$25/hr plus living allowance($3000). It worths to go there. Living standard is high over there. One bedroom apartment will cost you $900/month. Plus food & traveling every week between Edmonton & Fort McMurray to see your family. Travelling is 10 to 12 hours each week, you don't get pay for that. Think deep
Unless company provide living place & transportation for free, otherwise it doesn't worth. Take a look at this way, you work 40 hours a week, then travelling 12 hour back & forth, that equal 52 hours per week. You only get pay for 40 hours, that means you are making $19.25/hour. Is this what you want? Then you have to pay for your place to stay plus transportation.
By Labour Law, any job that you have to travel out of town or living out of town, company has to take care of your accomodation. $3000/month is very standard to pay living in Fort McMurray.
原帖由 falala 于 2006-1-25 14:38 发表) F. u/ [0 N' o3 j
什 么样的工作有 Living Allowance ? 还是任何工作都有? 是每个月$3000 吗?
: Z/ w; m6 T( C' |+ s9 y- I' tSo far, most contractor in Syncrude, Suncor, Albian & some in CNRL receive LOA, it doesn't matter you are hired by Contract Company(not local company) orany agency, but should contacted by the obbove oilsand company. Most LOA @$2200~$4000/month, some receive per diem @$105~$135/day.