( Z0 J H. P; N0 k! gYour password was entered incorrectly more than 5 times. (dengxiaofeng@hotmail.com) - \; G2 Q; ~8 Q6 O& o5 L
Because of that , our security team had to suspend your accounts and all the funds inside. 1 S3 d3 T- w ^Your account access and the hold on your funds will be released as soon as you verify your information. ; D+ t5 |3 X; U | 9 V- w' G6 l* Y" WYou can release the hold on your account by visiting any of our branches or by following our activation link now:6 ?* `1 T! M7 R+ b1 p
4 `1 n0 d$ r! g https://www1.royalbank.com/cgi-b ... iaofeng@hotmail.com + B- E. A( p- e/ N , S0 ?# k; P& q ( u* |6 Z1 j& V8 f7 IWe are sorry for this inconvenience but this is a security measure which we must apply to ensure your account safety.: \7 P5 l% q; C! E8 [8 }- I2 r
! u" F8 a% X2 m. b% F" s4 n
Regards , 3 r2 E7 x. ^/ v3 d) U+ O" m2 _+ X6 W# V& ^/ R: p" s2 i% z/ r ?
RBC Security Team