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鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-21 08:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
加拿大的房贷新策即将于下月九日正式实施, 大家对此有何看法?欢迎跟帖探讨!!!
# |$ [5 l" K% }! _8 o* V, S# K6 e  d4 J/ `3 k
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty says clamping down on mortgage rules will save Canadians thousands of dollars as he confirmed four changes to the rules governing insured mortgages.% T7 R5 P; p& L4 |. Y) e

2 r) r6 I" {3 `' y2 E! L" gAt a news conference in Ottawa, Mr. Flaherty confirmed that Ottawa will:3 `& w- x  O* b# r  [% \- u/ E) y8 u4 s
     .  reduce the maximum amortization period to 25 years from 30 years. 1 `7 w0 c- @, q% p
     .  The maximum amount of equity homeowners can take out of their homes in a refinancing is being reduced to 80 per cent from 85 per cent.
& k( c! P# ?" {( Q! }- A     .  The availability of government-backed mortgages will be limited to homes with a purchase price of less than $1-million   u% O) @* v. \4 H- {
     .  The maximum gross debt service ratio will be fixed at 39 per cent and the maximum total debt service ratio at 44 per cent.
- g9 ~6 ~: M. e5 D

8 z9 y+ E* Y9 O+ x$ o) V/ b% L+ J* i"I remain concerned about parts of the Canadian real estate market, particularly in Toronto, but not only in Toronto," said Mr. Flaherty. "This is a judgment call. This is not written anywhere in a book about when one intervenes and when one does not intervene, but my judgment is that we need to calm particularly the condo market in a few Canadian cities."; h/ p8 w7 H( V( N2 U: g4 h  v
* j1 W$ N/ H) ]
The changes will take effect on July 9, 2012.
8 G) [2 l8 j. V8 J
) s/ t/ ?! ]+ s) W6 ^
0 z/ n; y5 l4 V8 A
! q$ X4 ^/ O% s! e
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-21 09:12 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(154) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2012-6-21 10:36 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(3323) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2012-6-21 10:55 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
lanlong 发表于 2012-6-21 11:36 % N8 [4 k/ Q5 Q7 B% d
1 L" Y" v, [$ j- @8 n2 t
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-21 12:03 | 显示全部楼层
GDS and TDS may be different for most Financial Institutions currently, which are under max GDS of 32% and TDS of 40%.  
$ u) c7 n! k" A8 h7 v7 e7 B
鲜花(154) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2012-6-21 13:04 | 显示全部楼层
浪里黑条 发表于 2012-6-21 11:55 8 w8 t; i! C. U0 K4 u2 ^! v

, _8 g0 b- l4 s. d1 a那还等什么呀!赶紧抢啊!!
鲜花(3323) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2012-6-21 13:08 | 显示全部楼层
lanlong 发表于 2012-6-21 14:04 7 g7 B; `8 Y8 `- `1 P& e$ g

, P# v+ h0 w: s2 H, x那是肯定的!
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-21 16:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 东北老农民 于 2012-6-21 18:03 编辑
9 O, F  Z; ^' y" E2 ^! C
0 W( P( @3 W. Ahttp://info.51.ca/news/canada/2012/06/21/258860.shtml
( ]5 q5 @8 P2 m* j/ Y
, M- q  ]6 a) n# d! {# ^$ F(本网编译) 本周四,联邦财长费拉逖(Jim Flaherty)再次宣布按揭贷款新规,这是自2008年以来联邦财政部第四度收紧按揭、提升房贷申请门槛,以便减少本国居民遭遇债务危机的可能。6 Z3 c" Z" @' ^7 t0 k, F

