鲜花( 87)  鸡蛋( 1)
不一定要选他们,但群众影响力, 让 ta 们看清楚咱的投票意志, 不管是否已经入籍的,希望大家去闹闹场, 冲冲场面。
0 t( s y) d8 S- N8 K# o9 y* L3 W+ y. |) Y7 n3 [& z
#100, 18215-114 Ave. Edmonton 5点开始吃吃喝喝 , 记得多带些人上来。。。。
2 P" a7 u$ ?5 v7 L1 O& s+ d4 Y$ ]& r. p( J; C1 N
如果想参加竞选义工理解过程(极力推荐大家尝试当scrutineer 选票观察员 - 很有意思的一份工作, 可以看着选票, 点票过程,汇报总部)1 `# M5 v3 F% z) X
) _. B8 L6 n8 ?- [
7 J7 W; m0 B1 v, f$ C( v: @刚刚收到的一封信。
" ~+ B2 `5 ^, F# w3 w4 y! P5 `0 I! {; u z3 d- q( S+ H
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N. [- b. N+ a6 Y7 y
Hello, Everyone.$ v+ A) X# G" i- b4 i
i. o' ~" c! V4 CI’d like to personally invite you to Danielle’s final Edmonton rally before the election on Monday. Please join us at my campaign office #100, 18215-114 Ave. Edmonton, arriving around 5:00 p.m. on Saturday April 21.
( L7 p# n2 ^8 N3 E0 {
! ?' D M0 x1 L3 eDanielle will be arriving at 6:00 and we’d like everyone present to welcome her arrival.
" M4 c- r0 z* [We’re serving sliders and other refreshments starting at 5:00 to encourage you to come out early. Any and all friends and supporters are welcome. Depending on how long Danielle stays, you should be on your way enjoying your Saturday evening by 7:00 p.m.
+ u- L" n8 e% O5 u+ kCandidates, please bring one of your lawn or 4x4 signs, as we’re building a “Candidate Sign Wall” to help make Danielle feel welcome and as a highlight for the media.( b1 a) [0 y/ g$ B
I hope to see you all on Saturday.
' S& b2 W2 f" u$ p- I3 O
1 L3 I c/ P- ]8 c& nBest regards,8 C& g9 A, p# k6 f" F, b6 y- @; a/ m
Rick Newcombe8 y/ K: ?% _4 p2 a8 z/ t% J2 ^
Edmonton-Meadowlark |