埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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The Indian and The Gay Guy

鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-1-17 20:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
At the end of a tiny deserted bar sits a huge Indian.% T0 W  |  r9 ?# Y" G

! L% t& N2 f$ J/ t5 rHe's having a few beers when a short, well dressed,, J- d3 W- S# _
: H2 V9 [0 T: v
and obviously gay man walks in and sits down beside him.! f% C. V0 @4 l9 O' J  I
: |6 ~; d5 U4 O# K" t
After three or four beers the gay fellow finally plucks up the
. G! Y$ D, n9 {2 j: G) Q; f! Ocourage to say something to the big Indian.
* T9 k! l- D+ w) u% s7 [* o  X3 _( X6 V+ b4 f/ D6 W4 m
Leaning over towards him, he whispers, 'Do you want a blow job?'8 m/ i1 |1 u/ y/ ~1 \
At this the massive Indian leaps up with fire in his eyes and
+ v" X7 @* V8 A4 r' N2 Msmacks the man in the face knocking him swiftly off his stool.& [1 u5 @. ?7 W1 V% t" n/ u. A" _

  f/ W. o: R& p1 s9 `He proceeds to beat him all the way out of the bar before leaving him& ]  M* d) _+ h6 L) S. ?/ }7 n* W5 ^. s9 C
bruised and battered in the parking lot and returns to his seat.; i' r( A' c5 a2 p

* e  h5 q5 |" K) w6 P( r2 tAmazed, the bartender quickly brings over another beer to the big Indian.
, y. O, n' s: S. g6 H4 U
( N: e4 Z) r% W7 f'I've never seen you react like that,' he says. 'Just what did he
/ [0 x- d& W5 f; Y  i* a* o$ Y, |say to you?'1 J5 U9 a4 C9 {: h6 h( ]( j9 y" x

& l. {/ E- M8 `" p+ S; B'I don't know,' the big Indian replied. 'Something about a job.'
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