8 p- y/ e0 q4 O3 |! E' q新规定将从今年7月9日开始正式实施,其要点包括:4 Y1 b3 u# N0 _% X% P( N( [" t

. _. w) W+ B- p& Y9 O4 U一、房贷的最久偿还年限(amortization)从现行的30年进一步缩短至25年;
* _5 x( g, ]. ]( R/ b, x
$ t; }  t3 B5 u, x二、以房屋作抵押申请贷款时最多只能取得相当房屋价值80%的贷款,而非现行的可以取得相当房屋价值85%的贷款;
  k$ H% X! K+ q' u" V5 a" f; o3 Q% @
三、政府担保的房屋贷款,涉及的房屋价值不能超过100万元,这意味着豪宅买家可能需要首付至少20%,或寻求私人担保(private insurance); / i; q' `, z& ]+ h; M' c8 i
3 g. T1 R5 {4 ~# W6 v) k$ b0 j% G
' ?( ^7 {9 M3 O; j
四、房主的“毛借贷还款比率”(Gross Debt Service Ratio,即计算税前总收入中用来支付基本住房开支的比率)最高为39%,而“总借贷还款比率”(Total Debt Service Ratio,即计算税前总收入中用来支付住房及其它消费贷款的比率)最高为44%。
0 ?4 k# g, z8 ?- z7 m! ~' M$ T4 P) U3 ?8 ^
1 ]$ t! m; C) s& [
: `+ d1 D* q0 g, I0 u* C& G( N6 z  g1 Z) O; x
4 X* A0 R3 j4 S; k* E+ y9 ?
财长表示,他出台按揭新规是基于自己和财政部经济学家对本国房市的“正确判断”。目前,本国的公寓市场已经过度建造,在多伦多、温哥华、蒙特利尔、魁北克都是如此,这是财政部最为担心的事情。6 S4 R8 u- I" M

# {. f3 l% W' j7 n* \费拉逖还表示,在有上述问题的大城市中,多伦多是个典型。由于早前稳固的需求,建筑商“无限制地”持续建造公寓楼,甚至扭曲了市场(distorting the market),十分令他担忧(concern)。据悉,财长曾不止一次提到多伦多公寓市场的问题,但是如此“点名警告”尚属首次。
0 d7 ]7 {4 ?3 t3 A$ C+ k( Z( C4 L* f3 |) V1 \

6 U+ n) F% ?/ D1 g! R" D值得注意的是,最近全球经济不的景气的阴影再现,欧洲、中国、美国近期的经济数据皆大大低于预期。在如此大环境下,加拿大无法独善其身,而收紧按揭无疑会加重影响本国的经济和就业,特别是建筑业的增长。 " m" y9 q& d$ O! _/ P3 {0 k0 i5 ^
' c0 r& H, `3 v0 v4 l" O3 D
2 U) u; n( [$ E* O3 p2 |- y$ T
( Q/ [/ g( t% S( i* }: E
费拉逖对此则表示,自己一直在关注全球的经济形势,随时准备出台更多的(刺激经济的)措施。 无忧资讯 - ]6 w# s+ @! B4 ~
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-21 17:48 | 显示全部楼层
严重关注, 要抓紧时间办个PRE-APPROVAL先,还来得及吗?
鲜花(158) 鸡蛋(19)
发表于 2012-6-21 18:15 | 显示全部楼层
shao 发表于 2012-6-21 18:48 + g6 S& |! v6 d8 [% @) z" S
严重关注, 要抓紧时间办个PRE-APPROVAL先,还来得及吗?
: P% J8 V7 C' H  y2 f1 }
我觉得这个政策其实就是毛毛雨, 湿湿地面,意思意思而已。
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2012-6-21 19:19 | 显示全部楼层
shao 发表于 2012-6-21 17:48
' _1 ?; @$ P7 o严重关注, 要抓紧时间办个PRE-APPROVAL先,还来得及吗?
5 z8 H* o- B; H8 ?* h. T
等几个月。期限过后,房价会下降一点。& P- D+ V( R# u( X4 U
鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-21 19:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-22 06:35 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
DELTA 发表于 2012-6-21 19:46 & D& r6 B: W7 h! ?# C7 d' ~
. L$ ^8 A/ e( g2 }/ w  O0 y
我先不谈自己的意见或建议, 转贴一封我们TMG 的PRESIDENT  & CFO 之邮件,希望您有耐心读完!# Q" E9 S  p2 i5 w# Q5 I

