你没必要担心这么多。房屋估价涨幅与地税上涨关系不是你想象地那么大。其实你并没有理解地税是如何计算的。 8 B1 q5 r7 H. H* t) K [! q, z* d' O' y3 D' f8 p
% q, _1 a/ A T3 Y4 |) l
你与LZ一样糊涂。地税的增加、减少与你房子价值的增加、减少基本没有关系。直接相关的是市政府预算。基本上,预算增加1%,你的地税同步增加1%。 z1 i9 S3 e i
5 @4 |5 n1 E- O! v1 K
2 o! {8 u. Q5 ^0 [9 f H * e- }. n: o; d1 ]# j: F2 O地税是由房子价值和税率同时决定的。最坏的情况是政府评估的房价涨了,税率也同时涨了。参考下面的链接, ] q7 ~, [1 t6 a+ x* f. D http://www.municipalaffairs.albe ... _and_Property_Taxes5 _+ _/ [+ ^& Y6 V$ L- g Property assessment x Tax rate = Taxes payable 9 s$ k8 o W: r: B# @. D0 w
This formula means that the assessed value of the property in dollars is multiplied by the tax rate set by the municipality. The result is the amount of taxes to be paid for each assessed property., Z" h2 P5 O6 k! O) V5 n$ \8 }: P& ~
& V2 v& ^" q+ T( V4 a
( {; m+ i+ g% z' l( ~- A6 t' mA municipality may adjust its tax rate on a yearly basis depending on its revenue requirement 7 t: o6 t( C$ _- M5 y
补充一下:地税是由两部分组成的。市里代收省税。我们和calgary居民省税的税率相同,但市里的税率是根据不同的预算来定的。 & B6 N u2 U9 D' R9 `( M! S2 _Your property tax is made up of: 1 Y/ G, r0 s/ i* _. A! L$ J+ N0 V+ m! W5 Q A municipal portion – based on the budget City Council sets at the end of each year (about 65% of your total residential bill) & U. C9 v4 E5 A) @2 n- v A provincial education portion – the Alberta Government sends the City an invoice for the education tax. The City of Edmonton is required to collect this tax from property owners on behalf of the province. (about 35% of your total bill) 8 Y! G% S( k# p# gSome residents (about 25% of all Edmonton properties) also pay local improvement charges. ; i# V# D1 t/ F