鲜花( 499)  鸡蛋( 10)

楼主 |
发表于 2012-7-8 22:51
未睇过《独裁者》咯的人快D去睇,劲搞笑。& X& q1 {$ @4 U( }
0 X1 { Y( J* u; C
Aladeen: Oh it's a girl. I'm so sorry. Where's the trashcan?9 u1 s2 u G5 x6 v
Pregnant Woman: Oh no we want it!* V3 Z2 R9 M- [) L$ o9 h4 h3 y
5 c: G; L4 A" p
Aladeen: What are Civil Rights?- S0 n$ o; z, C* V, x5 x1 J
Head Nuclear Scientist: They're hilarious, I'll tell you about them sometime。
& r" j, v" G3 E; i
$ N. w: y3 q7 k* Z& g, xAladeen: You go to the bathroom after Osama, you will realize the true meaning of terrorism.* W- d, h9 g% N9 \- H4 e: I
6 g/ s& ^2 Y+ V# x; PAladeen asked his wife: Do you want a boy, or an abortion?
* ]3 r) H$ W5 S/ k0 F1 y5 I, d |