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鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(6)
发表于 2012-8-4 09:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 bigsnail 于 2012-8-4 10:50 编辑 $ O" ?# J9 u* h1 P) ~7 h

; n& a# \6 d) ]4 I* i& d4 m0 D1 r饶毅致《自然》杂志总编的信。' F# u+ ~/ @% h" J( {
就像当年傅莹在英国《星期日电讯报》上发文一样,要争取到话语权、影响别人的认识,就得多一点这样的人。% k* ]9 |* _5 m2 |" o
总体上中国对外宣传还是以自己的思维方式,效果不彰。0 _- `/ j! p: M0 [8 E
' ?5 h: `& e) @2 w
& q9 w7 S  T" T, [+ w( A0 b0 L- j" l& j6 p8 d8 Z
致《自然》杂志总编的信:有关叶诗文的新闻报道  精选/ V) v' ?. l2 q% ]7 B* R" k+ y; f6 A- e
6 v! i9 E- g" O. h) k7 b
英文原信附后,大意如下:! \$ R6 x5 g) n+ a
- K9 M# H& ?1 [
1 L: O5 w& `8 P( e+ }       你可能因Ewen Callaway对叶诗文的报道而被email狂炸,过去二十小时,给你6 l7 q+ C  g& K9 a2 m8 S
email的人里面小部分也给我来信。3 j0 B0 _! @$ o, H: C
       如果你奇怪《自然》非本质部分一篇报道为何带来这么大的反应,你应该高兴: C; j# [9 r5 x( ^" y9 V
) b; Y- ?' ]5 I2 G) w9 t2 V能重于《纽约时报》,中文媒体报道用你们的新闻也远多于一般西方媒体用你们的新闻。7 b3 P- \. l3 @
       Callaway报道最好也是草率、最差是种族偏见:1)最初的副标题暗示叶可能舞* `" ~) E* t% S& w* E
弊; 2)Callaway用了两件事实说明叶惊人地异常,而两件都错了; 3)Callaway没咨询意
& _9 B+ P$ @  }4 K8 J9 ~6 X见不同的专家,导致报道不平衡,低于公平报道的最低标准。所以,Callaway至少不负
0 r7 [/ D7 i. ]# T) }责任,可能太快就暗示中国运动员容易舞弊。他肯定没有达到新闻报道的通常标准。5 E* E* z, M- Z$ f8 {
       我很高兴看到在我草拟此信的过程中,《自然》可能意识到了原副标题的偏见4 {) X  o2 O) `8 l/ k8 A
,将之由“成绩追踪记录有助于抓体育舞弊者”更正为“成绩追踪记录有助于驱散疑问/ D0 Q$ m1 Q; S& k) `' g8 M
”。舞弊的前设改为疑问。& H$ `1 F7 |6 Z3 h1 M
4 o0 N) _2 a/ @& S4 J) e% o比自己在2012年7月的记录要快7秒,说她在最后五十米比男子冠军Ryan Lochte还要快
# l9 v4 g: t* E; U( G,而后者是男子第二快的世界纪录。" h  a# Q: J# W  q
       第一个“事实”错了,第二个误导。1)叶比自己只快5秒,而此前她的记录创于# H* l4 O; Z9 C" y/ b
2011年、不是2012年,这位16岁运动员用了一年而不是少于4周刷新自己。2)叶只在混8 h* k/ U$ S5 I; R
3 l+ z+ ?5 s8 a6 q0 t" |快的记录,叶在400米丝毫不能接近他(慢了二十多秒)。叶只是自由泳最强,而在前" m; W- r$ r+ v* |& c* B
300米落后于好些女选手。虽然Lochte在400米很快,他在最后50米的自由泳慢于五、六* P2 O* N% ^+ x( c7 u. h
位男选手。叶最后五十米自由泳也慢于那些男子。所以,叶只在她自己的强项而他的弱1 ?2 @: O! `) A% R2 g. P, \3 @
项快于Lochte。如果Callaway多做的功课,他就难以用这些“事实”来使“问题”醒目) c8 Z: p& x7 F; T: l! h/ ~
。如果Callaway多查询,他就能发现其他游泳运动员也曾在十几岁发育阶段显著提高记" q* w8 ?6 z6 t* e! u, v4 J* w
$ }0 k. W9 ]8 e1 g! h6 L还有好些事实,可以让一般读者更理解叶诗文的成绩,我不在此赘述。可以参见《附件& \4 v$ g3 w9 p& a# v3 {( U
