They mailed the book eariler, but I can remember how eariler they did. $ h3 S7 e# u& Y$ e( z; aAs soon as you get the book, try to read, don't wait last minutes to read. Some places, time and names are hard to remember. It is not a hard exam, but it is not easy too. It need some prepare.
; Y# C1 \- J$ F6 }: ?( U+ {8 W! T . U C& W/ y) n+ S& USorry I type wrong, I can not remember how earlier they send the book after you send your application
8 l. A) f w! u1 U* SI just googled the test, can't remember which website, but each website's the test is similar.( M/ M) H" J6 e B6 {" \
They interview you first, then having the test. You need bring your tax return and employment letter. - o- K0 F, w) T5 O