鲜花( 15)  鸡蛋( 0)
五月二号一大早送儿子去机场。回来在还有两分钟就到家的Saddleback Road被警察拦下。警察说Saddleback是50Km zone,我开65。给了一张speeding ticket,89刀。不幸得是我的保险4月27日到期,新的邮来了,但我忘了换。No Insurance! 172刀。跟警察解释了半天,就是不行。最终还是拿了两张罚单。郁闷。) q- N, l7 M) q# U
) A& H4 J( {7 s/ f/ _1 m, e3 j( |8 S今天去交罚款。下午2点出门去LRT站。It was windy. 虽然有太阳,但不是很暖和。缩着脖子来到车站。做LRT到Churchill Station,沿着通道直接就到了Court。"that gentleman. Security check", somebody called at me. 我突然注意到进Court要过安检。脱了夹克、皮带,钱包,手机,和机场安检差不多。
( j. } j, m( Y- _3 C! N9 W, j; G& X8 A+ R$ L3 x+ X
在Court正门边有一个厅,就在那里交罚金。排了几分钟队,看到Cashier那有一个Sign: "All cell phone must be turned off"。我的手偷偷地在口袋里把手机关成了震动。
. d7 ~3 b. Q) k {"Next", a cashier said. "what can I do for you".
& v [* w8 \+ @9 v"I will pay this", I gave her the speeding ticket, "and I'd like to see someone about this".8 B) V, X3 [" N0 Z9 e4 X
"Ok. I just send all these to the crown. wait there", she pointed to the seats., E+ W( I/ t9 x2 R, Q7 J
"Ok. thank you", I said.3 Y1 }+ v; I6 _, m2 D1 l( |
刚在那坐一分钟左右。一个门背后伸出一个老者人头,"Wang"。我有些犹豫,不可能这么快吧。"Wang", that old man called again. "Oh, here", I said. 那是一个小房间。7 g+ ^8 A F4 `; F9 J+ q: I
"sit down", the man said.
4 q6 d3 w8 a. G"thank you"
* N8 ~" V1 W+ T; v"mh..., speeding,...no insurance", the man chedked the tickets., z) m* r$ D1 i& k' I
"this, I'm guilty, I will pay this. but this. my insurance just expiried three days, and I have new one, but I forgot to replace it." I said.# |" B" {- `# A% C$ e
"I will cancel this, and go to the cashier to pay the speeding ticket" the old man said, not even look at the new insurance card I showed to him.
0 Z# x: g. G. ^$ N( F"this is the new insurance card" I said.
0 t4 o9 j/ Z& W5 ^6 n- a, W8 t& C8 n"I'm ok with that. I will cancel this for you." he said.( _1 ~- y5 m Z! U2 k. x
"thank you, thank you very much." 我十分感动。% c$ B u: e( @9 k0 p, C' Q% D3 ?
在小房间里呆了最多两分钟。到Cashier那交了89刀后,走出Court。外面风和日丽,阳光明媚,真是一个好天气。 |