1》,wikipedia对叶的成就有一个相当快而公平的描述。署名的《自然》报道应该优于0 {$ ^2 e" e" ^5 u
# z5 P4 P6 E, h4 {) A同意见的专家。
# M1 p0 b8 m* R2 C4 f+ X9 J  G你应该收到了"XXX"博士的一封email。他在发表多篇《自然》和《自然神经科学》的
6 X0 r( u5 ^; l- u/ K第一作者论文后,获得"XX"学院的博士,并因此获有声誉的奖学金到"XX"大& e% {( A0 C( m7 ]+ W  h. _, C
# U# E4 @" @8 _7 {' ?) ^《附件2》。他email给了我、要我看看此事。1 o0 d* V3 N) H. n* ^5 O
/ R6 m1 o, r& H. R的讨论被删了,他们寄给了我。我选Lai Jiang的一份为《附件3》,Zhenxi Zhang的为
& k  P& M+ X- B- m, v; A4 W: X( N《附件4》。你们可以看到学生和一些更有经历的《自然》读者不高兴是有依据的,而
' g, o: m( j" s这些被Callaway忽略。
4 Y. a8 U/ k, s- |  n/ [# N5 C- Y英国人常常忘记、而现代华人不易忘记,世界上很多人以为鸦片战争是中国人卖鸦片给5 T' U: u7 c& y
0 N) {. }; A" v教授)在香港开会时,发现她竟然也是这么认为。, F! P' \" r' ^" r3 J! [; Z
! i, b7 O! s" q2 j- K学牛顿和达尔文,英国赢得了世界的尊重。《自然》应该以这些伟大(且客观)的科学: X/ q. \6 W# O: Q$ J; i1 T
家建立的传统和声誉为自豪。他们其中有些曾在《自然》发表过论文,才有《自然》的6 ~6 S* B8 I$ s
  N7 W1 T/ y4 H英国人从来没因鸦片战争对我们道歉,即使在1997年离开香港时也未显示丝毫悔意。而
3 }5 g, k/ w& m2 D& |' c) J香港是英国在鸦片战争后强迫我们割让的土地。所以,记忆是犹新的,而不仅是1840年2 R! L& o1 t2 w& @9 ~
8 w- P$ V, ~1 i3 N  a/ _* C  F”(借用《自然》对叶报道的词汇)。
* n# _' |/ L% z8 }+ l* ~( V中国人受形象不佳的牵累。我们也知道我们还有很多感到羞耻的未解决的问题,包括舞/ i; K1 b! q/ F+ V* L) V
弊。越来越多的中国人能接受合理与平衡的批评,我们在伦敦奥运会为我们羽毛球的问* @' L8 ^! m- v" q7 V
题公开道歉就是证据。但我们对缺依据、有偏见的批评还很敏感。叶诗文不过是个16岁2 t7 a0 |( e2 V8 k
的年轻人,本该为自己职业生涯的成就而庆贺。当已知她通过了奥运会赛前、赛中多次1 s- i9 p2 q  F: I
测试,而毫无证据指责她的时候,却有很多媒体,特别是《自然》这样的刊物,的渲染0 W, Y! b: r2 R% \0 F$ t
而导致负面舆论多于正面,当然令人深感不平。0 u2 C1 Z8 g3 e! M8 `" K( M3 ~( `
$ a6 o0 D. Y: d
9 k9 B0 V$ o! b4 B  c1 N; j! j) H: J5 s" j+ `/ ?' V' s, P
北京大学生命科学学院 神经生物学教授 饶毅: v; O) Z& [4 e2 g: C) A7 L& J9 C

& g0 {$ ?8 m, Y8 h  l附件1 Wikipedia对叶诗文的总结
  V- c! A1 I2 X4 |5 v/ D附件2 伯克利加州大学王立明的email
: {* M6 D* W1 M, g5 ]1 H附件3 Lai Jiang在Callaway报道后的意见' k2 X  M( D, l# [8 m, v) p
附件 4 Zhenxi Zhang在Callaway报道后的意见
' x0 T+ [: t1 e8 k+ {8 ?* B$ V8 a. P3 N+ x5 H% \: C0 v' @
! \( [( W& l5 P# F  T

0 L4 v) r, c% r1 l原文(2012年8月4日1:57am发送)0 [1 U2 |6 [/ Q/ L
Dear Phil,
3 \. D# e. S6 Q5 _+ o       You might have been bombarded with emails about Ewen Callaway’s
9 C9 l, Y8 Q. Areport on the Chinese Olympic gold medalist Ye Shiwen. Over the last 20% @, N+ Q2 C- z& ^
