鲜花( 541)  鸡蛋( 13)
GH a small school. Serves local kids and those who pass tests and draw. Some advanced couses in Physics and Math (if I did not remember wrong) for which students usually take in Ainlay. However, this advantage disappears quickly in high school.2 s6 H% g# M1 a! B9 p
9 }, G2 q4 x7 ?
VB, a big school, with enrolment restriction. AC program is good. Their provincial test results are not that great.
, p3 |8 F7 [) W; o
# @$ O7 c, i: f* YCrestwood, good school too. Only it is in the west I hardly know it.
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" E+ W* P) i; _1 lMy information could be too old as my daughter graduated from VB long time ago. To learn more, plz go to their open house. Actually, their open house is coming up soon (early March). Your kids school should have some information.
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4 s; E' m9 N2 t7 G8 fThat Jr. school in Riverband is great too if you are living nearby.
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