楼主,请问你是在哪里找的英文故事音频?! u. d; j' b+ u' Y
) q- f( M7 Q& `
给个链接,好么?" \' v" N0 }2 h* _' c' u2 z
0 |4 a9 J3 Y( f- `: E. L
谢谢!, ?0 Q. q5 K. f; `" a
charlene-david 发表于 2010-5-3 18:38
Great Job!* K) K f& Q: a6 Y) Q- J y
By the way, I went to the first class of Long Lao Shi. " f3 ]0 _, y" A5 j+ E3 u
All kids were enjoying and learned a lot. ) i' Z6 _+ v: q# |* {/ @) [* zvery impressive
Great Job!$ I* ~* Q, C, D3 o
By the way, I went to the first class of Long Lao Shi. ( e) T7 `9 d4 MAll kids were enjoying and learned a lot. 4 c- C3 P3 W/ i+ J* e/ Tvery impressive ; G1 W6 _+ m# L7 b. ]1 T qsunset2009 发表于 2010-5-5 16:10
& s' i H0 ]% r! t4 B# Q5 E谢谢!谢谢!!大家的支持是我坚持的动力呀。谢谢了!