hours, I have received emails from a small fraction of those who had emailed. P* d! v0 }& ^* ]4 x1 E' ]* _
you.5 l2 f; ]- Z5 U: n2 c" w
       If you wonder why a piece in a non-essential section of Nature have
/ I, i  \5 n4 P! z+ q, \* dbrought you so much response, you should be happy to know that Chinese
: t1 c3 t. P+ A' {* Lreaders place much more weight in Nature news reports than the rest of the
3 ~% ]0 J! c; c& _# P7 Yworld does. If an event is related to science (even tangentially) and Nature3 N- h/ Y4 T9 K8 U1 z
publishes a news report, many Chinese readers treat the Nature report more8 w* H& O+ S+ F
seriously than New York Times. Chinese news media also use Nature news5 ?0 [; ^0 {' y
pieces much more than the regular Western news media would.4 k# M/ F+ ~/ d9 M3 F
       The Callaway report was sloppy at the best and racially biased at the
6 C( B6 I7 n! C: z' s1 Cworst: 1) the original subtitle implied cheating on Ye’s part, setting a
! x" l/ l3 g! R  W1 n1 W- _$ vnegative tone for the report; 2) Callaway presented two facts to establish" B! a; L, n3 F, Q3 u' `
that Ye was strikingly anomalous, but both “facts” were wrong; 3) Callaway
# ]* Y( }, W: a3 ]- Adid not check with experts whose opinions did not supported the doping
* d: w8 N9 G' Oexplanation, and thus did not provide a balance report that is the minimal& e# H$ v4 R: L8 K1 j$ k
standard of fair reporting. Therefore, Callaway is at least irresponsible,( j# F' a3 h( L
and could have jumped too quickly to imply that Chinese athletes were prone
/ ?  x6 s! v, B# a9 l6 [to cheating. He has certainly not held onto the usual standard of news
3 d! x$ f) o7 {. Ireporting.1 G2 t" H, N0 \" p7 D( q; o2 N6 V
       I am glad that, while I was drafting this letter, Nature may have
) ^4 h% q. y( Zalready noticed the bias in the original subtitle and corrected it by
$ i# D( K; p; nchanging it from “Performance profiling could help to catch cheaters in
7 l+ b1 Z9 n5 t, g9 m0 R  Ysports” to “Performance profiling could help to dispel doubts”. A7 m. c! S. C( g! b
presumption of cheating has changed to doubts.
