It is not hard to take off the old laminate countertop, just loosen a few screws from underside, cut through the caulking at where the countertop meet the wall, shake a bit and then off it goes. For the sink part, of course, you have to undo the in-come water tubing and drains duct. The installation of granite will be finished by the professionals.
拆除旧的台面板的费用一般在100-150元左右,但不同的石材的造价则相差很大。一般来讲,50sqf 的厨房(这里是指台面板的面积),使用3cm板材,一般造价大约在3000--5000左右,详细来讲价格取决于如下因素:不同的板材,需要加工的边的总长度,Sink的选择(top or under mount),以及不同的边加工形状。至于Granite 和Quartz 优缺点,应该根据你的房子风格来定,也取决于个人的喜好。就我个人来讲,我更倾向于自然石材---Granite,因为自然石材的图案和结晶会给你厨房添加一种庄重,典雅和豪华的感觉,另外对自然石材的追求尽管可以追溯回上千年,但至今仍然为人们喜爱。如果你感兴趣Granite台面板的话,欢迎你来我们公司--Sun Granite&Stone Inc.或者你也可以打我的电话 780-4645998做更多的咨询,我姓孙。