要买,大人也买,今天去了,因为没买daypass我闺女与她爸共花100元在tickets上,我就是排队的命啥也没坐,我们还买了gatepass,我闺女4岁多,这样算下来不买daypass超不划算,总共冤了40刀。: ^+ B; t3 R, A- Z, Z
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Every kid is different. It's hard to say should buy or shouldn't buy. If your kid doesn't like to ride, you will feel that you wast the money. But if your kid like, you should buy the all day ride. So he can ride again and agian and again. / x% }0 J$ ^' U5 ~' ?" bSome rides you must to have an adult go with you (like Crazy Mouse or Nitro). ) {( i1 F. O8 [
If your kid is 42'' or taller (Nitro) than your allowed to go with them but if they are 48'' they can go themselves.