+ ]/ X0 r: _" h0 R; R       The Callaway report presented two “facts” which made Ye Shiwen seem
8 |! g/ A3 G. @" Cmore “anomalous” than she really was by stating: that she was 7 seconds
9 s, A# q3 [9 E  R8 ~faster than herself in the same event in July 2012, and that, in the last 50
  T2 l, V+ X# V5 s* t6 {, j5 Y0 Jmeters, she was faster than Ryan Lochte, the gold medalist of the same
; K" D. Z( G) u" devent for men, with the second fastest record.8 O' g3 _* X8 Z1 u
       The first “fact” was wrong, while the second was misleading. 1) Ye
) H0 Y+ ~. p2 W; x7 |1 Iwas only ~5 seconds faster than her own record in July, 2011, giving the 163 ?' i: S8 u+ y/ U& ]: s
year old a full year rather than less than 4 weeks to improve her own record9 b0 }2 A+ z" y% k& x
. 2) Ye was faster than Lochte only in the freestyle, not for the entire 4006 V2 K4 ]& d* U! A4 `5 O
meters. Lochte’s time was the second fastest for the entire 400 meters,
' a6 @2 w& j2 ]1 i8 ^for which Ye was not even close (she was more than 20 seconds slower than
, n, [% h% v( ]& i, cLochte in 400 meters). Ye was only at her best in freestyle and trailed
7 M+ [! q8 G0 f  \4 G9 h$ V' pbehind other women in the same event in the first 300 meters of the5 r& p- v  l; Q7 q, W  H7 Y
individual medley. While Lochte was the fastest in 400 meters, he was slower& v% d1 n+ s" L( {" ]1 J# @! _
than 5 or 6 men in the last 50 meters of freestyle. Ye was slower than
9 c, T8 v8 b% P5 b. A$ Vthose other men. Thus, Ye was only faster than Lochte in a style that was
8 w7 L1 S0 a2 ~7 A7 \" mher strength and his weakness. Had Callaway done a bit more home work, then
/ e' [7 x! c) j! o8 Z" o5 A3 }" Whe would have had a hard time to use these “facts” to highlight the “* U- E1 f/ e, e+ c, [
problem”. Had Callaway done double-checking, he would have found that other! O. N* a, @6 d1 L1 i
swimmers had significantly improved their own records when they were in the6 z1 H, U& k  O6 T1 _5 _
teens. Corrections of these facts would have changed the basis for the- y! p  f: c3 [  w4 ~0 W
Callaway report., q4 I5 b- i/ E9 @' w8 w8 T/ r
There are more facts that would have made the performance of Ye Shiwen more; L! j( Q- P/ ]
understandable to the general readership, which I will not go into details9 Z) s$ J  s4 A' j, t4 |; O! q
here. See Attachment 1 for an amazingly quick and well-balanced description3 x& @+ K' I% D1 R6 D" F* z7 O) [2 t$ q
of Ye’s performance by Wikipedia. Signed reports in Nature should have been
& e% ]7 R. K2 P5 ?" mbetter than Wikipedia. The contrast between the Callaway report and the
$ \  U# ~, u) q/ m' ]5 nWikipedia item shows that the reporter did not interview experts who had
1 Q: I6 u% p2 p# opublicly voiced different opinions.2 X: M8 U' g, d% V3 H$ D
You should have received an email from Dr.XXX, who obtained a PhD( ]1 w* {9 F# k1 Q2 _& I
from xxx after publishing first author papers in Nature and Nature$ K& k4 v4 S% c1 B6 I7 R6 a* [
Neuroscience. He was awarded a prestigious fellowship for an independent
1 V! k: f& b2 Apostdoc at xxx. In case his email has been buried among the hundreds
" W6 k5 U  O+ fyou have received, I am copying it here as Attachment 2. He had sent a copy6 C8 O8 _, L$ u. |/ f3 Y
of his email to me and asked me to look at the issue.% {, r- {1 V; u
There are many online posts below the Callaway report. Some students think
- N/ Q+ \) `3 A5 Z/ rthat a few very reasonable (and substantive) posts have been deleted. They+ w3 Q% v* d) ]0 f
have sent these to me and I am including one authored by Lai Jiang as
" V# Q% m' q* zAttachment 3 and another by Zhenxi Zhang as Attachment 4. You can see that
. q! o9 @+ J/ }3 D7 f, ]) Q8 pthe anger of students and more established scientists who read Nature was; {8 m9 M- J! z, p7 S! U
supported by facts neglected by Callaway.1 Z$ r" Q: d4 z
One point the British often forget, but the modern Chinese do not, is that
% |# g. C) _0 ^+ Q, b& _7 pmany in the world wrongly think that the Opium Wars occurred because the% r/ i5 S# r$ F& G! [" C
Chinese sold opium to the British. I had personally experienced this in June4 ^5 C- I* O( R/ O2 h, {
(2012) when a long time friend of mine at MIT thought that way while she
: J( E% i/ }' e2 j& fand I were in Hong Kong attending a meeting., t: v8 O! R, X( t. K
The British have a good international image, partly because of your science
$ V. X! W# F% T6 K# x! b8 i% Tand your scientists: when every middle school student has to know Newton and
( Q: T5 l: W3 O) d) JDarwin in textbooks, the entire Britain wins the respect of the world.9 ^6 @5 u1 z1 H$ _
Nature should be proud of the tradition and prestige built by the great (and
' z7 `: G) I3 Q; D2 L8 h8 z2 [( Xobjective) scientists, some of whom have published in Nature to make Nature; `6 e; r4 [* u
what it is today. Your prestige will be strengthened when you take steps to7 M2 A) [7 p) D
repair the damage caused by your news reporters.
