f. [7 c- \4 M: ~/ k

9 U/ {, r& `: ~Michael和李华在对话里用了两个常用语,一个是:bummed 或者是 bummed out, 意思是不高兴,烦恼;另一个是:chill 或者是  chill out, 意思是休息,放松,或者玩。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-30 13:52 | 显示全部楼层
nice. It is good for repeating many times and interpreting in contexts.
鲜花(128) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-30 14:12 | 显示全部楼层
9 M2 V7 t; e* ?* {; R: m5 K东西讲了少了点% x( `  V, \( j9 U4 S& L$ _! q: ?8 c
但是还是对初学者很不错的, ~8 L. {  F' V
鲜花(77) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-31 09:17 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
0 p& v3 j' `2 A+ K0 T( w. l东西讲了少了点' |' H2 s2 T3 G5 k* ]
但是还是对初学者很不错的$ L! G- F( X9 Q$ T( D
8 M" A( Q! }9 A2 q7 P+ h4 o亮甲店 发表于 2009-5-30 15:12

& Z" a" D6 m6 W+ A# S
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-5-31 22:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(77) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-5 18:54 | 显示全部楼层

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