如题,跟银行买的,条件如下:' c5 \' c, t/ g c7 L ~
no risks, no fixed term, no fees or penalties for early withdrawals, so your RRSP is always cashable % j1 F, E6 q. |4 d7 N) `, v
kingsnake 发表于 2012-3-5 15:44 0 ~0 f( h( _( c8 W' _
当然可以提出。1 E' } M9 b1 b% p" z$ b2 R3 ?6 L! g Y+ ]
你都还没有上报,当然可以取消。3 {( s6 m; e) a& U8 A9 A
; U/ J& U0 F! i. {8 n$ v( h 1 a; ~. l5 l* O6 |! HTotally agree. Bought RRSP for several years at my lowest salary to deduct the income tax, then I stop to buy it right now, since I believe that I will make more money later and even after I retired, so it is no sense to buy it if you plan the future right.
Player99 发表于 2012-3-5 16:01 * \) C' X( y* Z7 L1 [, U2 VTotally agree. Bought RRSP for several years at my lowest salary to deduct the income tax, then ...