MON 是什么? 9 Q0 w! u/ r w b/ `' P0 s/ [2 b 1 P. V0 F2 O" g: ]( W7 LFUEL RECOMMENDATION0 K& D1 v/ ?# S3 Q4 u
Use unleaded regular gasoline with an octane& p7 W* N( f5 b# f; Q- S
rating of at least 87 AKI (Anti-Knock2 c8 X/ e6 ^3 w
Index) number (Research octane number* ` l5 a% |: D) W( z
91).8 U9 E+ b, [3 h+ F) [. Y
For improved vehicle performance, + u* Y G t+ H4 uNISSAN recommends the use of unleaded1 J2 v! h3 n, R
premium gasoline with an octane rating of. ^! ~4 a: T3 U0 S/ ~4 Z
at least 91 AKI number (Research octane- ^5 d7 F* D8 Y. L0 x. ]( T
number 96).
本帖最后由 kingsnake 于 2010-4-1 10:18 编辑 " _5 v; j# E) u
2 p- j$ \$ f& c' K/ ]
MON Motor Octane Number. " n z/ \! y& k8 R T# H) U
Measure under more severe condition than RON. e.g. higher revolution, controled temperature etc. Number usually 8-9 units lower than RON.