本帖最后由 Igglepiggle 于 2011-1-27 20:52 编辑 $ p% g4 ?: n9 G: b8 Q1 g0 y$ M
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我就是产后10周开始用的Mirena,没有影响母乳产量,唯一不好的就是spotting了1年,不过这也是因人而异的。: m* Z; |. |; K) N, ]
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The World Health Organization recommends against immediate postpartum insertion, citing increased expulsion rates. It also reports concerns about potential effects on the infant's liver and brain development in the first six weeks postpartum. However, it recommends offering Mirena as a contraceptive option beginning at six weeks postpartum even to nursing women. Planned Parenthood offers Mirena as a contraceptive option for breastfeeding women beginning at four weeks postpartum.