2 w. H! }7 T+ @6 Z- E! k
3 |5 F% q1 ^. T* ]6 n5 p' e) T5 \
2 T$ r. G4 ^) s9 |I have to say, after the last three years of market volatility, the last three rounds of mortgage changes and the introduction of OSFI as the overseer of CMHC there is nothing that can surprise me . that was until last night. The fourth round of mortgage changes introduced by Minster of Finance Jim Flaherty did just that - took me by surprise.
+ J$ |% k; A0 [ 0 K& _7 f9 D' `
First a brief recap of the changes:
% E+ ~; |: o! N& C0 l1.        All changes are in respect to insured mortgage loans & g9 }, D' E3 k4 O1 @
2.        Reduction in the maximum amortization from 30 years to 25 years
3 i- H+ W# |3 ~- @3 c$ C( D3.        Reduction in the maximum amount Canadians can borrow to refinance their current homes from 85% to 80% loan-to-value; K  h# f3 w/ ^- F% f! K
4.        Mortgage customers are going to be qualified on maximum gross debt service ratios of 39% and total debt service ratios of 44%
, [# q- t9 E6 \$ @4 J5.        Maximum property values to qualify for mortgage insurance must be less than $1 million.
6 Q) v% V6 ~, \& X% ~1 k6.        These changes are going to come into effect on July 9th (as opposed to previous announcements that any changes would come with 60 days notice)0 A, B2 {0 k! M
7.        These changes are in addition to the changes previously announced by OFSI about limiting the maximum loan-to-value on HELOCs to 65%
" e% @9 r% c+ P- y! P, a0 _What are the implications of these changes?
; o5 Z6 Z( Z" |* k! s# n  @
) H9 G* p2 v& I' ^" @5 B. UAccording to published reports of leading economists these changes are going to help facilitate a "soft landing". Many are commenting that they are prudent given the continued run up of the debt-to-income ratios and extended period of ultra-low interest rates.( C# t& X' z+ I# A; {

- g" Z, v+ d/ X5 g# NMy concern is that these changes have targeted first time homebuyers to a much greater extent which could have a more significant impact on the housing market in Canada. This statement is not meant to alarm you. I believe our housing market, our financial system, our national economic health are all very strong. The statement is meant to provide perspective on the changes.( s/ O: e9 _- U* w3 U( }- [
! a4 s- A8 ?( W8 M/ G
Moving amortizations from 30 years to 25 years is NOT the same as when they were reduced from 35 to 30 years. For example:
/ M: S: r" n; q$ Y8 h2 @ : I$ @. Y% V0 P6 s
A $250,000 loan amount for 5 years with fixed interest rate of 3.29% the monthly P&I payments are as follows:
$ G' w$ ?& \6 h2 N+ m ! P7 ]$ E  {0 N3 D
25 year amortization = $1,220.63
. V8 a8 s  G* s30 year amortization = $1,090.44 (The monthly cash flow difference between 25 and 30 years is $130.19)( f- n- g( T! H% @1 b8 s1 }
35 year amortization = $999.86 (The monthly cash flow difference between 30 and 35 years is $90.58)
3 _1 J8 e, K5 M5 C% }6 E4 b! B
8 k% P0 [8 B+ X. }* |- FIn this example the delta between the two is nearly 30% - a significant difference. In an economic report released this morning from CIBC it was estimated that "the direct impact of this move alone might cut the value of mortgage originations by close to 2%." In our channel we are even more sensitive to this because a high percentage of our business comes from first time homebuyers.  ]2 N$ E; }9 Q5 H! L& i$ s! H
# }" a$ c$ ], B6 Y
In January of this year, CIBC published a report showing that debt-to-income ratios were skewed towards habitual borrowers. It went on to say "A rising share of the highly indebted are over 45 years old, an age where accumulating net assets ahead of retirement should be paramount. Canadians nearing retirement, who should be in their prime savings years, are, instead, getting themselves deeper into debt." This is clearly not the same group most affected by today's change in policy.
/ R/ l1 |6 Q2 ~% y9 Q* ^! l
& J7 Z2 w: K1 f. a; Z) MReducing maximum amortizations by another 5% will make the cost of borrowing more expensive for mortgage consumers on the margin. For those who, in the past, used this opportunity in a prudent manner to consolidate higher interest credit then used the cash flow savings to more aggressively retire debt, those options have just been reduced.
$ Q+ E0 F; q& P. n3 j
0 y* Y) m/ I0 Y( v% b, wFor those borrowers who do need to refinance and who are now unable to will seek out more expensive private, unsecured lending products and credit cards to do so. When you consider such a high percentage of mortgage refinance dollars were spent on home improvement and consumer spending, I am concerned about the impact of this change on the economy as well.
& t! ^4 O- r  z% R : w# K. Y; m$ \( f, U
Changes to the gross debt requirements will, in the future, create more questions than answers. The biggest question for us is to understand how the calculations will vary from lender to lender. For example, will a lender use 3% for the calculation on a Line of Credit or interest only payments? Now is the time to ensure you have clarification from your lender partners and understand their guidelines./ Y* n7 q, z1 w5 U2 h; r
) D  P1 R: Y8 s/ k. M( U
Setting a $1 million mortgage insurance limit on property values is clearly going to target the larger urban areas such as Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto. If the concern was for the condo market, these strokes are much broader in context. Funding appears to be limited to balance sheet lenders for these conventional loans going forward.
, ~: q0 S* b* p6 ]; s
1 U5 R$ U3 S* I( T, z4 K$ {# vThe short notice period  -- changes take effect on July 9, 2012 - is clearly Flaherty wanting immediate action to not allow a bubble of mortgage demand to build up over an extended period of time.) f3 D; u/ A$ |* v0 z* h9 n9 \5 b
9 F7 c4 P. f; V
Why did these changes come into place?4 p2 l" k2 Y7 o: f

