Today's groupon has really good deal: $17 for two regular ticket (normal is about $11.50 per person) plus $12 food fare. Just bought two for my kids. Check if you like: ... m_source=uu131128504 b2 v/ H+ H$ f3 I0 b
! G t4 E8 _* b+ o/ m+ Z- `; q+ N
You can registery with your email, then can get everyday's deal from email
Muttart Conservatory 这个地方好玩吗?是不是就是植物园之类的地方?但是貌似每次visit只能用一套票。也就是说如果我们家四个人去,还得假装分开成两拨人,否则还用不了? M4 Y M+ z# l4 K Y! N! {$ l6 p* u) J
Today's groupon has really good deal: $17 for two regular ticket (normal is about $11.50 per person) plus $12 food fare. Just bought two for my kids. Check if you like: ... * E: h! A4 v# l& ]smallbird 发表于 2011-2-8 16:02
if your kids like plants and too cold outside, it may not be bad. Nothing we can see at zoo in this season. WEM swimming pool, Muttart is my kids favoriates. * E9 O7 n0 {; G( V* t6 ~% s7 r2 K2 B7 w7 e
Why you need seperate? Just hold two printing tickets (buy one as gift for your other family member), and go with four adult (kids under certain age is free), I don't think there has any problem. I have used lots of groupon tickets, never has any issue.
Today's groupon has really good deal: $17 for two regular ticket (normal is about $11.50 per person) plus $12 food fare. Just bought two for my kids. Check if you like: ...0 u0 u$ p5 q; x, y
smallbird 发表于 2011-2-8 16:02