我觉得,UA涨价60%是一个“策略”。 " a9 b" U* b5 h" @4 c 0 m# t. s5 k ]UA原本想涨价10%,但怕大家有异议,所以索性涨价60%。这样学生和家长们就会呼吁,或者叫做恳求,说不要涨价60%了,涨价30%好不好?最后UA接受了涨价30%的方案,各方都很满意。这样的结果,远比提出涨价10%的效果好。
60%? i don't believe it. there will be a strike then. but it is true that the university is struggling with a huge budget gap this year. :( it has been agreed that there will be up to 6 days of no-pay holiday next year.