It will cost 2 billions using an existing CPR route and Bombardier's JetTrain. It can go as fast as 240 Km/h. The Edmonton terminal will be located at Royal Alberta Museum. I'd say in 10 years it'll be done.
SheJing 发表于 2011-12-30 13:58 % R: l" \1 m/ l2 t3 BIt will cost 2 billions using an existing CPR route and Bombardier's JetTrain. It can go as fast as ...
SheJing 发表于 2011-12-30 13:58 ; n" R2 j( r* \8 y3 n# V8 N9 iIt will cost 2 billions using an existing CPR route and Bombardier's JetTrain. It can go as fast as ...
+ Y' {1 Q2 O I7 U, V9 V一个 23 ave 的立交桥修了几年啊,花了多少银子?