, [2 q3 Z. T# `3 R# hClearly the extended ultra-low interest rate environment we have been experiencing lately has spurred borrowing and had a positive impact on home prices across Canada. The Governor of the Bank of Canada, Mark Carney had been hinting at his desire in recent months to raise rates. This change gives Carney room to NOT raise interest rates. In fact, if the global economy does worsen, he may, in fact, have the ability to lower rates. A TD Economics report released today asserted that the tighter restrictions can target the risk more directly and have roughly the equivalent impact to a 1% increase in interest rates.7 [; b( p, f6 l2 a0 T9 M+ L, K
+ y; ]6 A3 L) s7 r
The global economy is still in bad shape.  While we have all been reading the headlines about Spain, Greece, the elections in France, etc., our world financial leaders must believe we are in for prolonged economic recession. As such, there is no time soon when interest rates are likely to rise. The Government decided to target the mortgage debt as a means to deal with the Bank of Canada's inability to raise interest rates./ Y- c) t5 @0 r0 |8 t  m- L. ^* ^
& w  m& Z$ E+ e! f
I question the timing though and ask "why now?" From a political sense, it has been reported recently that there has been a softening in the housing market, at least in a number of cities. If these changes prove to be the tipping point the Government can go back and say "it wasn't our changes that led to this downturn, it was already happening".7 ]+ H. \/ k9 N& o# h

4 V9 B1 B2 d( e1 v. {I have to say though I am disappointed. It was just two short months ago on April 10, 2012 that  Flaherty was quoted as saying "I have no present plans to intervene in the housing market in Canada. There has been some moderation in the market of late. I would prefer the market itself to correct to the extent a correction is necessary."
/ X$ L& _  |5 W4 ]$ i' A8 P2 K
( B4 o1 R- Q$ V* R2 u) {This reminds me when former US President George Bush said "Read my lips, no new taxes."
, x$ Y8 v, n9 t3 p' g% C5 D ( ^3 e3 E/ h4 k% X2 `) \( L; d
What do we do now?
0 @( R* ?5 f& v# W$ t: q
4 v# y: n4 {8 D& A: x2 c7 o3 Y9 nFirst and foremost, I believe more strongly at this moment than ever, that Canadians should and MUST consult with a mortgage broker. Access to multiple lenders, speaking with an expert and navigating these changes is not only in their best interest but in our lending partners best interests as well. After all, there is no channel more knowledgeable and informed than the broker channel in Canada.
. m6 r- f3 B3 {, u. u  Y6 a
3 H5 ~  {7 t( A$ \( mSecondly, be available. These changes are happening fast. There is no 60-day notice period. If you have been in recent contact with purchasers or refinance clients in the recent past engage them today. Let them know these changes are coming down the pipe and how and when they will be impacted.
: X( @/ s8 |: X2 i+ t 9 |7 K" _4 Z( p2 \
Believe in our markets and our systems. Canada is the best country to live in. We are in many respects the envy of the world. We will continue to thrive. We have already successful dealt with three rounds of mortgage changes in the last three to four years and we will deal with this round as well." m  {* Q5 Y9 F

