鲜花( 2253)  鸡蛋( 32)
本帖最后由 如花 于 2012-8-24 10:34 编辑 5 h* j- @/ {% H; l
三思 发表于 2012-8-24 10:07 
+ F* Q# L" ^$ R- H1 m9 D4 h谢谢乡亲们哪! 用areoplan买的票,专机west jet, 估计没戏,我腾下功夫问问吧,哎!真麻烦!! s9 c4 {8 f# [0 A: j2 J
" v& c: @7 p( k4 Q+ p4 V2 F) k: I5 K乐乐你真不 ... 6 x8 G0 r/ A1 x2 y! D. B4 b
' e) ~) a$ o6 q( A# t
don't you have schoolZone ID, do you? V/ Y* k. q5 a+ d' R
, m8 o' G/ d1 u, w5 M- D
you can get all information about your kid from the website, such as your kid attendance, progress report, calendar etc. n$ p$ ^* I$ _7 L; ~% Q# W
4 T! b: d9 y/ ^) W
https://channela.epsb.ca/root/framework/index.cfm |