; q1 R$ W6 w8 c7 u1 d# O+ kThe British have never apologized to us about the Opium Wars and did not
1 J6 o/ l+ @; ]9 @show slight remorse when leaving Hong Kong in 1997 which the British forced: d3 B7 @' x# I6 g( g$ r* F
us to cede after the British won the Opium Wars. So the memory is rather; i( S$ T# Y$ V' ^
fresh, not just lingering from the 1840s. If Nature refuses to admit that5 f7 p: W/ h4 J, n/ M
this report was not balanced, it will be difficult to “dispel doubts”  _$ w; C6 C9 F& k8 b" q' Z
about British supremacy.9 ~5 x4 m2 }! E4 M+ ?
The Chinese suffer from a poor image. We also know that we have many
& S0 \$ \/ X% e  x( h; _unsolved problems that we are ashamed of, including cheating. More and more
' q* D* ^/ p# ?, R1 IChinese are receptive to legitimate and balanced criticism, as evidenced by3 z9 u& @* u  H
our public apology for our faults at the badminton games during the London5 ]: Z( Q# j9 N+ U9 ]( C
Olympic. But we are sensitive to ill-founded criticism with apparent biases.- F: w+ ?7 P9 G" n
Ye Shiwen is only a 16 year old and should have enjoyed her moment of
- }6 ^/ f) ~" J( o2 \# x0 |, Tprofessional achievement. When she is known to have passed multiple tests
/ y( @" A2 b2 p! N6 t* L2 R: a" Y/ _before and during the London Olympic and there is no evidence to accuse her,
, u8 \& X$ T) M4 ait is certainly unjustified when the negative opinions were highly
$ l. U* [: m/ E, W' Zpublicized but the positive ones were not, especially in a journal like5 ^! r: D) u5 p6 I
Nature.6 L' A; s2 O3 J& L5 g! I& M
I hope that you will set record straight and publish opinions that balance+ n$ F1 B" \. o- o* r$ V# t6 O
the Callaway report.5 y9 z/ C. F7 R
6 u9 K  L- i5 g4 W! n; S5 ?
Yi" N& A) v$ B0 M7 j5 M4 w: c+ t
% L& x* I. f& g; m$ W1 D+ t
Yi Rao, Ph.D.
! {0 k9 f7 L+ w6 l! h8 `- v; ?  _Professor of Neurobiology, Peking University School of Life Sciences" T" T+ I) H2 _* M
Beijing, China) {$ D$ \( M! n. }8 Q. \1 v
鲜花(430) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-8-5 00:23 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-8-5 04:01 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(541) 鸡蛋(13)
发表于 2012-8-5 07:18 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
原文发表在哪里, Nature News?
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-8-5 19:54 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(6)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-6 20:16 | 显示全部楼层
FrankSoccer 发表于 2012-8-5 08:18
: O+ X0 [: ~  h& J: I原文发表在哪里, Nature News?
