if you still want to find chinese man be your partner in your life, it is supper hard, so think it first before you make decision.; w3 V% k" r, r" D8 J$ I
klmy 发表于 2010-12-8 16:08
' u# P6 }# X" n$ B
. P2 n' h' ?5 f& m) l8 k* [6 K % b+ X2 \. A* F7 u" X/ U2 K5 b最好不要走这条路!这山望比那山高啊!不信你先分居,然后再找个人同居试试,除非此生永不再嫁!
" E; F: v }% I$ Z你该支持他跟网对面美女,见个面,视频下什么的。搞不好是凤姐,你看他还笑不笑。 2 T. c& l0 c! t, ?5 V D6 c% p ~上网真不用太认真,我感觉没人会把这个当回事。, w5 S$ R O x2 [% i t7 w2 D. M7 @
I think it will be hard, especially you don't even have a relative here to help you when you need some help. You will need to take care of your child along 365 days a year and work at the same time. You have to do this even when you got sick. An adult should have will power to control how long to spend online.