鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
8 ^8 ]) Z1 Q/ t
: Z1 _& @9 v# p# j还有比如说去商场,他要买玩具,爸爸说今天 ...
! H0 |# B6 L U2 h% W+ `. u) ?傻蝈蝈 发表于 2010-3-29 18:34  0 v6 B$ m) S+ I. `4 e) N
* R$ G5 X+ e- h3 Z1 g1 K
I would say for the potty training, show your love and understanding, don't punish. Explain to him what should do. One thing important is stopping using any diaper, including the pull-ups. $ v7 H: v4 D( z) Q9 u
" z6 a9 U7 ~; S/ L- u
For the toy, recommend QIAO HU. There is one song about only getting one box of cookie. I use this every time when we go out to buy staff. I allow her to choose one thing, cookie, candy or toy, whichever, but only one. Now she knows to give up other staff or get them next time. |