3 Z( G9 b" n" c8 X) I0 e
4 Q! P8 b- F9 _6 n
* }/ `( Y9 O4 i$ n0 ~: m小胜  http://2012.sina.com.cn/cn/aq/2012-08-07/054745942.shtml
鲜花(541) 鸡蛋(13)
发表于 2012-8-6 20:23 | 显示全部楼层
bigsnail 发表于 2012-8-6 21:16 , L' T$ c- M4 n$ o) ?* m
原文是公开信。: U- }5 o! @& T& {, A+ I/ Q" ]4 Y2 S" z
$ |  M' i% V% `: U4 A' w
小胜  http://2012.sina.com.cn/cn/aq/2012-08-07/054745942.shtml
- K# E9 T+ n" m! q# ?0 s3 j
鲜花(125) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-8-7 08:01 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(6)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:55 | 显示全部楼层
其实比饶毅更牛的回复是 Upenn 的 LAI JIANG; \$ ]& H9 A, w% i5 ]
5 x: n0 [4 w% r
6 V2 z$ ?4 |* }! O3 N+ p; u: n% m$ \http://www.sas.upenn.edu/rappegroup/htdocs/People/LJ.html
+ L( R9 X6 X7 m, X2 y% A2 m+ ]
- ^6 W# t; T6 G5 [FROM LAI JIANG, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania; f: h- c! r- y2 `2 O" R& j6 t3 i
5 T/ [  q$ l# g% K$ k# _/ [
It is a shame to see Nature — which nearly all scientists, including myself
% X: ~5 `) P# u( ], regard as one of the most prestigious and influential physical-science
5 e8 V- r1 y$ e  X2 N( ^* [magazines — publish a thinly veiled biased article like this. Granted, this- f. j/ p, x5 n4 v
is not a peer-reviewed scientific article and did not go through the. Y( w; i4 D# Z1 a3 C$ q; J
scrutiny of picking referees. But to serve as a channel for the general* W6 r- j0 b  M7 |5 p8 A
populace to be in touch with and appreciate science, the authors and editors
  }2 Y4 U8 C) Rshould at least present the readers with facts within the proper context,( I) V: `1 d# u- c
which they blatantly failed to do.
, \* O' b8 s, M% }5 l0 A% e
9 V9 |# l9 ^# y- q6 kFirst, to identify Ye’s performance increase, Ewen Callaway compared her
% F* _5 ]8 o2 Y0 c# ?' k' fOlympic 400-metre IM time with her performance at the World Championships in
. i, I) d: Z( }1 R8 q6 j2011 (4:28.43 and 4:35.15, respectively) and concluded that she had an “
7 ]3 d- Y" g; Y  ]anomalous” improvement of around 7 seconds (6.72 s). In fact, her previous7 n7 |  o1 W. f6 I
personal best was 4:33.79 at the Asian Games in 2010. This leads to an( }; s2 ?" J8 Z( B+ r5 X; n0 c" v0 d
improvement of 5.38 seconds. In a sporting event in which 0.1 s can be the. c8 n3 q3 k! |8 ~: |; z' h4 F5 X
difference between the gold and silver medal, I see no reason for 5.38 s to
% X8 Y5 {+ ]( m/ Y5 X7 |be treated as 7 s.) \3 @- j: G, E; g( v0 ]+ c
0 O" j; \' ]9 m& h: s; p2 \( G2 W
Second, as previously pointed out, Ye is only 16 years old and her body is: f: J  |: e; O! Q( k5 s
still developing. Bettering oneself by 5 seconds over two years may seem/ ~7 [2 C+ P% q" b, C2 }8 N
impossible for an adult swimmer, but it certainly happens among youngsters.# L4 ?3 z& r. m1 g: ~
An interview with Australian gold medallist Ian Thorpe revealed that his 400
' L4 |0 ?2 e4 q- S; p& V-metre freestyle time improved by 5 seconds between the ages of 15 and 16.2 z# @# B) h9 `. C- A1 @; v8 ~
For regular people, including Callaway, it may be hard to imagine what an- B% G! i, A" N( V
elite swimmer can achieve as he or she matures and undergoes scientific and9 p8 C; a' H/ s8 a6 e9 m) Z
persistent training. But jumping to the conclusion that it is “anomalous”
* t$ R- `7 g; n6 X3 g$ [based on ‘Oh that’s so tough I cannot imagine it is real’ is hardly sound.
