今天去HYS做20周B超,做完之后问那个B超技师小孩怎么样,是不是都正常,她说要report to your doctor;后来又show给我们看小孩的四肢,脊椎,头部等,我有点担心会不会有唇腭裂,就问她嘴在哪里,她说她can't see。最后我又问小孩性别,因为之前OB告诉我要问,不然不会告诉你,因为这里人很喜欢到生出来的时候来个big surprise,所以我就问了,她又说can't see,还说ultrasound没有100%的准确率什么的。请问各位妈妈当时也是这样吗?B超技师不说,只有到下次约见OB时才会知道结果?我记得我第一次做B超查NT的时候,那位技师当时报给医生后就告诉我结果很好啊,不知道今天是不是因为有问题所以才不肯说,心乱如麻~~
When I took ultrasound, the person told me the same thing. So don't worry. Ask them for the sex again next time. Some people would show you the screen and tell you why she/he thinks it's a girl or a boy. No one would tell you they are 100% sure. But if they tell you it's a boy, it's most likely a boy; and if they tell you it's a girl, it might be a girl or a boy. That's what I learned from others. They mostly care about the important diseases which will impact heavily on the baby's life later on. They care less about if the baby has extra finger or other small things.
祝福楼主。放心,怀孩子的妈妈都是担心这担心那,这是可以理解的。我怀三个孩子,每一个都担心的很,感谢上天,到现在每个孩子so far so good . - V7 k7 e& M+ e) J. S* Q另外,B超不是百分百准确的。我怀老二时,5个月去照,告诉我是女孩,我和先生高兴得很,到了32周再照,告诉我是男孩.我。生出来是男孩。所以抱着愉快的心情怀宝宝吧。无论男女都是妈妈的宝贝!