This book helps your kid build a schedule and gradually sleep by himself/herself and sleep all night long. It's not harsh like the cry it out method. It helps you from environment, feeding and other little things to prepare for your kid to have him/her adjust to what it should be.
图书馆有的借吗?唉,这让我把一本书看下来还真是不容易。一天把小孩带下来,还要顾着家务,还要照顾老大,基本上就没有什么休息时间了。2 ]* B" ~/ S _- l1 W5 [
* j/ F$ g9 p5 K' Y( k' o你说的这本书是不是诸多"no tears"method中的一种?cry it out的确是太ha ...) g$ r; \! X. Q' z
lizward 发表于 2010-2-10 10:18
4 E. i" g! V& M" s# `0 i7 R+ {3 J 7 @% z- B- q" c. z" T; y+ n+ I/ t : l7 ]5 Q7 b6 O. PYou can find a lot related topics here:' a. {9 K0 I# g. | {+ z1 A# E* f
2 ]- M, w* U5 H' ` ) f9 a4 {; W ^( h( \4 P8 y! C" }9 t5 ?: X2 e% s% n3 ?3 k$ A) g
If you have an account, you can search by CLB or sleep training. + y# C7 }7 |3 a; c- M
& D- U) |! ]2 g. Q* b; U9 }
Sleep training is not only about sleep, it is associated with other things for example most importantly feeding.
不要一上来就cry it out,先试着给宝宝培养好的习惯。我们宝宝3个月左右的时候睡觉也不好,每天要花1个多小时哄他,晚上还要醒3次。我还买了几本sleep training的书看,可是当时婆婆在,什么都不能做。婆婆在宝宝快4个月的时候走的,我们马上开始给宝宝固定睡前程序。先把他搬到他自己的房间,每天晚上7点-7点半开始给他洗脸,洗澡,换睡衣,抹油,喂奶,哄睡,放crib里睡觉。大概三天他就适应这套程序了,现在每天喂完奶就睡着了,晚上最多醒一次, 有时候能一觉睡到第二天早上7点多。