I think you can apply for your EI before your due date. It might be two months before due date, I am not sure. Total is 50 weeks.. @7 A: I0 S% T8 U
please go to www.servicecanada.gc.ca to find out more.
I think you can apply for your EI before your due day. It might be two months before due date, I am not sure. Total is 50 weeks.+ m, B a3 ^# ] N% L6 i9 Q. m q
please go to www.servicecanada.gc.ca to find out more.
辞职是可以申请MAT EI的,因为MAT EI和REGULAR EI是不同的,REGULAR的话,如果是自己辞职或是被解雇就拿不到EI的, 像MAT的话,你要求不做,单位给了你ROE后,你就可以在DUE DATE前8周(我记得最早申请日)去申请了- v/ f6 y! B# D
所以唯一影响的是, EI 是根据ROE上的LAST WORK DATE 倒回去算你的收入,来乘上55%得出你的EI,如果你早申请,EI 可能就会少点了