鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
Originally posted by 三思 at 2005-11-20 01:01 AM:
9 I; B0 w4 A# j$ p8 @
2 w: ^3 U' \ R' [9 \5 K& L& L0 z$ g8 d4 @( X
8 `4 \, _+ I5 v6 q! H9 o1 O别提了!我儿子现在时时刻刻问十万个为什么,一句一句挨着问,反复问,我都耐心解答呢。
$ |" W ?& |, X$ Q
! `& c% T0 M3 i' P* `! S今天他爸回家问桌子上的菜能不能吃,我说,能吃,糊了,你都吃了吧!* @% Q: g- ?+ ?. _# Z* H
; \ E1 A* l0 M( I. C
儿子问:妈,你说什么糊了?+ f) W2 I2 g: G" l. @
我说:菜糊了 ... 7 \- H5 t: h6 S8 \- R, v
9 E k5 c5 n+ _% v8 N* N( y
哈, 看了这个想起上礼拜5公司开会时, 有个manager讲的joke, 有点色, 所以躲在这里讲了, joke也是有关小朋友问问题的.2 c# V8 c4 K4 l6 m' ?
* X$ a( s+ ~; X- p7 `4 V0 k
A mother and her son were travelling with westjet. 0 D( ?) E3 y L% A# {% t: m- ^
The kid asked the mother:"why a big bear has a small bear, a big elephant has a small elephant, but a big plane does not have a small plane" a1 c2 o5 ]. t/ k3 A
, n# u: v5 q+ W3 P! k% m$ HThe mother thought that it was not good to talk about the truth with the kid at such age. She told her son:" it is a very good question, you should go ask the attendant" % `$ f5 h: N( z& j3 n9 ^) w- h: k
# c" j+ ]6 d& e8 P4 X& \
Her son then approached to the attendant, asked:"why a big bear has a small bear, a big elephant has a small elephant, but a big plane does not have a small plane". The attendant asked the kid:"Did your mother explain to you why?" The kid shaked his head. The attendant said:"Now you go tell your mom the reason why a big plane has no small plane because WESTJET always pulled out on time." |