这里规定,4岁,如果是3月31好以前的生日,就可以申请上kinder garden * c. ?; Z {! k0 ^4 ^; ] 3 ~8 U t% V& G2 C) U" ?9 u$ \$ _问题是,很多家长即使孩子符合条件可以早上,也还是宁愿再登一年,让孩子心智,社交能力等更成熟一些的时候,再开始上学。他们认为这样对孩子 ...# x2 M2 [1 H! J: h- V, L5 @( d
未名 发表于 2010-8-19 11:44
, M+ B- d! ^8 H/ t4 H/ r% p5 |I believe the cut-off date is March 1. In other words, if a kid was born before March 1, 2006, she is eligible for the kindergarden beginning Sept.1, 2010.
I believe the cut-off date is March 1. In other words, if a kid was born before March 1, 2006, she is eligible for the kindergarden beginning Sept.1, 2010. 6 c- K5 t# K: F, M+ d: s' i莫迭儿 发表于 2010-8-19 16:00
8 L H/ e" k, h# R: j" ?2 K 9 p. S$ T# c$ a# c7 Q% n1 E! M0 E2 b& V" u7 g4 W