鲜花( 35)  鸡蛋( 0)
一年一度的爱城冰雕展Ice on Whyte Winter Festival 又来了!8 }9 x0 P1 c; t* O) N
1 g- ~# @3 H3 }2 \7 Q4 I2 i' |: C! I5 `
地点: Festival park ,85 avenue & 104 street . edmonton . alberta
5 o! q$ Z, `: v+ _5 e3 ?+ j2 u; _时间:
! J+ b, X2 ^) U: Z! O/ A( F6 c0 zmonday - friday 2 pm - 10 pm, saturday & sunday 10 am - 10 pm, n6 H# G, m" {1 ]% t/ k+ f) I1 }
收费: $2 per person.
# F4 l$ P8 H6 C& V) \! t" w" H. g8 Z4 p坐冰滑梯额外收费,好象每人每次一元?
0 W; v0 I8 @: |5 P1 `4 F' g估计今年规模和情节和往年类似,冰雕的小型迷宫, 冰雕的城堡,冰滑梯,在大帐篷里现场演奏的音乐、talk show。
& N) E: J' q' K+ ~如果捐钱的话,可得到一杯热巧克力和咖啡,应该还有爆米花和热狗可现场购买。
( `- p: s: G8 S% ]/ x0 R详细情节请看 http://www.iceonwhyte.ca/% m& Z# O9 G% y& x
An ice carving competition launches the festival. Artists from Canada, Sweden, Africa, New Zealand and Russia create spectacular ice carvings from January 14 - 16. An awards ceremony on Saturday, January 16 at 2 pm proclaims the winning sculptures. Visitors can vote on their favourite sculpture on Saturday, Jan 16 between 10 am and 1 pm for the People's Choice Award.
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This year’s festival is filled with plenty of outdoor fun for visitors of all ages. The festival site includes a furnished Ice Castle, a giant Ice Slide, an interactive maze for children, live musical entertainment and a heated tent, the Van Houtte Cafe, where visitors can enjoy a cup coffee or hot chocolate by making a donation to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation |