, ~1 \/ }( h" w6 V6 ~2 g* EThanks. $ C# L2 N# n6 E9 @, b
9 Y0 @* v3 K7 m5 s
The intention was to get kids into sports, to enjoy team playing, and to spend less time watching TV and/or playing games.; ]7 Q3 \( s5 p% j( H5 x
( d" g! B$ F$ q. |# wOnly problem is that I can not go there often as I have to be with another group of kids.
sweetlele 发表于 2012-10-30 13:21 0 K! I2 V" N- O, e" W. E居然人不够啊... 9 ? k, r5 X- |! ?& Z3 O- ^1 J6 t3 P
7 F! E! z4 o* H: q& m% q6 P1 n5 V( @2 d! t% G
5 did not show up and a couple moved to 9-11, we only have 10~ kids there regularly. Short of money is a problem. Kids get tired fast too.