7 F/ {. @+ M9 Q8 y& w$ p& I1 o- L5 P8 a
Third, to compare Ryan Lochte’s last 50 metres to Ye’s is a textbook5 e9 J  H3 j3 A/ O
example of ‘cherry-picking’ your data. Yes, Lochte was slower than Ye in
2 i8 n2 ?$ |2 P1 u5 `5 Ythe last 50 metres, but Lochte had a huge lead in the first 300 metres, so
, S( u. S* q. W1 V) Ehe chose not to push himself too hard and to conserve his energy for later
9 s& x( K; V0 ?+ l( zevents (whether this conforms to the Olympic spirit and the ‘use one’s
: E+ a+ X0 l9 M2 Z) [" t0 E$ Hbest efforts to win a match’ requirement that the Badminton World
- g! s' O1 z6 ^# o2 T% KFederation recently invoked to disqualify four badminton pairs is another/ T- g( L4 W/ V* D# b  X
topic worth discussing, though probably not in Nature). Ye, on the other2 m4 k! P8 U/ ^2 ?
hand, was trailing behind after the first 300 metres and relied on freestyle
* f: E: _2 b6 D- u, s, in which she has an edge, to win the race. Failing to mention this
0 F" B6 M- r# D% tstrategic difference, as well as the fact that Lochte is 23.25 seconds7 Z% E8 Y1 \2 o# \: Y  X* ]
faster (4:05.18) than Ye overall, creates the illusion that a woman swam+ h% a& G* U$ F7 d6 `
faster than the best man in the same sport, which sounds impossible. Putting
. w! a& t! f! H. [: C. Laside the gender argument, I believe this is still a leading question that
+ N3 b8 F/ C- W* Z  v9 u4 ?implies to the reader that there is something fishy going on.4 T1 L7 r6 v5 _7 `+ ]5 M

- }! T7 O6 y& R. ], SFourth is another example of cherry-picking. In the same event, there are6 |  _5 W( G$ g2 T9 p( h
four male swimmers who swam faster than both Lochter (29.10 s) and Ye (28.93
* @. D/ [# M/ A! Z7 ], A) ?9 [s) in the final 50 metres: Kosuke Hagino (28.52 s), Michael Phelps (28.44 s6 H$ O7 Y. x* d5 U  t
), Yuya Horihata (27.87 s) and Thomas Fraser-Holmes (28.35 s). As it turns
! ~0 E) D/ w5 h% Tout, if we are just talking about the last 50 metres in a 400-metre IM,
$ T* X% y, D% a, r, w! G! LLochter is not the example I would have used if I were the author. What kind
6 w& [) L: z7 E( Q7 E9 yof scientific rigorousness is Callaway trying to demonstrate here? Is it
0 X" L; s# T$ z3 vlogical that if Lochter is the champion, we should assume that he leads in
" E0 ?+ @! t" p/ s6 Jevery split? That would be a terrible way to teach the public how science' {1 j5 Q7 V  i$ A  I1 H
* e( o8 Y' e- Q! d6 @8 f2 q- {+ \$ e# |  r
Fifth is the issue I oppose the most. Callaway quotes Ross Tucker and- w  L9 l( n& i+ C% M' S
implies that a drug test cannot rule out the possibility of doping. Is this" E6 Q$ X. }: ]6 D" T. A) j' S5 [# e
kind of agnosticism what Nature really wants to teach its readers? By that, z7 B" x  R( S" g; o
standard, I estimate that at least half of the peer-reviewed scientific
2 |% ~) H. A! \/ Kpapers in Nature should be retracted. How can one convince the editors and6 _! o( a7 P# K: n4 f& g& }& T
reviewers that their proposed theory works for every possible case? One3 `% F; N2 F4 y) `, h# H' T' G
cannot. One chooses to apply the theory to typical examples and to
5 o  R( }2 a; ~0 jdemonstrate that in (hopefully) all scenarios considered, the theory works
# F3 o% r! N( g/ hto a degree, and that that should warrant publication until a counterexample
+ ^8 n" L3 a7 b- kis found. I could imagine that Callaway has a sceptical mind, which is, H9 N5 W& E4 I( ]& m% p
crucial to scientific thinking, but that would be put to better use if he
6 ?8 }* w3 a# v& ^) w5 Ywrote a peer-reviewed paper that discussed the odds of Ye doping on a highly8 I2 U' m# H% J/ M
advanced, non-detectable drug that the Chinese have come up with in the9 g7 ?- u( H) ^$ {$ U& |1 R