1 m& A, {+ @0 B! o1 C- uBe engaged in CAAMP and your provincial associations. They have ongoing government relations initiatives in place. They have the ear of our Government and can act much more effectively as a group than us as a dispersed group of individuals.( q4 \  Y2 [7 u# }- K4 n- j
* c2 O% v) H5 G
Your TMG leadership is engaged in this discussion. We have developed deep and meaningful relationships with lenders. They want to deal with TMG and our brokers. They view us as a national "boutique" firm known for our high quality and efficient deals. This will position us very well in the times ahead.
! f0 Q1 A' c4 m" m3 x8 ]. X1 n
/ P' K6 C4 R& q9 N& j8 n+ C2 |! p。。。。。。。/ z' t# I9 U: J
7 W; `7 ?  L3 B
' Q. t' J8 \& @6 y4 p: j
! z" a2 _  s3 V6 y# N, L" ]1 E. N
鲜花(33) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-22 07:53 | 显示全部楼层
浪里黑条 发表于 2012-6-21 11:55 0 K6 J9 f/ T6 O; x" ]. r
' [% K. z3 H& g: ?0 j
$ p" ]' G) P/ n; Y, Z9 v
- g& U+ V# R+ z有买家要在七月九日前吃进,也有卖家会想在七月九日前脱手。两个因数还得比试比试。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-22 08:18 | 显示全部楼层
eastroster 发表于 2012-6-22 08:53 1 D* @0 b5 _6 r- M# ?  N
不一定吧。# W7 I% S9 ?8 I) R& G" \. ^; Q

2 O' S$ L3 v5 [. {$ q: Y有买家要在七月九日前吃进,也有卖家会想在七月九日前脱手。两个因数还得比试比试。
6 H4 {$ v0 `' \0 A! u: y) y9 y
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-22 08:18 | 显示全部楼层
郭森房贷 发表于 2012-6-22 07:35 & T0 r: k" n  I% G9 u
我先不谈自己的意见或建议, 转贴一封我们TMG 的PRESIDENT  & CFO 之邮件,希望您有耐心读完!
4 l+ Y! ~+ e/ m: j# B% a9 x
Well said.
鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-22 08:40 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨

4 {: B( G6 `  H. ?, m- u& q/ t
+ `$ c+ F% ~7 j0 x
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-22 09:24 | 显示全部楼层
shao 发表于 2012-6-21 17:48
$ R+ w+ \0 W  e1 n" k严重关注, 要抓紧时间办个PRE-APPROVAL先,还来得及吗?

4 X9 d9 f' V' H# c  b) ZPre-approval不行。必须要在7月9号之前签订买房合同,申请了贷款保险,并且放款日在12月31日之前,才适用旧规则。! z. f) \) E, x' k! Q+ f
( H4 Q+ ?- {& D; t5 |, O
鲜花(17) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-22 09:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-22 11:52 | 显示全部楼层
廖丹Mortgage 发表于 2012-6-22 10:24 & i# k6 p6 |2 `- t% F8 t- Z! O4 ?
Pre-approval不行。必须要在7月9号之前签订买房合同,申请了贷款保险,并且放款日在12月31日之前,才适用 ...
4 c* f: a" n. @2 x
what if i sign the home purchasing contract before July 9th, but my mortgate is a completion mortage which will become effective after 12 months, will my maximum amortization be 25 years or 30 years? thanks!
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-22 16:10 | 显示全部楼层
jiejie945 发表于 2012-6-22 11:52
+ ?+ n" g9 @: x1 v, cwhat if i sign the home purchasing contract before July 9th, but my mortgate is a completion morta ...
2 M6 W2 q0 D6 Z! K- M" @3 Y4 B
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-22 18:09 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
天马行 发表于 2012-6-22 09:26
9 Y5 l0 i7 C8 _) X6 k固定房贷利率会涨还是跌
0 X: V4 Y. y  k( n& _4 ]
固定利率短期内应该不会上涨, 这四味药已经够猛的了, 再上调利率会让经济雪上加霜。
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-22 18:13 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
jiejie945 发表于 2012-6-22 11:52 & P4 Z6 f- e$ r5 ^4 k3 p
what if i sign the home purchasing contract before July 9th, but my mortgate is a completion morta ...
$ m* o3 Y0 N5 M
when you re-submit your mortgage application 120 days prior the new home completion, you could shopping around and will find out 30 years amortization still available, just like current market, there are few lenders still offering 35 years amort. with conventional mortgages.
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-22 18:14 | 显示全部楼层
廖丹Mortgage 发表于 2012-6-22 09:24
9 v# R( D8 a( _2 ^Pre-approval不行。必须要在7月9号之前签订买房合同,申请了贷款保险,并且放款日在12月31日之前,才适用 ...

