鲜花( 35)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2010-6-19 22:05
本帖最后由 莫迭儿 于 2010-6-19 23:16 编辑
. l7 Y0 r2 l! Y5 f% l# e; Y所在社区的community membershipzhe这个是在那里办呢?
: w5 A+ g/ N! v" |1 Z) `1 \( vyoye 发表于 2010-6-18 09:30 
/ q, K; u3 B+ G: x+ o e2 o0 P8 z
6 f% Y4 `# l% C# q: ?; w Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues' N8 l9 T. r& E6 V
- S) g) @' n/ Y3 U' L- s
11 of the many reasons to join your Community League( C* T3 Y: N: Z+ f/ N6 P- O
- A Great Place to Meet Your Neighbours
- Social activities & events shared with your community at large
- Programs and recreation opportunities
- Community skate & swim times - check for outdoor rinks near you
- Discounts at City Recreation Centers and Tourist Attractions read more
- Safety programs and Crime watch cooperation
- Build new facilities for public use
- Input for planning your parks, green spaces, and urban development
- Discount tickets to major league sports games - Oilers, Oil Kings , Capitals
- Discounts at Telus World of Science
- Hall Rentals
$ @* N) P1 B) P5 c, U 7 L( n: ^$ a, J; \
@7 g) u, o8 b3 B
To find your community league , click the following link.; o W2 |$ I5 {( X- Z: H
Contact your community league for dedails.:7 H, {/ _$ w, Y# t+ B5 A' o9 f
http://www.efcl.org/LeagueDirectory/tabid/120/Default.aspx |