past 4 years (they obviously did not have it in Beijing, otherwise why not- z6 `% I6 \6 c9 J/ q
use it and woo the audience at home?), based on data and rational derivation
* K1 P/ k, {' j0 j! L. This article, however, can be interpreted as saying that all athletes are
; G) A4 H4 N& X& S/ j# E1 Adoping and the authorities are just not good enough to catch them. That may
! L& P' n# \  l/ n" n: ?. t; y3 ube true, logically, but definitely will not make the case if there is ever a
+ P; F, K$ l' V. whearing by the governing body for water sports, FINA, to determine if Ye1 X. f' k# g: A0 g
has doped. To ask whether it is possible to obtain a false negative in a3 y/ [( Q+ X7 u! m, C: f7 ]7 V
drug test looks like a rigged question to me. Of course it is possible:3 _3 [' L( u2 M0 n
other than the athlete taking a drug that the test is not designed to detect4 V6 l$ y8 Y2 S! h+ A; K
, anyone who has taken quantum 101 will tell you that everything is1 ?. j9 p: y1 h7 b% Q
probabilistic in nature, and so there is a probability that the drug in an0 T, f* d# ^! O. O8 o
athlete’s system could tunnel out right at the moment of the test. A slight! R) b4 f. m2 Y0 f! w8 J& k, Y: n
chance it may be, but should we disregard all test results because of it?
  C& S; ^8 f2 j& NLet’s be practical and reasonable, and accept that the World Anti-Doping( K" @" x4 n8 B1 n) L( M4 C3 z) V0 t
agency (WADA) is competent at its job. Ye’s urine sample will be stored for4 u) I9 W" l* l/ x* [% y6 M
eight years after the contest for future testing as technology advances.
1 A( T" `2 L" N( aInnocent until proven guilty, shouldn’t it be?
: r4 T4 H' y# b5 f' T, g5 }7 g- v9 R( |
Sixth, and the last point I would like to make, is that the out-of-% S- j7 [, z# L" _- E) [
competition drug test is already in effect, which Callaway failed to mention4 \4 b8 h+ H% }# a" W
. As noted in the president of WADA’s press release, drug testing for: B. T. V* _; @$ V8 s
Olympians began at least six months before the opening of the London# D5 ^% R- \6 `5 S) ?* g, S
Olympics. Furthermore, 107 athletes have been banned from this Olympics for
5 `% X1 X+ }" d/ Q5 {. u* Bdoping. That may be the reason that “everyone will pass at the Olympic: a! Q8 h# Q7 o8 V& ]
games. Hardly anyone fails in competition testing” —  those who did dope
9 Q: j+ f9 d' l: G6 @( x+ P: mhave already been caught and sanctioned. Callaway is free to suggest that a
; K' T; ?8 p- v; B1 S" m  gplayer could have doped beforehand and fooled the test at the game, but this
; l9 c2 J* Q+ i6 ~possibility is certainly ruled out for Ye.& z7 H& Y, E9 `- G+ ?
( T' r4 E* D& K: |1 O
Over all, even though Callaway did not falsify any data, he did (6 Y/ }! m. |8 [0 @9 X9 u' N' l8 f( q
intentionally or not) cherry-pick data that, in my view, are far too
; p7 }1 m* |9 w$ }  T2 ksuggestive to be fair and unbiased. If you want to cover a story of a
6 Q3 x2 N; R, s4 a! j4 Y* [suspected doping from a scientific point of view, be impartial and provide$ m& i5 b5 s1 x# Q
all the facts for the reader to judge. You are entitled to your
- }  H/ u: G- T: yinterpretation of the facts, and the expression thereof in your piece,, S6 s; L. v- X3 F8 k
explicitly or otherwise, but showing only evidence that favours your
- o/ B8 L0 Z4 ?: R( bargument is hardly good science or journalism. Such an article in a journal1 d+ r9 \' n3 U$ T8 s9 y& b' s
such as Nature is not an appropriate example of how scientific research or  f& X# G7 Q) e- x# W# e5 F2 w' T
reporting should be done.
鲜花(79) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-8-14 08:37 | 显示全部楼层
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