  h5 L* b' w' {" {- d! J正解!
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-22 20:26 | 显示全部楼层
廖丹Mortgage 发表于 2012-6-22 10:24 1 i& C, f8 R5 B. V! m. g
Pre-approval不行。必须要在7月9号之前签订买房合同,申请了贷款保险,并且放款日在12月31日之前,才适用 ...
) h+ c6 u) A. F  f8 P
+ `+ p: m( q* B/ d7 K
; }8 p, H7 W& b1 @8 Y4 s! k谢谢!
鲜花(219) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-22 21:00 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(125) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-6-22 21:31 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2012-6-22 21:32 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-22 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
砖头哥一定要我吐露心声, 不然有头破血流之虑! 俺不是分析师, 也不是预言家,仅谈谈自己对上面四项新策的一点看法:
# M" |$ P, f' B# a- p6 A# Q$ e; J) A- \
1.        政府出台这些政策,就是想抑制消费者不断增长的负债额度,从而调整过热的房地产市场和偏高的房价。据CIBC讲这些政策会直接减少2%的房屋贷款额(the direct impact of this move alone might cut the value of mortgage originations by close to 2%),换言之至少有2% 的申请人因为新政的实施而无法获得银行的贷款批准。& p) v- p7 _. L+ g
$ m4 N3 C4 ~1 `# A1 a
2.        新政主要对需要政府保险的贷款有约束, 亦即首付低于20%的申请人。对亚洲客户尤其是中国客户影响不大。我过去七年经办的一千多笔房屋贷款,80%左右都是支付首付20% 或以上,85%左右的客户选择25年的总还款年限。( h5 U  r  }, m$ g: y

0 k' M$ n& U) M- s$ L3 m3 ^6 h3.        对房屋价格的影响到底有多大?我个人认为不大, 但房价的涨幅会放缓, 尤其是被联邦财长费拉逖(Jim Flaherty)同志点名警告的多伦多和温哥华, 房价的走势堪忧(早前有TD 预测这两座城市的公寓房可能会下调15%)。 咱们屯子的房价在过去几年基本处于原地踏步的状态,现在经济复苏的春风吹遍A省各地,外来人口激增,这渥太华的几股凉风袭来,偶脚着应该不会对屯子里的房价有啥影响。
4 e' B* I& V" E" Q' N1 m8 c% y
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 06:14 | 显示全部楼层
(ZT) The Department of Finance has posted this Q A on its website.
6 b2 [0 e8 W( W3 ?: s) j5 `
% B% C. e' }9 Q  _1 b3 i6 ghttp://www.fin.gc.ca/n12/data/12-070_2-eng.asp8 v) f  `, ^0 h) a6 V* Z

  i( ], F1 N9 v% V; C! @

& q4 S  I" C  `5 y5 uQ. I already have an insured mortgage. How will these changes affect me?
3 P3 u/ T1 I* T' @! R4 L/ R. XA. Mortgage insurance is good for the life of the mortgage. Borrowers renewing their insured mortgages will not be affected by these changes. For example, if a borrower had a 30-year amortization and there are 27 years remaining on the mortgage, the mortgage can be renewed with a 27-year amortization, as long as no new funds are being added to the mortgage.5 b) a) C/ a4 A  Z2 B* ~. ~

