鲜花( 6)  鸡蛋( 0)
U A 工程系(本科)的朋友帮忙回答一下第一年新生选课的问题。
8 ]0 \1 D, e# ^- c& F1。 是否每学期必须选下面的6门课?
! J/ a9 `, s# m5 _# ?2。 Complementary Studies Elective (3-0-0)-选那门课比较好?( a5 M+ F2 I6 q! H' M: P1 I
谢谢!: A: Z/ s( f# j0 v, X6 }
6 I. z) A# h7 G$ k84.2 First-Year Program
6 `; `/ x# E7 N' y+ A Students registering for first-year courses should consult the Registration and Courses menu at www.registrarsoffice.ualberta.ca for detailed registration procedures. Students interested in an equivalent curriculum given in French should consult §184.10.
4 J# ]) @: s9 j& W* T- uTerm 1. B. \ B- m* S+ }
CHEM 103 (3-1s-3/2)
( L! I9 Y7 e: t" @" OENGG 100 (1-0-0)
1 x5 X. V! e( B- } ~ENGG 130 (3-0-2)
: i( b E& x9 L7 bMATH 100 (3-0-2)# ^% o+ \( D( |
PHYS 130 (3-0-3/2)7 `5 I8 z( q: ~/ B" J9 z! ~: c( N
Complementary Studies Elective (3-0-0)
2 ^4 E' J0 q! O2 V. r2 V' r: C+ C) s' S, u& e6 _2 `
Term 2, _. G& y& t9 J7 ^5 N- C
CHEM 105 (3-0-3/2)* }, p* z. M3 b2 i g( S% j- K
ENCMP 100 (3-0-1.5)
& \* Y5 ~8 a0 r" R; p, b; _ENGG 101 (1-0-0)0 ] j) ~$ E: j/ `
EN PH 131 (3-1s-3/2)
, V& ]: |1 {' `4 H; dMATH 101 (3-0-1)4 v: }5 k. u$ N5 o' x9 Z
MATH 102 (3-0-1)
2 W: ~- m0 Q |9 [ i, G |