鲜花( 31)  鸡蛋( 0)
申请FSW移民,递交的buffalo,已经拿到了档案号,但是工签快过期了且不能续了,准备回国呆两年,等移民申请下来再过来。之前听人说他们只给寄信至北美境内,写了信问,官方回信说“you will have to submit your passport to Buffalo, there are no exceptions, and we will only return your passport to a North American address.”看来这个应该没错,需要留一个北美境内的地址。: G1 A, Y# i& _- {! _
+ Y1 a2 v# C ^; `: @) N: f9 B0 w但是信中还说了一点关于返回加拿大的问题“you must ensure that you have valid status to re-enter Canada as this office will not facilitate your return”。这个有些困惑,如果我们移民下来了,难道还不能进入加拿大么?难道递交buffalo和北京对于登陆的要求不一样么?, A4 x' W0 m& J, i6 ]+ e, u* {
9 F) O4 b9 o" j! Y2 d: c# K# a
回国在即,有些困惑,明白的给解释一下阿,先谢了 |