Agreed. My mom likes that. So I told her to let the baby stand up by herself when she falls. I also try to let the baby play the way she likes it as long as we can provide a safe environment.
Agreed. My mom likes that. So I told her to let the baby stand up by herself when she falls. I also try to let the baby play the way she likes it as long as we can provide a safe environment. 1 A+ X$ e5 U! v0 Jjenniferming 发表于 2010-11-23 08:58
1 Z, r$ @2 }2 [. C% ~- B/ Q/ X* m/ b! j. b/ h
讲讲你这个agreed的用法好吗? # B- ]) z# G$ V5 a u这个完整的句子应该怎么说呀? " u+ Z* F! I: Z( O- L& y3 v , H4 E# a# F% t! _You are agreed? or ? agreed 是形容词吗?
9#francais ( j3 [9 C! x1 |7 A3 p/ a3 [) p2 a2 F( w" j
% Z) h* B6 h. s: r
When people say something and you agree with that person, then you say "agreed". I use it mostly in writing, not spreaking. I don't know the detail about this word since people just say it that way. But you might be right. :-)