埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[聚会] Phd留学生申请移民,需要参加语言考试吗?

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-3 21:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请问proof of language proficiency这项需要参加什么test呢?有这边的硕士学位可否不必参加考试?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-3 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
请问proof of language proficiency这项需要参加什么test呢?有这边的硕士学位可否不必参加考试?
" m% n0 c! N3 R0 b* P1 q5 Palavan 发表于 2010-7-3 22:12

8 G% i6 [+ H3 \. b" Xielts general is preferred
3 Y% l2 S0 z# t9 ^) |; o: s
; }9 U- E* [% @according 626, even americans have to take a test :(
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-4 03:41 | 显示全部楼层
ielts general is preferred
* d4 A) B  `. T$ n6 B# X3 B) h% }' m! v5 d
according 626, even americans have to take a test :($ K$ t& l9 l1 C/ `* H
ama 发表于 2010-7-3 22:47

: H, }' s7 d7 e2 q8 n$ NIs TOEFL ok?
鲜花(33) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-4 11:26 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
No IELTS General Training is desinged for immigration.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-4 15:32 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(28) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-8 14:23 | 显示全部楼层
ielts G will accelerate u processing speed.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-9 19:31 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-13 19:17 | 显示全部楼层


2 o. L" M: [) I, ]' u; z  }0 r" y( _' P6 Q& e1 w- F& g- d
7 z% n) W8 Y: `) b  ^. E  \' J9 D9 t4 e# a0 L# _  k* Q
格力24小时免费热线:400-604-0969    重庆服务热线:023-60629006  i) b6 [) u8 f% z
8 R, D& Z6 t* K6 \5 G
格力尊贵,靓丽绝伦...秀外慧中,名士但求知己。绝色只为簦赏-----------格力空调+ Q# x3 Y/ R+ c
, b5 n: c$ V' @% g1 ]
]) B4 y8 [5 }- Q$ \4 Q0 o0 J
重庆格力空调维修服务:真诚 快捷 专业 方便 只要您一个电话剩下的由我们来完成,满意百分百!
! @& Y8 W( l4 }/ p4 c  K1 q& _; I+ F% E% n. E& U/ ]! h
. P; D  z. }/ s8 P* h
! B$ J$ C$ `) c% c) b) C
6 [: e+ Y2 e9 O& h
' n7 Q5 R* A+ w6 o0 A$ Y《格力空调》→创造完美,服务社会
- O  @( @5 L# I( @. ^& z3 a) H% G  e' o6 v' P* s* L
! [  ~' _1 @6 }; K' H
5 p# }5 ~. ~  a/ v1 m: v- g......格力尊贵自气度非凡,宽可海纳百川....时尚科与超大容量的完美结合..." P( T' G( B" @& k5 X& u
2 f! B9 W% \: Q- d/ j
《格力电器》→创造完美,服务社会 % K0 s. f4 R8 z6 E: V/ S

, M2 V* {. c( D% V% u+ R- c) I  您只需要描述电器的种类、品牌、型号、故障现象,以及您的联系方式和地址,我们将能更快更方便的提供上门服务。 ! B& z6 F  U/ A' F7 p

, i  t. n, F* L. u& t% W  您可以根据您的时间安排和我们的调度安排而商量出一个适当的上门服务时间。我们会按照预约的上门服务时间,准时的到达指定地点。
9 @$ r2 a  t, c6 e/ @4 C9 Q: _* ]4 W7 M& H
只要您的一个电话  就能让您感受到:什么是专业,什么是服务!
; V: r6 V  Y' C4 ^( h% b* }! p5 S, E$ z4 g
! q. j: o$ @9 f. k/ c
5 m- `5 q7 n- ]4 w带给您信赖,认真兑现每一句承诺;
2 o% e* J! e) a+ W( r/ r6 h/ y0 ^4 |# y4 z9 T+ [4 Y* R
6 B; v6 t. b5 h3 F$ V% |# X$ \! Z# v: ]: U
6 e) k4 ^8 |1 z5 M) h, K7 @
8 V* B4 |" T, Z0 R  r& w+ k带给您便捷,细致完善每一项服务; " p3 t2 D) B5 w6 `+ {% `8 T+ g
8 ]+ I8 j1 r7 W: _9 J- C
我们的服务理念:合理的价格,更好的服务!) m9 e' M& a0 d; M3 i! D; {' [
7 q. d# E: g0 W, R
1、无论距离远近,气候好坏,白天黑夜,工作量大小,只要客户拨打了我们的服务热线,我们就能 确保快速到达指定地点。
* d0 M1 s5 [" K3 G* ~# M$ B
8 ]" q9 I0 z- f1 ]: V  {. ^2、我们的承诺 :以质量求生存,以技术求发展;最专业的维修,最细腻的服务。
  c7 P; o: r5 |* u7 T1 u9 J8 D
" }; j/ {* C7 I/ T4 h, ?3、免费上门服务热线 24小时客服值班,10分钟内做出维修回应。" y8 y& {( ^9 ^# M3 K

) d# v' k" h0 W3 g8 A* I: G! k4、维修车间及前台:节假日及周六日不休息,保证用户随到随修。/ G% f9 |8 E- {, f

9 _/ T; x8 s. b) [) Z, X) e6 `' v% n5、抢修小组,可随时到现场抢修,以最快速度到达可户指定地点。
" P' j- D! [$ q/ v1 V' F
1 F. ^: O/ [: F0 ~" l6 、全城免费提供上门服务,郊区收取少量上门费(事先商议)。
" I7 N5 H$ I+ ^7 H
( ~3 B0 D) {3 l5 F0 x: h7 、实行“先检查故障,再报所需费用,最后维修排除”的维修政策。
; y7 e4 K- I" j; |! T' M1 u2 Q- d/ ~- t! c6 z  W" r' S
8、故障没排除,不收取费用。9 [9 L& y9 O$ Z: H0 K8 {

