After my brief article “Chinese New Foreman” disappeared for the second time, I asked to the manager what happed to my article. He told me the board moderators were responsible for the article. According to the regulation of forum I don’t understand why this happen ? Please provide me with an explanation. Thank you for your cooperation./ 在我发现我的贴子” SCOTFORD SHELL, RHC工地快讯 ---------- Chinese New Foreman”在网上消失之后,我向版主和管理员进行了查问. 之后,贴子又出现了.可是没有给出任何消失的理由. 但奇怪的是过了几天,贴子又不见了.再向管理员进行了查问, 才知是无线马达先生把它下沉了.# }9 P1 k( @3 h! ]3 Z5 z9 e p/ G; a% _5 Y2 U9 J7 D