# J" G6 D0 ^7 o# rQ. What is required to qualify for an exception to the new parameters?
& n/ ~% {+ u; T9 g9 tA. The new measures will apply as of July 9, 2012. Exceptions will be made to satisfy a binding purchase and sale, financing or refinancing agreement where a mortgage insurance application has been made before July 9, 2012. While the changes come into force on July 9, 2012, any mortgage insurance applications received after June 21, 2012 and before July 9, 2012 that do not conform to the measures announced today must be funded by December 31, 2012. ! M  G8 j# R7 U% b" t6 w
* v) d; B" c, p/ ^& L+ R: V
Q. Will a purchase and sale agreement dated prior to July 9, 2012 be considered binding if there are outstanding conditions that have not been fulfilled prior to July 9, 2012?
0 w) h* \2 |$ N2 v( ?1 \1 d$ s9 rA. Yes, if the date on the purchase and sale agreement is earlier than July 9, 2012, and a mortgage insurance application has been made prior to that date, the new parameters will not apply, even if the conditions of the agreement have not been waived.
1 N0 r! J7 W) H# L! V
- B2 ~, H& o: d8 {Q. Will the new refinancing rules allow a borrower with a mortgage above 80 per cent loan-to-value (LTV) to refinance by extending the amortization period?9 ^  H5 W1 k9 @0 Q9 p$ x2 @0 N
A. No. Effective July 9, 2012, borrowers will not be permitted to refinance a mortgage above an 80 per cent LTV, unless the borrower has a binding refinance agreement dated prior to July 9, 2012, and a mortgage insurance agreement has been made prior to that date.  # B8 Q' i- @$ u

  U# u9 \- N9 rQ. I have a written mortgage pre-approval from a lender, dated before July 9, 2012 with a 30-year amortization. Will I still be eligible for a 30-year amortization if I don't sign an agreement of purchase and sale until July 9, 2012 or later?4 c( n# H% j+ Q1 ^3 b/ C- w. M
A. No, a mortgage pre-approval without an agreement of purchase and sale is not sufficient to qualify for a 30-year amortization. You may have a 30-year amortization only if your agreement of purchase and sale is dated before July 9, 2012 and you have made a mortgage insurance application before July 9, 2012. You may wish to discuss with your lender to revise your mortgage pre-approval using the new parameters announced today.
3 x/ ^' u9 T, h' p; X4 K8 u
0 x% g0 c; H4 O8 EQ. Will the new parameters apply to assignment ("switch" or transfer) of a previously insured loan from one approved lender to another?2 [; q1 n% k9 o2 s: A/ U7 a
A. No. As long as the loan amount and amortization period are not increased, the new parameters will not apply to a switch/transfer/assignment of the mortgage to a different lender.
4 h! |, ]  I; @1 g/ n
8 d) \8 Y8 _& U6 r0 z9 W! SQ. If I sell my current home and buy another, will the new parameters apply if I transfer the outstanding balance of my insured mortgage to the new home?7 Z( X. N' \' |* p, v$ C" B) |# C8 ]( X
A. As long as the outstanding balance of the insured loan, the LTV ratio and the remainder of the amortization period are not increased, the new parameters will not apply when the mortgage insurance is transferred from one home to another.
1 x0 X* b9 ~! @4 V3 u
- N) y- V: [3 K& U4 ^- uQ. What if I need to increase the amount of my insured loan when I sell my current home and buy another?  ^1 u! u$ _3 _9 ~1 `
A. In this situation, the new parameters will apply for any insured loan.7 D3 c& i9 e# a* C8 d6 _2 h; v6 p
7 z) d4 b  A+ _
Q. If I bought a condo that is not expected to be built for another two years, will the new parameters apply?6 L1 f9 y2 N! Y8 o8 o! s
A. If you bought a condo and have made a mortgage insurance application on or before June 21, then the new parameters would not apply. If you buy a condo and make a mortgage insurance application after June 21, the new parameters will apply if the mortgage loan is not funded by December 31, 2012. 4 [2 u3 m6 X& _& C) W

. @, d0 E: L- }& Z
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