3 v# U3 `1 ^% M" q1 G( U4 o6 N) G8 、费用或服务不满意,用户可随时放弃维修,而且不收取费用。
2 P8 T5 `1 x* T5 ]3 S& B# _0 f/ h+ O6 _9 ]
9、 在选用配件方面,严把质量关,从原厂和一级厂采购正品配件,杜绝假冒伪劣配件的使用。  Q+ t0 h4 U' E6 u0 m

7 l% {0 g- j& W% Q- n4 ]& Y10、在维修作业方面,严格按维修程序及操作规程执行,确保维修质量。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-16 20:47 | 显示全部楼层
9 x0 g) [  {; x; ]# Y! Techo99 发表于 2010-7-9 20:31
3 q6 m2 t& u8 A. w: B4 j# F" O

! D, a/ v; I8 p5 i3 ^好像最近政策变了,所有技术移民都必须考雅思。是这样吗?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-20 19:36 | 显示全部楼层
牛樟芝的主要生理活性成分(非灵芝):三萜类是牛樟芝最重要的成份之一,含量之高,远超过灵芝。其它如超氧歧化酵素(SOD)、腺甘、多醣体、免疫蛋白、维生素 B 、麦角固醇、核酸、氨基酸、凝集素、木质素、烟碱酸、、微量元素(钙、磷、锗)等成份,牛樟芝均足以对人体发挥均衡保健的效果。
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-20 22:58 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/dep ... 2010/2010-03-10.asp2 p7 Y  K0 |, _" y& X/ Y+ ^

( I6 A( F0 X3 i! V, I( \' COttawa, March 10, 2010 — The Government of Canada is streamlining the process for assessing the language skills of applicants to the Federal Skilled Worker and Canadian Experience classes, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.
, Q3 L7 k. j% I8 F6 `5 ?
& \7 ?; r7 T, a7 p  Y“The language requirements themselves have not changed,” said Minister Kenney. “But beginning April 10, 2010, prospective immigrants will be required to prove their English and French language abilities at the time they apply. This requirement supports our commitment to fast, fair and efficient application processing.”% @4 S; H7 ~' x8 ~& v1 B

2 R3 X0 k6 d3 }: d/ d7 v2 b  Y% WPreviously, to prove language ability in French or English, applicants could either submit an independent, third-party test or a written submission to a visa officer. The written submission was intended for people whose first language is either English or French. However, many applicants whose first language was not English or French were taking advantage of the written submission. The submission wouldn’t adequately prove their ability and they would have to provide further evidence, leading to processing delays that could take months., ~* K* v- s1 U* a8 V

' {  H5 y" o3 P, F“We expect that applicants will have the language skills they claim on their application. Now, applicants in these categories will have only one opportunity to prove their language ability,” said Minister Kenney. “They can still make a written submission to a visa officer if they wish, but only once.”2 w& G* {( M+ ?
1 I, b4 q, D* F6 A/ ~
For faster, fairer processing, all applicants are encouraged to submit independent, third-party language test results. The language test gives applicants a clear indication of their ability before they apply. When submitting written proof, applicants don’t know what their results will be until their application is assessed by the visa officer, after a formal application and fees are lodged with Citizenship and Immigration Canada.# Z* t) T1 E$ s6 X% F

/ S6 j5 _( \! \2 ~“We strongly encourage applicants whose first language isn’t English or French to take a language test,” said Minister Kenney. “We don’t want immigrants to be surprised if their written submission doesn’t match their reported ability, and they don’t get the desired assessment.” % N$ ~2 A" R5 E+ a
; {/ n4 |% [$ T% j: ^# R* K
An immigrant’s English or French language ability is one of the strongest predictors of their success in the job market. Canadian Experience Class applicants must meet minimum language requirements based on the job they do. On a selection grid worth 100 points in total, Federal Skilled Workers can be awarded up to 24 points for their official language ability.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-20 23:45 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-24 19:44 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
请问proof of language proficiency这项需要参加什么test呢?有这边的硕士学位可否不必参加考试?
, X; |% q0 |/ P6 _$ Y3 oalavan 发表于 2010-7-3 22:12

/ j- y( [$ O- ~* \9 X- O6 ]) V- g
If you already have earned a degree here, that already proved your English is good enough. You don't need to take any test.
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-25 08:19 | 显示全部楼层
If you already have earned a degree here, that already proved your English is good enough. You don't need to take any test.& @7 ^0 e- E( ?9 E. e
xchen 发表于 2010-7-24 20:44

* t4 J( V: ~* w) {; W
8 ?0 u/ l0 o, V  S9 h5 Z; v/ J: J在这儿拿degree也没用,CIC要求每位申请者在递申请的同时必须递交语言成绩.
  y: b; Q6 \, P/ r1 t' d0 m8 Y前二天还看到网上有一篇文章说是移民局要哈佛的女律师考英语呢.看看下面的链接:
/ }( i8 X, O& d
- N+ x) s  ^7 C+ ihttp://news.muzi.com/news/ll/chinese/1615028.shtml
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-25 17:27 | 显示全部楼层
你说的对,今天新闻确定了这点,从6月26日开始实施的.  以前是可以附上一封信的.: `& g! C9 S! N, r; J+ u; B
. V" ?5 i3 w4 H
) [9 [) t; x% Tjzhang04 发表于 2010-7-16 21:47
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