楼主不用担心,不打招呼直接搬走损失的就是你的deposit,他们不会告你的,再说告了也没有,除非拿到法院的判决才行。 通常他们会打电话通知你交钱什么的,你不理会的话,他们就说through legal action,你再不尿他们,他们就会找collection company催钱,再说一些屁话吓唬你,接着打你一个多月的骚扰电话,然后就销声匿迹了。' f& l8 J. d) P' X4 s, N7 M9 B
/ f8 f. G0 {1 Z+ P& h. O
8 j& t9 G& } N/ q4 I) L3 S
0 J/ v" K8 Y7 E" \, v
The worst thing is the big employer's Human Resource Manager will check your this kind of Credit score for consideration of employment. I do not think you will lose your whole bunch of opportunities work for big companies because of this $1000