最想种的就是牵牛花了,因为以前小时候夏天早上都要摘牵牛花 " l' I( e, x, S$ z. u牵牛花清晨的时候是花苞,我们就把花苞掰开,让它提早开放2 L2 V' {: s2 h, K, O
7 g. N8 n- u: Q( \8 G1 u 6 o6 @# A7 k7 k u, X; i$ X: s* T+ J/ h; W6 x, r( Y
牵牛花就是一种回忆。。。 - R; y# [ l3 r
e, p& e V v+ V6 r
lz在什么地方买的种子?英文叫什 ... ' V4 ?% Z- N) e- o. Ylittlemama 发表于 2010-8-16 12:33
+ P+ e- g- d/ S& ?, L7 ]) u- R/ Y & b) \. p. O. hmorning glory,几乎卖花种的地方都有卖的。
Be alert. It is extremely aggressive/invasive, better have it grown within a confined area (or planter). I mean the morning glory type (there are others also known as 牵牛花)